Chat box component for angular
Copy chatbox.min.js
bundle to your site and plug it on the page.
$ npm install --save ng-chatbox
<script src="node_modules/ng-chatbox/build/chatbox.min.js"></script>
Define dependency on your angular application like this:
angular.module('application', ['ngChatbox'])
And then, use ngChatbox directive where you want to display message box:
<ng-chatbox ng-model="messages"></ng-chatbox>
Pass array of messages to it. Each message should be an object and contains next fields:
- text: shown message text
- time: message time
- own: customization of message view. Can be empty, 'mine' or 'their'
- add send message form
- auto-scroll option and new messages indication
- expand message on click
- remove messages
- override template and styles
- smiles ;)