Source code can be found here:
This helm chart installs Midaz, a high-performance and open-source ledger.
The default installation is similar to the one provided in the Midaz repo.
To install Midaz using Helm, run the following command:
$ helm install midaz oci:// --version 1.48.0 -n midaz --create-namespace
This will create a new namespace called midaz if it doesn't already exist and deploy the Midaz Helm chart.
After installation, you can verify that the release was successful by listing the Helm releases in the midaz namespace:
$ helm list -n midaz
The Midaz Helm Chart optionally supports different Ingress Controllers for exposing services when necessary. It is possible to enable Ingress for the following services: Transaction, Onboarding and Console. Below are the configurations for commonly used controllers.
- Note: Before configuring Ingress, ensure that you have an Ingress Controller installed in your cluster. The Ingress Controller is responsible for managing external access to the services. Examples of popular Ingress Controllers include NGINX, AWS ALB, and Traefik.
To use the NGINX Ingress Controller, configure the values.yaml
as follows:
enabled: true
className: "nginx"
// The `annotations` field is used to add custom metadata to the Nginx resource.
// Annotations are key-value pairs that can be used to attach arbitrary non-identifying metadata to objects.
// These annotations can be used by various tools and libraries to augment the behavior of the Nginx resource.
// See more
annotations: {}
- host:
- path: /
pathType: Prefix
- secretName: midaz-tls # Ensure this secret exists or is managed by cert-manager
For AWS ALB Ingress Controller, use the following configuration:
enabled: true
className: "alb"
annotations: internal # Use "internet-facing" for public ALB ip # Use "instance" if targeting EC2 instances "midaz" # Group ALB resources under this name "/healthz" # Health check path '[{"HTTP": 80}, {"HTTPS": 443}]' # Listen on HTTP and HTTPS
- host:
- path: /
pathType: Prefix
tls: [] # TLS is managed by the ALB using ACM certificates
For Traefik, configure the values.yaml
as follows:
enabled: true
className: "traefik"
annotations: "web, websecure" # Entrypoints defined in Traefik "true" # Enable TLS for this route
- host:
- path: /
pathType: Prefix
- secretName: midaz-tls # Ensure this secret exists and contains the TLS certificate
The Midaz system runs on four distinct layers that work together, distributed in segregated workloads:
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
---|---|---| |
Resource name. | "onboarding" |
onboarding.replicaCount |
Number of replicas. | 2 |
onboarding.image.repository |
Docker image repository for onboarding. | "lerianstudio/midaz-onboarding" |
onboarding.image.pullPolicy |
Docker image pull policy. | "IfNotPresent" |
onboarding.image.tag |
Docker image tag. Overrides the chart appVersion. | "1.46.0" |
onboarding.imagePullSecrets |
Secrets for pulling images from private registries. | [] |
onboarding.nameOverride |
Overrides the name of the release. | "" |
onboarding.fullnameOverride |
Overrides the full name of the release. | "" |
onboarding.podAnnotations |
Annotations for the pods. | [] |
onboarding.podSecurityContext |
Security context applied at the pod level. | {} |
onboarding.securityContext |
Security context applied at the container level. | {} |
onboarding.service.type |
Service type. | "ClusterIP" |
onboarding.service.port |
Service port. | 3000 |
onboarding.service.grpcPort |
gRPC service port. | 3001 |
onboarding.ingress.enabled |
Specifies whether Ingress is enabled. | false |
onboarding.ingress.className |
Ingress class. | "" |
onboarding.ingress.annotations |
Annotations for Ingress, including ALB configurations. | [] |
onboarding.ingress.hosts |
Configured hosts for Ingress and associated paths. | "" |
onboarding.ingress.tls |
TLS configurations for Ingress. | [] |
onboarding.resources.limits.cpu |
CPU limit allocated for the pods. | "200m" |
onboarding.resources.limits.memory |
Memory limit allocated for the pods. | "256Mi" |
