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The Samsung Origen (http://www.origenboard.org/) is one of the low-cost ARM development boards. The platform is powered by a dual Cortex A9 and supports a large range of devices on boards (2x SD card, LCD & HDMI connectors, USB 2.0, etc).
Tested on the revisions:
- EDK2: 13012 (14/02/2012)
- SamsungPlatformPkg: commit: ed456b2d64f3 (22/11/2011)
1. The EDK2 Samsung repository is currently located in a third-party repository. To get the sources:
svn co https://edk2.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/edk2/trunk/edk2 edk2 --username guest cd $(WORKROOT)/edk2 svn co https://edk2-fatdriver2.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/edk2-fatdriver2/trunk/FatPkg FatPkg --username guest git clone git://github.com/girishks/Origen-EDK-II-Package.git mv Origen-EDK-II-Package/SamsungPlatformPkg .
2. Apply the latest patches:
patch -p1 < 0001-SamsungPlatformPkg-ExynosPkg-Do-not-initialize-the-T.patch patch -p1 < 0002-SamsungPlatformPkg-TimerDxe-Do-not-overwrite-Timers-.patch patch -p1 < 0003-SamsungPlatformPkg-ExynosPkg-Fixed-UART-Rx-Ready-Fla.patch patch -p1 < 0004-SamsungPlatformPkg-OrigenBoardPkg-Update-Linux-infor.patch patch -p1 < 0005-SamsungPlatformPkg-OrigenBoardPkg-Removed-deprecated.patch patch -p1 < 0006-SamsungPlatformPkg-SmdkBoardPkg-Removed-memory-initi.patch patch -p1 < 0007-SamsungPlatformPkg-SmdkBoardLib-Fixed-GCC-build-issu.patch
3. Add support for one of the supported toolchains. See ArmPkg-Toolchain
4. Build EDK2:
. edksetup.sh make -C BaseTools build -a ARM -p SamsungPlatformPkg/OrigenBoardPkg/OrigenBoardPkg-Exynos.dsc -t ARMLINUXGCC -b DEBUG
5. Get the Linaro Linux distribution:
- Go on the Samsung Origen Linaro webpage: http://releases.linaro.org/12.01/ubuntu/leb-origen/. Download the Origen HwPack: hwpack_linaro-leb-origen_20120123-1_armel_supported.tar.gz
- Download the minimal Linaro File System: http://releases.linaro.org/12.01/ubuntu/oneiric-images/nano/linaro-o-nano-tar-20120123-1.tar.gz
- Getting from Linaro website:
wget http://launchpad.net/linaro-image-tools/trunk/0.4.8/+download/linaro-image-tools-0.4.8.tar.gz tar xzf linaro-image-tools-0.4.8.tar.gz cd $(WORKROOT)/linaro-image-tools-0.4.8/ sudo apt-get install parted dosfstools uboot-mkimage python-argparse python-dbus python-debian python-parted qemu-arm-static btrfs-tools command-not-foundAdd linaro-media-create path to the PATH environment variable
- Getting from the Ubuntu package:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linaro-maintainers/tools sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install linaro-image-tools
7. Create the SD card. Replace the '/dev/sdX' with the device node mapped to your MMC/SC card.
sudo linaro-media-create --mmc /dev/sdX --dev origen --binary linaro-o-nano-tar-20120123-1.tar.gz --hwpack hwpack_linaro-leb-origen_20120123-1_armel_supported.tar.gz
8. Replace u-boot by the EDK2 firmware you created in step 4:
sudo dd if=Build/OrigenBoard-Exynos/DEBUG_ARMLINUXGCC/FV/ORIGENBOARD_EFI.fd of=/dev/sdb bs=512 seek=65See this page https://wiki.linaro.org/Boards/Origen/Setup for more information about the command.
9. Insert the newly created SD card into the Origen SD card slot and power up the platform.
UEFI firmware built at 19:29:37 on Feb 20 2012 Timer 2,3 Configured UEFI firmware built at 19:29:38 on Feb 20 2012 add-symbol-file /home/olivier/tianocore/Build/OrigenBoard-Exynos/DEBUG_ARMLINUXGCC/ARM/MdeModulePkg/Core/Dxe/DxeMain/DEBUG/DxeCore.dll 0x4FD39240 Loading DxeCore at 0x004FD39000 EntryPoint=0x004FD39241 add-symbol-file /home/olivier/tianocore/Build/OrigenBoard-Exynos/DEBUG_ARMLINUXGCC/ARM/MdeModulePkg/Core/Dxe/DxeMain/DEBUG/DxeCore.dll 0x4FD39004 HOBLIST address in DXE = 0x4FD21590 Memory Allocation 0x00000004 0x4FF9C000 - 0x4FFEBFFF Memory Allocation 0x00000004 0x4FF94000 - 0x4FF9BFFF Memory Allocation 0x00000004 0x4FFEC000 - 0x4FFFFFFF Memory Allocation 0x00000004 0x4FF84000 - 0x4FF93FFF (...) add-symbol-file /home/olivier/tianocore/Build/OrigenBoard-Exynos/DEBUG_ARMLINUXGCC/ARM/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Disk/UnicodeCollation/EnglishDxe/EnglishDxe/DEBUG/EnglishDxe.dll 0x4F8B3240 Loading driver at 0x0004F8B3000 EntryPoint=0x0004F8B3261 EnglishDxe.efi The default boot selection will start in 8 seconds [1] SD-MMC Booting - VenHw(B615F1F5-5088-43CD-809C-A16E52487D00)/HD(2,MBR,0x0009C1D9,0x2000,0x1A000)/uImage - Initrd: VenHw(B615F1F5-5088-43CD-809C-A16E52487D00)/HD(2,MBR,0x0009C1D9,0x2000,0x1A000)/uInitrd - Arguments: console=ttySAC2,115200n8 root=UUID=73ce15fe-4c31-47e5-b537-9759497e9615 rootwait ro - LoaderType: 1 [2] EBL [3] Boot Manager Start: