Releases: Legion2/CorsairLightingProtocol
Version 0.8.0
better Arduino IDE support using the CLP Boards #57
added a step by step guide #62
added support for LS100 #65
added scaleSegments and reverse functions
added methods to access DeviceID
made it possible to set Serial Number from code
added reset function to LEDController #45
generate api doc with doxygen
Version 0.7.0
fixed buffer overflows
made the ledCount a per channel runtime argument
added onUpdateHook to FastLEDController
added scale and repeat functions
CorsairLightingProtocol.h is now the central include file
improved documentation
Version 0.6.2
fixed initialisation order bug on Arduino Uno and Mega
Version 0.6.1
validate the data loaded from EEPROM #44
added validation of internal data
fixed integer overflow
Version 0.6.0
added DebugSketch
updated firmware versions
updated port type definition
Version 0.5.0
added support for Arduino Uno, Mega #9
refactored code structure (BREAKING CHANGES)
Version 0.4.0
added support for Commander PRO #20
updated firmware versions
Version 0.3.0
release 0.3.0 fixed buffer overflows added tool for DeviceId settings added LightingNodePRO example
Version 0.2.0
release 0.2.0 added use of EEPROM implemented all hardware playback modes breaking changes in the api
Version 0.1.0
v0.1.0 improved example to simplify the data pin setup