A simple OCR (optical character recognition) application using React, Express & Tesseract. Supported packages: Semantic UI React & React Webcam. It can be used to recognize characters from uploaded image or captured photo.
Try this project:
Clone this repo
$ git clone https://github.com/LintangWisesa/OCR_React_Express_Tesseract
Setup Node.js server
Install packages & run the server
$ cd OCR_React_Express_Tesseract $ cd nodejs_ocr $ npm i $ node app
It will run at
. If you have nodemon or pm2, you can also use them to run this server.$ nodemon app
$ pm2 start app.js
Setup React app
Install packages & run the app:
$ cd OCR_React_Express_Tesseract $ cd react_ocr_webcam $ npm i $ npm start
It will run at
. Try to upload an image or capture a photo by webcam to see the result.