Releases: Leopard20/All-In-One-Command-Menu
All-in-one Command Menu (Deluxe) - v1.0.4-Beta
- You can now select menu items using both Numeric and Numpad keys. The option is available in CBA Settings.
- Custom Menus now use the same buttons as the ones defined in your controls.
- Fixed a loophole which caused the helicopters to fly with engine off.
All-in-one Command Menu (Deluxe) - v1.0.3-Beta
- Rearming: items would be removed from the ammobox, etc. but not added to the unit's inventory. Now the script checks to make sure there's enough room in the inventory.
- Zeus: make force-activating addons optional. Previously I force-activated all addons in a mission which slowed down mission load times. (99% of missions don't need this though) I suspect it might not be needed at all.
All-in-one Command Menu (Deluxe) - v1.0.2-Beta
- Super Pilot: Make sure flight height is not zero when switching to cruise/loiter mode + fixed vanilla AI preventing the super pilots from taking off (they forced the engine off!) + misc bug fixes
- High Command: Fixed Create HC Group not working after the last change to the Create Support Groups option
- Mod icon: Fixed transparent background made texts illegible (replaced with white)
All-in-one Command Menu (Deluxe) - v1.0.1-Beta
- You can now add Support Groups directly from other squads! Note that there's no backup feature for this one!
- Added group icons to high command lists
- Fixed several bugs in the High Command menu
All-in-one Command Menu (Deluxe) - v1.0-Beta-Hotfix
- Fixed a typo which caused the Create Support Groups function to throw errors
All-in-one Command Menu (Deluxe) - v1.0-Beta
New Features:
Completely new design, with colorful icons to better recognize commands. Icons are also shown for vehicles, weapons, etc.
Many code optimizations here and there to improve the performance
(Optional) Reorganized vanilla command menus + added icons and colors. Remove the keybinding in CBA Controls panel to disable them.
New driver mode! Drive all land/sea vehicles directly with an AI behind the wheels!
New pilot mode (for helis)! A custom flight script which enables you to fly helicopters directly for the ultimate gunner/FFV experience! Includes new pilot (called "super pilot") + loitering (including loitering UI) + cruising (including cruise UI) + landing + sling-loading
New Waypoint UI
Tasking system; New commands do not override each other but rather are added to the unit's 'tasks' (think of it as 3D waypoint assignment). Check the waypoint UI to see all tasks (tasks: GREEN, waypoints: BLUE). Most functions have been rewritten to support the new tasking system.
Planting explosives, with categorized explosive list (e.g. Explosive charges, AT Mines, Trip Wires, etc) + three fuse options for explosive charges (Auto, Manual, Timer)
Overhauled medical system with revive, drag, carry, etc. actions + full support for ACE medical (basic)
Overhauled rearm: Rearm everything! Also added class-based rearming (e.g. AT soldiers take AT Launchers, Engineers take Toolkit, Demo Specialists take explosives and Mine Detector, etc.)
New landing modes
Essential cheats menu
Auto-medic (optional)
The mod is no longer initialized in the main menu. (actually, many mods have this issue but the authors don't know/care about it. This can improve the launch time of the game a little bit)
The mod can probably run without CBA now (but you still need CBA to customize the mod). Didn't test it. I added this change after noticing some compatibility issues between CBA and the Contact DLC.
Unstick: The mod does its best not to throw units out of buildings when unsticking them! Also, vehicles are now placed on top of objects (e.g. roofs, etc.) where possible. Also, you can now unflip vehicles by pointing at them (without any units selected)
Mount: Units now move towards the vehicles before mounting them.
Take Cover: Units now take cover behind objects (i.e. away from enemy); if there is no enemy, they assume the player is pointing at one.
Medical (and some other functions): Medics/units can now move withing the 'bounding box' of objects (invisible barrier around objects which AI can't move into!).
Assemble: The mod automatically detects the weapon backpacks now! You can simply select all units! Also, you can assemble the backpacks if they're already on the ground! Also, the weapon is now assembled where you wanted it to (if possible) and exactly towards the direction you wanted
Disassemble: Units now take the correct backpack; for example, if there are many backpacks close to each other, they know which one was from the disassembled weapon!
Support groups: For helicopter supports (CAS and Transport), a helipad is added at the helicopter's position so it can land there again.
Prettier, Better and faster map selection (e.g. for mount, resupply, disassemble, etc.)
Improved the Taxi script using a recursive path generation function instead of the old trial and error method. The overall system is still buggy though and I need to rewrite it completely.
Fixed a bug in Zeus which caused the mod to throw errors in the main menu
Fixed multiple compatibility issues with C2 Beta.
Removed all unused event handlers to improve performance.
Many, many more bug fixes for the many functions that have been rewritten.
All-In-One Command Menu v1.3.0
- Fixed mod not launching properly for some users (due to some issue in CBA).
- Refresh (set R.O.E): Button not removing the "Fire on my lead" event handler.
- Take cover: Unit switching to auto stance for no reason.
- Auto-target: Sometimes auto-targeting was re-enabled without user prompt!
- Medic healing: Medic was ordered to Fire on player's lead but opened fire as soon as he started healing!
- Take Weapon: Revised code. Now it's 10 times faster.
- Add HC group to player: Sort HC groups by distance form the leader.
- Slingloading: Using onEachFrame instead of While (scheduled to unscheduled). Helicopter rotation is now fluent (relatively speaking!) even at low FPS.
- Plane Landing: Instead of removing the plane fuel, the pilot's movement is disabled (until he's given new orders)
- Fire on my Lead: When player opens fire, unit's auto-targeting is enabled again (if it was disabled before) so that he can actually fire.
- Refresh (set R.O.E): You can now refresh individual units instead of entire group (e.g to remove Fire on my Lead for only some units)
All-In-One Command Menu v1.2.5
- Fixed a minor teleporting bug in the unstuck script (player could be teleported to the roof!)
All-In-One Command Menu v1.2.4
- Switching to Launchers (doesn't work - unit switches back to rifle - if unit's target in not a vehicle )
- Reload (same place as Switch Weapon menu)
- Improved unstuck: Player is "unstuck" to the top of carriers + units are unstuck at their own position rather than around the player + added unflipping vehicles + misc improvements.
- Switching to rifle and pistol now works unconditionally (even if the unit's engaging)
- Fixed the "Fired" EH not removing properly.
All-In-One Command Menu v1.2.3
- Fixed some remaining bugs in the healing function (player stopping, etc)
- The hint shown during Monitoring becomes hidden when Monitoring mode is disabled to avoid confusion.