1.48.0 (2025-02-21)
- add acid to select for update; (17b02aa)
- add balance docs ✨ (a6c6560)
- add balance functions ✨ (92f35ea)
- add balance routes ✨ (23da369)
- add balance, transaction and operations to be persisted in a queue; (c55d348)
- add devops to codeowner when change .env.example files; ✨ (e1328f8)
- add new table balance for perfomance poc; (cd1bc6b)
- add on asset and account when creation account to send to the transaction balance queue; ✨ (aeedcf9)
- add optimistic lock using version on database; ✨ (bd753c9)
- add rabbit queue; create producer and consumer to retry; (2c72336)
- add tests ✨ ✨ (c032548)
- add trace on casdoor; ✨ (63d084d)
- certificate the env version (7415f49)
- change structure (6036bb8)
- change structure of file (488eebd)
- change the env (120f768)
- change the ENV VARS to test the flow (7fb001b)
- change the flow (ff2a573)
- change the flow to track all the folders on components (c0e343d)
- change the LOG_LEVEL NEV to test (8205ef8)
- change the structure of file (b6441d0)
- change the trigger to pull request to branch main (6265a7d)
- change the value of VAR to test (727248c)
- change the VAR version to test (5cd3cc2)
- change the version (f07ff76)
- change the while to validate for (1716a8b)
- changing the VERSION VAR (8a7d7e9)
- check changing the env version (22d45a7)
- check difference between files (5fc7bdc)
- check the history of commits (b588038)
- check version (98f6c9e)
- checking the version field (7af2a00)
- clarify the ids of steps on the flow (b9c6df9)
- close the while for (ac183db)
- create balance sql implements; (e89d870)
- create structure to receive account from rabbitmq and create balance; ✨ (6a3b41c)
- exclude the version VAR (acfd652)
- exclude the VERSION var (391516c)
- execute the test to notification (f26f3e0)
- first version of select of update with balance rules; ✨ (0bcde2e)
- force to execute env var prs (9dda835)
- insert flow notification on ENV VARS changes (6388b47)
- insert git fetch prune on flow (645f0f9)
- maintain ledger folder (d386e0b)
- mantain the correct version on audit .env.example (91921f8)
- pgbouncer and 3000 conn and shared buffers 1gb; ✨ (6eceeef)
- pgbouncer try to config connections to best tps possible; ✨ (fa59836)
- return the values to default (87187f0)
- select for update with version correctly implemented; ✨ (a7e10ff)
- set the changes on file (91200b9)
- set the changes on file (11a5b75)
- set the changes on file (964d5d5)
- set the command to compare and verify (fdcfab0)
- set the compare (e432447)
- set the comparison of commits (e5f9c1a)
- set the configuration (357bfa6)
- set the configuration and tests (b3d1361)
- set the configuration of message on slack (197aad1)
- set the current version (3cda634)
- set the diff of versions (6cf4205)
- set the env vars (2b2da89)
- set the estructure verification (ac5a974)
- set the files to compare (d63d071)
- set the flow of changes (edd5561)
- set the flow to test file (65e551f)
- set the flow verifying branch (592d3ad)
- set the identation (3776939)
- set the regex (fccf47f)
- set the structure (bf0c621)
- set the structure of envs (838164c)
- set the structure of github action workflow (8823bf1)
- set the structure of github actions (5fbff7d)
- set the value of log level (8302bae)
- set the var of audit to test (e484c49)
- set the verification exclude version (2a18364)
- set the verification on VERSION var (e1eaf0c)
- set the version (009d101)
- set the version (1881dc0)
- set the version (e673903)
- set the version (d07d7d5)
- set the version of file (71ed8f7)
- set the version to test (22f7dab)
- set the versions (e4f1c0e)
- set version of file (a5247e3)
- simulate the app bot to increase VERSION var (e9f97aa)
