Reference implementation of LionWeb repository
- Support for LionWeb 2024.1
- Removed
request from dbAdmin - Request
in dbAdmin has additional mandatory parameterlionWebVersion
- All tests and applications need to add this parameter
- The server config section for creating repositories also has this additional field
- All requests fail if the LionWeb version of the chunk is not the same LionWeb version as the repository.
The database used for storage of models is Postgres, the easiest way to set up Postgres is through Docker.
The Postgres version currently being used is: postgres:16.1.
The .env
file contains the user/database/port names and numbers being used.
, lionweb_containments.containment
and lionweb_references.reference
fields are LionWeb metapointers.
We use pgAdmin 4
to test queries and look directly into the database.
# download docker
docker pull postgres:16.1
# create a container and run it
docker run --shm-size=1g -d --name lionwebrepodb -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=lionweb postgres:16.1
npm install
npm run build
npm run lint
Ensure that Postgress is running.
The repository server is started with npm run dev-run
in the packages/server
cd packages/server
npm run dev-run
For more information on how to configure the repository, please check
Ensure the Postgres server and the repository server are both running. Then do
npm run test
This repository is Work In Progress, currently:
- Changes in children: adding, removing, moving are supported
- Changes of property values are supported
- Changes of reference targets are supported
- Changes of annotations are supported.
- changes of order of containments, references and annotations are supported.
Contains code to manipulate the Postgres database (create, initialize)
The main repository server. Manages the connections to the databes. Gets all apis from other packages.
Utitilty classes and functions shared by all other packages.
These packagesa all provide an API with one or more functions.
The API's for the bulk protocol as specified in LionWeb.
Some additiona API functions.
API's to inspect the contents of the nodes table.
Thye API funxctions to add/remove LionWeb languages to the repository. NOTE: not implemented yet, ist is a placeholder.
Tests for the core package
In GitHub actions a Postgres server is started on a host named postgres
In your local development environment, this hostname is also being used.
You need to ensure that this hostname points to the Postgres server.
It is possible to specify a token to be expected by the server in each request (see
This mechanism is intended to make possible to expose the LionWeb repository while providing a minimum level of
security. When the token is specified while launching the server, then each request to the server will be checked
for the presence of the same token in the Authorization
To release the lionweb server run the script scripts/
from the root of the project.
The details of how this works and how to answer the questions being asked are described in the in the scripts folder.
You can get the docker image from the Docker repository hosted by GitHub:
docker pull
# alternatively you can specify a specific version
docker pull