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Generate a Guid

Léo Peyronnet edited this page Jun 5, 2021 · 5 revisions

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To generate a password using LeoCorpLibrary, you must include this line of code on top of your code file:


using LeoCorpLibrary;


Imports LeoCorpLibrary


a. Generate

This function is available in version 2.2 and higher.

Framework LeoCorpLibrary LeoCorpLibrary.Core
.NET 5
.NET Core 3.1
.NET Framework 4.7.2
.NET Framework 4.5

The Generate() method allows you to generate a Guid. It returns a string value.

It's in:


It has in total 5 variation.


This function is available in version 2.2 and higher.

Framework LeoCorpLibrary LeoCorpLibrary.Core
.NET 5
.NET Core 3.1
.NET Framework 4.7.2
.NET Framework 4.5

This first variation doesn't take any argument, it returns a string of the generated Guid.

Here's an example of usage:


string guid = GuidGenerator.Generate();


Dim guid As String = GuidGenerator.Generate()

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This function is available in version 2.2 and higher.

Framework LeoCorpLibrary LeoCorpLibrary.Core
.NET 5
.NET Core 3.1
.NET Framework 4.7.2
.NET Framework 4.5

Generates a Guid of a specific length. Returns a string value.

GuidGenerator(int length) {...}
Value Argument Description
int length Lenght of the Guid to generate

The length value must be higher than 0 and lower or equal to 32. If not, a InvalidGuidLenghtException will be thrown.

Here's an example of usage:


string guid = GuidGenerator.Generate(20);


Dim guid As String = GuidGenerator.Generate(20)

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This function is available in version 2.2 and higher.

Framework LeoCorpLibrary LeoCorpLibrary.Core
.NET 5
.NET Core 3.1
.NET Framework 4.7.2
.NET Framework 4.5

Generate a Guid from a string. Returns a string value.

GuidGenerator(string fromString) {...}
Value Argument Description
string fromString String that will generate the Guid from

If fromString is null or empty, the ArgumentNullException will be thrown.

Here's an example of usage:


string guid = GuidGenerator.Generate("blabla");


Dim guid As String = GuidGenerator.Generate("blabla")

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This function is available in version 2.2 and higher.

Framework LeoCorpLibrary LeoCorpLibrary.Core
.NET 5
.NET Core 3.1
.NET Framework 4.7.2
.NET Framework 4.5

Generates a Guid from specified GuidGeneratorParameters. Returns a string value.

GuidGenerator(GuidGeneratorParameters guidGeneratorParameters) {...}
Value Argument Description
GuidGeneratorParameters guidGeneratorParameters Parameters that will impact the generated Guid

The GuidGeneratorParameters.Lenght value must be higher than 0 and lower or equal to 32. If not, a InvalidGuidLenghtException will be thrown.

Here's an example of usage:


string guid = GuidGenerator.Generate(new GuidGeneratorParameters 
    WithHyphens = true,
    WithBraces = true


Dim guidParams As New GuidGeneratorParameters()

guidParams.WithHyphens = True
guidParams.WithBraces = True

Dim guid As String = GuidGenerator.Generate(guidParams)

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Generate(fromString, guidGeneratorParameters)

This function is available in version 2.2 and higher.

Framework LeoCorpLibrary LeoCorpLibrary.Core
.NET 5
.NET Core 3.1
.NET Framework 4.7.2
.NET Framework 4.5

Generates a Guid from specified GuidGeneratorParameters and a specified string. Returns a string value.

GuidGenerator(string fromString, GuidGeneratorParameters guidGeneratorParameters) {...}
Value Argument Description
string fromString String that will generate the Guid from
GuidGeneratorParameters guidGeneratorParameters Parameters that will impact the generated Guid

The GuidGeneratorParameters.Lenght value must be higher than 0 and lower or equal to 32. If not, a InvalidGuidLenghtException will be thrown. If fromString is null or empty, the ArgumentNullException will be thrown.

Here's an example of usage:


string guid = GuidGenerator.Generate("blabla", new GuidGeneratorParameters 
    WithHyphens = true,
    WithBraces = true


Dim guidParams As New GuidGeneratorParameters()

guidParams.WithHyphens = True
guidParams.WithBraces = True

Dim guid As String = GuidGenerator.Generate("blabla", guidParams)

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