onboarding.resources.requests.cpu |
Minimum CPU request for the pods. | "100m" |
onboarding.resources.requests.memory |
Minimum memory request for the pods. | "128Mi" |
onboarding.autoscaling.enabled |
Specifies whether autoscaling is enabled. | true |
onboarding.autoscaling.minReplicas |
Minimum number of replicas for autoscaling. | 1 |
onboarding.autoscaling.maxReplicas |
Maximum number of replicas for autoscaling. | 3 |
onboarding.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage |
Target CPU utilization percentage for autoscaling. | 80 |
onboarding.nodeSelector |
Node selectors for pod scheduling. | {} |
onboarding.tolerations |
Tolerations for pod scheduling. | {} |
onboarding.affinity |
Affinity rules for pod scheduling. | {} |
onboarding.configmap |
Additional configurations in ConfigMap. | {} |
onboarding.secrets |
Additional secrets for the service. | {} |
onboarding.serviceAccount.create |
Specifies whether the service account should be created. | true |
onboarding.serviceAccount.annotations |
Annotations for the service account. | {} | |
Service account name. If not defined, it will be generated automatically. | "" |
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
---|---|---| |
Transaction resource name. | "transaction" |
transaction.replicaCount |
Number of service replicas. | 1 |
transaction.image.repository |
Docker image repository for Transaction. | "lerianstudio/midaz-transaction" |
transaction.image.pullPolicy |
Docker image pull policy. | "IfNotPresent" |
transaction.image.tag |
Docker image tag. | "1.46.0" |
transaction.podAnnotations |
Annotations for the pods. | {} |
transaction.service.type |
Service type. | "ClusterIP" |
transaction.service.port |
Service port. | 3001 |
transaction.ingress.enabled |
Specifies whether Ingress is enabled. | false |
transaction.ingress.className |
Ingress class. | "" |
transaction.ingress.annotations |
Annotations for Ingress. | {} |
transaction.ingress.hosts |
Configured hosts for Ingress and associated paths. | "" |
transaction.ingress.tls |
TLS configurations for Ingress. | [] |
transaction.resources.limits.cpu |
CPU limit allocated for the pods. | "200m" |
transaction.resources.limits.memory |
Memory limit allocated for the pods. | "256Mi" |
transaction.resources.requests.cpu |
Minimum CPU request for the pods. | "100m" |
transaction.resources.requests.memory |
Minimum memory request for the pods. | "128Mi" |
transaction.autoscaling.enabled |
Specifies whether autoscaling is enabled. | true |
transaction.autoscaling.minReplicas |
Minimum number of replicas for autoscaling. | 1 |
transaction.autoscaling.maxReplicas |
Maximum number of replicas for autoscaling. | 3 |
transaction.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage |
Target CPU utilization percentage for autoscaling. | 80 |
transaction.nodeSelector |
Node selectors for pod scheduling. | {} |
transaction.tolerations |
Tolerations for pod scheduling. | {} |
transaction.affinity |
Affinity rules for pod scheduling. | {} |
transaction.configmap |
Additional configurations in ConfigMap. | {} |
transaction.secrets |
Additional secrets for the service. | {} |
transaction.serviceAccount.create |
Specifies whether the service account should be created. | true |
transaction.serviceAccount.annotations |
Annotations for the service account. | {} | |
Service account name. If not defined, it will be generated automatically. | "" |
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
---|---|---| |
Application deployment name. | "audit" |
audit.replicaCount |
Number of application replicas. | 1 |
audit.image.repository |
Docker image repository for the application. | "lerianstudio/midaz-audit" |
audit.image.pullPolicy |
Docker image pull policy. | "IfNotPresent" |
audit.image.tag |
Docker image tag. | "1.46.0" |
audit.imagePullSecrets |
Image pull secrets. | [] |
audit.nameOverride |
Application name override. | "" |
audit.fullnameOverride |
Full application name override. | "" |
audit.podAnnotations |
Additional annotations for the pods. | [] |