- test changing the log level VAR (4020a32)
- test the change on env. example files (97d2c95)
- test the execution flow notificate env vars changes (a1b6b07)
- test the structure (2701552)
- test the VERSION variable (7e81a5a)
- test the workflow changing ENV VARS on scenario test (a3e8552)
- the the flow to notify devops team (847b4b2)
- update balance async; rename validate accounts to validate balance rules; ✨ (587f362)
- update postman ✨ (070f01f)
- using identation (9e88384)
- verify current branch (59ef127)
- verify env. example changes (82a0926)
- verify the change of the flow (c7ca86e)
- verify the changes (d85473b)
- verify version (f22eec0)
- verify version (3eabb84)
- verify VERSION (c9e44dc)
Bug Fixes
- add balance_id to knows paths parameters; 🐛 (f999782)
- add column that accepts account to be negative; 🐛 (e952a37)
- add dev too to validate pr in .envs 🐛 (0aae153)
- add insert values on table; 🐛 (e23a9ab)
- add log to catch erros when cannot marshal result var; 🐛 (1074626)
- add omitempty that when body pass metadata key with null remove from db; 🐛 (ed405c7)
- add pgbounce (9cddd3e)
- add rule to only lock balances on redis if has more than one balance on slice; 🐛 (1c52e66)
- add two index one by alias e another by account_id; 🐛 (f6b36ab)
- add validation to avoid ambiguous account on source and distribute; 🐛 (d201dec)
- adjust accounts removing old fields and reorganizing it; 🐛 (b86d541)
- adjust balance update to only update a individual field; 🐛 (c460707)
- adjust go test after change asset and account; 🐛 🐛 (6bddbea)
- adjust legal_name and doing_business_as to be updated individually; 🐛 (bea1039)
- adjust lint; 🐛 (b946a43)
- audit log enabled false; 🐛 (f7ca26b)
- because body field is json:"-" in transaction when do marshal field desapear; 🐛 (9d4c563)
- change fatal to error; 🐛 (326f235)
- change func to log erro ands pass make lint; 🐛 (bfdbdb9)
- change reference name ledger to onboarding; 🐛 🐛 (2568d2b)
- make lint and make sec; 🐛 (5d83b0d)
- make lint and make sec; refactor swagger and openapi; 🐛 (5b07249)
- make name required when creating asset 🐛 (58f7fd6)
- make sec and make lint; 🐛 (3eacf02)
- make test; 🐛 (44b8a38)
- message casdoor name; 🐛 (a1e9431)
- midazId name; 🐛 (263cae3)
- param sort order 🐛 (610167a)
- pgbounce shared buffers on replica; 🐛 (fe91059)
- put bto sync; 🐛 (e028f41)
- remove extension; add index; 🐛 (8d06d22)
- remove grpc accounts from ledger; 🐛 (7e91f64)
- remove old locks rules; 🐛 (2bba68d)
- remove old references from accounts; 🐛 (dfb0a57)
- remove portfolio routes and funcs on account that was deprecated and update postman; 🐛 (7bc5f5e)
- remove protobuf door on ledger; 🐛 (b3d0b56)
- remove protobuf reference on ledger; 🐛 (1ccefc5)
- reusable protobuf door on transaction and transaction door on audit; 🐛 (2224904)
- revert telemetry; 🐛 (2d1fbce)
- some adjusts to improve tps performance; (57eb1c8)
- tables accounts and balance; 🐛 (23f0e16)
- update asset to remove old fields on create external account; 🐛 (ef34a89)
- update balance create too to avoid erros and return msg to queue; 🐛 (cc0b38b)
- update create transaction and operation erro handling duplicated key; 🐛 (2a984df)
- update description log oeprations to operations; 🐛 (5fe3156)
- update dockerfile port; 🐛 (e3c17a2)
- update golang dependencies based on dependabot; 🐛 (84af1ce)
- update libs on go mod and go sum; 🐛 (042951e)
- update ports docker; 🐛 (41260c9)
- update rabbitmq queues names, exchanges and keys; 🐛 (e1f8c56)
- update some changes to adjuste version on database; 🐛 (6f61294)
- update swagger and openapi; 🐛 (d034c4e)
- update tests; 🐛 (8d919fe)
- version using queue and remove database optimistic lock; 🐛 (cc32b57)