Contributors :
This repository contains :
- The Genomicus source code
- The Documentation
- Step by step guides to run Genomicus on a local work environnement or as a Docker container
- Visual representation of the database and how to generate it
Supervisors :
- Bryan Brancotte
- Olivier Lespinet
- We first have to start by installing the necessary python modules. Simply run the command :
pip install -r requirements.txt
- We have chosen to load the application with some prototype data, to create the database and fill it with the prototype data, run the command :
To fill the database we have decided to use (json) fixtures which we create by parsing the .fa
files, with a dedicated python script. This is not an optimal solution, but since this project consists of only a 'small' application and that we do not have a large amount of data, we felt that running these commands to create and destroy the database was a suitable option.
- To run the Genomicus application simply run the following command
To access the application, go to the following address :
To access the different users :
Type | password | |
'lecteur' | | clemence |
'annotateur' | | ambre |
'validateur' | | lindsay |
'administrateur' | | george |
Warning : When pushing any changes to the git make sure to destroy the DB
- To destroy the database, simply run the command
Warning : When using docker, you might have to use
The Dockerfile and the script can be found in the folder elements_docker.
- We first have to start by pulling the corresponding Docker image, run the command :
docker pull marchment/genomicus:v3.0
- To guarantee the docker container is up to date with the current version of the genomicus project, we access the containers terminal. Simply run the following command :
docker run -it -p 8000:8000 --entrypoint bash -t -i marchment/genomicus:v3.0
- Now we need to create the database, fill it and run the application. Simply run the following command :
- Now to access the application, go to the following address : http://localhost:8000/
Note : To access the users, the same rule applies as above.
Here is a UML class diagram of the genomicus data base :
- The first step is to install graphviz if it is not installed already. Simply run the following command (for Debian or Debian-based Linux distributions) :
sudo apt install graphviz
- Then we need to generate the diagram using the command graph_models, simply run the following commands :
python3 genomicus/ graph_models -a --dot -o
dot -Tpng -o diagram.png