audit.podSecurityContext |
Security context for the pods. | {} |
audit.securityContext |
Security context for the container. | {} |
audit.service.type |
Kubernetes service type. | "ClusterIP" |
audit.service.port |
HTTP service port. | 3002 |
audit.ingress.enabled |
Enable or disable Ingress. | false |
audit.ingress.className |
Ingress class. | "" |
audit.ingress.annotations |
Additional annotations for Ingress. | {} |
audit.ingress.hosts |
List of configured hosts for Ingress. | "chart-example.local" |
audit.ingress.tls |
TLS configuration for Ingress. | [] |
audit.resources.limits.cpu |
CPU limit for the main container. | "200m" |
audit.resources.limits.memory |
Memory limit for the main container. | "256Mi" |
audit.resources.requests.cpu |
CPU request for the main container. | "100m" |
audit.resources.requests.memory |
Memory request for the main container. | "128Mi" |
audit.server.image.repository |
Trillian Log Server image repository. | "" |
audit.server.service.httpPort |
Server HTTP port. | 8091 |
audit.server.service.grpcPort |
Server gRPC port. | 8090 |
audit.server.resources.limits.cpu |
CPU limit for the server. | "200m" |
audit.server.resources.limits.memory |
Memory limit for the server. | "256Mi" |
audit.server.resources.requests.cpu |
CPU request for the server. | "100m" |
audit.server.resources.requests.memory |
Memory request for the server. | "128Mi" |
audit.signer.image.repository |
Trillian Log Signer image repository. | "" |
audit.signer.service.httpPort |
Signer HTTP port. | 8092 |
audit.signer.service.grpcPort |
Signer gRPC port. | 8093 |
audit.signer.resources.limits.cpu |
CPU limit for the signer. | "200m" |
audit.signer.resources.limits.memory |
Memory limit for the signer. | "256Mi" |
audit.signer.resources.requests.cpu |
CPU request for the signer. | "100m" |
audit.signer.resources.requests.memory |
Memory request for the signer. | "128Mi" |
audit.autoscaling.enabled |
Enable horizontal autoscaling. | true |
audit.autoscaling.minReplicas |
Minimum number of replicas for autoscaling. | 1 |
audit.autoscaling.maxReplicas |
Maximum number of replicas for autoscaling. | 3 |
audit.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage |
CPU utilization percentage for autoscaling. | 80 |
audit.nodeSelector |
Node selector for pod scheduling. | {} |
audit.tolerations |
Tolerations for pod scheduling. | {} |
audit.affinity |
Affinity configuration for pod scheduling. | {} |
audit.configmap |
Additional configurations for ConfigMap. | {} |
audit.secrets |
Additional configurations for Secrets. | {} |
audit.serviceAccount.create |
Create a ServiceAccount for the pods. | true |
audit.serviceAccount.annotations |
Annotations for the ServiceAccount. | {} | |
ServiceAccount name. | "" |
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
---|---|---| |
Resource name. | "console" |
console.replicaCount |
Number of replicas. | 1 |
console.image.repository |
Docker image repository for Console. | "lerianstudio/midaz-console" |
console.image.pullPolicy |
Docker image pull policy. | "IfNotPresent" |
console.image.tag |
Docker image tag. Overrides the default chart appVersion. | "1.2.0" |
console.imagePullSecrets |
Secrets for pulling Docker images. | [] |
console.nameOverride |
Overrides the resource name. | "" |
console.fullnameOverride |
Overrides the full resource name. | "" |
console.podAnnotations |
Annotations for the pods. | {} |
console.podSecurityContext |
Security context applied at the pod level. | {} |
console.securityContext |
Security context applied at the container level. | {} |
console.service.type |
Service type. | "ClusterIP" |
console.service.port |
Service port. | 8081 |
console.ingress.enabled |
Specifies whether Ingress is enabled. | false |
console.ingress.className |
Ingress class. | "" |
console.ingress.annotations |
Annotations for Ingress, including ALB configurations. | [] |
console.ingress.hosts |
Configured hosts for Ingress and associated paths. | "" |
console.ingress.tls |
TLS configurations for Ingress. | [] |
