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This document lists common problems encountered by CTL users and developers.

Table of Contents


Q: lib.something is not a function, why?

This is probably because npm is used directly. This is something users have reported when using npm install instead of having Nix manage the node dependencies (done automatically with nix develop, but if you have node_modules present in the working directory it will shadow the ones from the Nix store).

You can prevent npm from ever installing to local node_modules by enabling the packageLockOnly flag in the shell argument to purescriptProject. When enabled, npm i will always act as if the --package-lock-only flag has been passed. This is not enabled by default, but we recommend enabling it.

Q: I see spago: Error: Remote host not found, why?

An error like this one:

Error: Remote host not found


means that the CTL overlay hasn't been properly applied. Add ctl.overlays.spago.

Q: I see WebAssembly module is included in initial chunk. error, why?

You may be trying to use require instead of import in the app entry point, see here.

Q: I see Cannot use 'import.meta' outside a module error in the browser, why?

type="module" is required in the HTML script import, see here.

Other possible cause may be that you are trying to run a browser-targeted bundle in NodeJS.

Q: I see Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'utf-8-validate' error when bundling, why?

You probably forgot to set BROWSER_RUNTIME=1 for the webpack command, see here.

Common Contract execution problems

Q: What are the common reasons behind BalanceInsufficientError?

Most contracts require at least two UTxOs to run (one will be used as a collateral). If you use a wallet with only one UTxO, e.g. a new wallet you just funded from the faucet, you need to send yourself at least 5 Ada to create another UTxO for the collateral.

Another thing to keep in mind is that due to min-ada requirements, the amount of Ada that is required to be consumed by a Tx is higher than the amount that must be spent, because CTL creates change UTxOs. The amount of Ada that should be present on a wallet depends on a number of factors, including the amount and quantity of tokens in the users wallet.

Q: CTL consumed my collateral

CTL does not consume wallet collateral normally, but it still can happen.

In order to get the collateral UTxO, CTL uses the wallet and then marks the returned UTxO as locked internally. But some wallets (e.g. Gero) do not return the collateral the moment it is set, waiting for Tx confirmation first. In case a collateral is set right before the contract is started, CTL can accidentally spend the collateral, because we rely on CTL's own query layer to get a list of available UTxOs, and the wallet state may lag behind it, not returning the collateral to filter out at that moment.


Q: Time-related functions behave strangely, what's the reason?

Local cardano-node lags behind the global network time, so when using time conversion functions (slotToPosixTime, posixTimeToSlot, etc.) users should be aware that the node sees time differently from the OS. During normal runs, the lag can be somewhere between 0 and 200 seconds.

To do anything time-related, it's best to rely on local node chain tip time, instead of using as a source of truth. This is often a requirement when using mustValidateIn, because the node will reject the transaction if it appears too early.

Q: Time/slot conversion functions return Nothing. Why is that?

Time/slot conversion functions depend on eraSummaries Ogmios local state query, that returns era bounds and slotting parameters details, required for proper slot arithmetic. The most common source of the problem is that Ogmios does not return enough epochs into the future.

Q: I'm getting Uncomputable slot arithmetic; transaction's validity bounds go beyond the foreseeable end of the current era: PastHorizon

Ensure your transaction's validity range does not go over SafeZone slots of the current era. The reason for this kind of errors is that time-related estimations are slot-based, and future forks may change slot lengths. So there is only a relatively small time window in the future during which it is known that forks cannot occur.


Q: Why aeson and not argonaut?

Haskell's aeson library encodes long integers as JSON numbers, which leads to numeric truncation on decoder side if JS Number is used. Unfortunately, purescript-argonaut does not allow to use another type, because the truncation happens during JSON.parse call. purescript-aeson is our custom solution that bypasses this limitation by storing numbers as strings. It exposes a very similar API.


Q: I use wayland, the E2E browser fails on startup

We are aware of two error messages that can be show to you if you are using wayland.

You can get something like this if you try to open the e2e browser
cardano-transaction-lib@3.0.0~e2e-browser: Args: [
  "source ./test/e2e.env && spago run --main Test.Ctl.E2E -a 'e2e-test browser'"
cardano-transaction-lib@3.0.0~e2e-browser: Returned: code: 1  signal: null
cardano-transaction-lib@3.0.0~e2e-browser: Failed to exec e2e-browser script
Error: cardano-transaction-lib@3.0.0 e2e-browser: `source ./test/e2e.env && spago run --main Test.Ctl.E2E -a 'e2e-test browser'`
Exit status 1
    at EventEmitter.<anonymous> (/nix/store/lrvrir70n3966jybpjqw91smhcwlyn00-nodejs-14.20.0/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/npm-lifecycle/index.js:332:16)
    at EventEmitter.emit (events.js:400:28)
    at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (/nix/store/lrvrir70n3966jybpjqw91smhcwlyn00-nodejs-14.20.0/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/npm-lifecycle/lib/spawn.js:55:14)
    at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:400:28)
    at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:1088:16)
    at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:296:5)
pkgid cardano-transaction-lib@3.0.0
This error message can be found while trying to run `e2e-test-debug`
E2E tests
✗ plutip:http://localhost:4008/?plutip-nami-mock:OneShotMinting:

  Error: Failed to launch the browser process!
[76104:76104:1207/] Missing X server or $DISPLAY
[76104:76104:1207/] The platform failed to initialize.  Exiting.</details>

If you are under wayland you need to add --ozone-platform=wayland to the arguments for the browser. You can use the --extra-browser-args argument for this, as in e2e-test browser --extra-browser-args="--ozone-platform=wayland" or the E2E_EXTRA_BROWSER_ARGS environment variable.

Q: How to keep the number of WebSocket connections to a minimum?

Use only one ContractEnv value. They are implicitly created every time runContract is called, so avoid using this function if you need to run multiple Contracts.

See here for more info.

Package 'chromium-105.0.5195.125' is not supported on 'x86_64-darwin'

Chromium is used in E2E test suite. Chromium is pinned in nix shell by default, because system versions of chromium may be affected by this bug

To disable, set withChromium to false in purescriptProject's shell argument.


Q: Why am I getting Error: (AtKey "coinsPerUtxoByte" MissingValue)?

This is because the node hasn't fully synced. The protocol parameter name changed from coinsPerUtxoWord to coinsPerUtxoByte in Babbage. CTL only supports the latest era, but Ogmios returns different protocol parameters format depending on current era of a local node.

Q: Why do I get an error from foreign.js when running Plutip tests locally?

The most likely reason for this is that spawning the external processes from Contract.Test.Plutip fails. Make sure that all of the required services are on your $PATH (see more here; you can also set shell.withRuntime = true; to ensure that these are always added to your shell environment when running nix develop).

Q: How can I write my own Nix derivations using the project returned by purescriptProject?

If the different derivation builders that purescriptProject gives you out-of-the-box (e.g. runPursTest, bundlePursProject, etc...) are not sufficient, you can access the compiled project (all of the original src argument plus the output directory that purs produces) and the generated node_modules using the compiled and nodeModules attributes, respectively. These can be used to write your own derivations without needing to recompile the entire project (that is, the generated output can be shared between all of your Nix components). For example:

  project = pkgs.purescriptProject { /* snip */ };

  # `purescriptProject` returns a number of specialized builders
  bundle = project.bundlePursProject { /* snip */ };

  # And attributes allowing you to create your own without
  # needing to deal with `spago2nix` or recompiling your
  # project in different components
  specialPackage = pkgs.runCommand "my-special-package"
      NODE_PATH = "${project.nodeModules}/lib/node_modules";
      cp -r ${project.compiled}/* .
      # Do more stuff ...