💡 This is the pytorch implementation of our paper
Xinyu Lin, Wenjie Wang, Yongqi Li, Shuo Yang, Fuli Feng, Yinwei Wei, Tat-Seng Chua
- Anaconda 3
Install the environment with the .yaml
file and run
conda env create -f DEALRec.yaml
Potential issue for peft installation: Please check your peft version after environment installation. If it is not properly installed, you may run the following commands (refer to Issue for details)
pip uninstall peft -y
pip install git+https://github.com/huggingface/peft.git@e536616888d51b453ed354a6f1e243fecb02ea08
The experimental data are in './data' folder, including Games, MicroLens-50K, and Book.
The code for data pruning, including the score calculation and the coverage-enhanced sample selection is in './code/prune/'. You can prune the data by running
python -u prune.py --data_name=$1 --model_name=$2 --lamda=$3 --k=$4 --log_name=$5 --gpu_id=$6
or use prune.sh
sh prune.sh <data_name> <surrogate_model_name> <lamda> <group_number> <log_name> <gpu_id>
- The selected samples' indices will be saved in './code/prune/selected/' folder.
- The explanation of hyper-parameters can be found in './code/prune/utils.py'.
- The default hyper-parameter settings are detailed in './code/prune/hyper-parameters.txt'.
🌟 The surrogate model implemented here is SASRec. But it is highlighted that DEALRec is applicable to any other surrogate models, e.g., DCRec (refer to Section 4.3.2).
Fine-tune LLM-based recommender model (BIGRec) with few-shot samples obtained from pruning process. The code for fine-tuning is in 'code/finetune/'. Fine-tune BIGRec with few-shot samples and get the results by running
sh finetune.sh <data_name>
- Prune the data on Games
cd ./code/prune/
sh prune.sh games SASRec 0.3 50 log 0
- Fine-tune BIGRec with few-shot samples (set at 1024 by default).
cd ./code/finetune/
sh finetune.sh games
The codes and running scripts for evaluation are in 'code/finetune/data/' folder. You should first run inference_ddp.py to save the generation results from BIGRec, then evaluate the results via evaluate.sh.
If you find our work is useful for your research, please consider citing:
title={Data-efficient Fine-tuning for LLM-based Recommendation},
author={Lin, Xinyu and Wang, Wenjie and Li, Yongqi and Yang, Shuo and Feng, Fuli and Wei, Yinwei and Chua, Tat-Seng},
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