console.resources.limits.cpu |
CPU limit allocated for the pods. | "200m" |
console.resources.limits.memory |
Memory limit allocated for the pods. | "256Mi" |
console.resources.requests.cpu |
Minimum CPU request for the pods. | "100m" |
console.resources.requests.memory |
Minimum memory request for the pods. | "128Mi" |
console.autoscaling.enabled |
Specifies whether autoscaling is enabled. | true |
console.autoscaling.minReplicas |
Minimum number of replicas for autoscaling. | 1 |
console.autoscaling.maxReplicas |
Maximum number of replicas for autoscaling. | 3 |
console.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage |
Target CPU utilization percentage for autoscaling. | 80 |
console.nodeSelector |
Node selectors for pod scheduling. | {} |
console.tolerations |
Tolerations for pod scheduling. | {} |
console.affinity |
Affinity rules for pod scheduling. | {} |
console.configmap |
Additional configurations in ConfigMap. | { "NEXTAUTH_URL": "http://localhost:8081" } |
console.secrets |
Additional secrets for the service. | {} |
console.serviceAccount.create |
Specifies whether the service account should be created. | true |
console.serviceAccount.annotations |
Annotations for the service account. | {} | |
Service account name. If not defined, it will be generated automatically. | "" |
We are using Grafana Docker OpenTelemetry LGTM for observability in this project. This component helps in collecting, processing, and exporting telemetry data like traces and metrics.
You can access the observability dashboard in two ways:
- To access the observability dashboard, forward the Grafana port:
$ kubectl port-forward svc/midaz-grafana 3000:3000 -n midaz
Then, open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000.
- Configuring Internal or External Ingress with Custom DNS
If you want to access the observability dashboard internally using a custom DNS (e.g., within your Kubernetes cluster or private network), you can enable and configure the Ingress for the grafana component in the values.yaml file. Here's an example configuration for an internal Ingress:
enabled: true
name: grafana
enabled: true
className: "nginx" # Use an internal Ingress class (e.g., nginx-internal)
annotations: /
# Optional: Use the following annotation to restrict access to internal networks ""
- host: "" # Replace with your custom internal DNS
- path: /
pathType: Prefix
tls: [] # TLS is optional for internal access
If necessary, the deployment of this component can be disabled by setting otel.enabled
to false
in the values file.
enabled: false
This Chart has the following dependencies for the project's default installation. All dependencies are enabled by default.
- Version: 19.3.4
- Repository:
- How to disable: Set
in the values file. - Note: If you have an existing Redis instance, you can disable this dependency and configure Midaz Components to use your external Redis.
- Version: 16.3.0
- Repository:
- How to disable: Set
in the values file. - Note: If you have an existing PostgreSQL instance, you can disable this dependency and configure Midaz Components to use your external PostgreSQL.
- Version: 16.3.0
- Repository:
- How to disable: Set
in the values file. - Note: If you have an existing PostgresSQL instance, you can disable this dependency and configure Casdoor to use your external PostgresSQL.
- Version: 15.4.5
- Repository:
- How to disable: Set
in the values file. - Note: If you have an existing MongoDB instance, you can disable this dependency and configure Midaz Components to use your external MongoDB.
- Version: 20.2
- Repository:
- How to disable: Set
in the values file. - Note: If you have an existing MariaDB instance, you can disable this dependency and configure Midaz Components to use your external MariaDB.
- Version: 16.0.0
- Repository:
- How to disable: Set
in the values file. - Note: If you have an existing RabbitMQ instance, you can disable this dependency and configure Midaz Components to use your external RabbitMQ.
- Version: v1.799.0
- Repository: oci://
- Note: See More Midaz Security