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iOS 16 Compatible Semi-Jailbreak Tweaks and Themes


  • ✔️: Working
  • ❌: Not Working
  • ⚠️: Needs Testing



Name Status Issue Repo
3DAppVersionSpoofer ✔️ - RootHide's Repo
3DGlassierTouch ✔️ - Chariz
A-Font ✔️ - Nezuko's Repo
ActionBar ✔️ - RootHide's Repo
AddToFolder ✔️ - AnthoPak's Repo
AdvancedBrightnessSlider ✔️ - Havoc
Aemulo No tweak injection support for NFCD. Chariz
AirDrop16 ✔️ - Havoc
Akara ✔️ - Chariz
AlbumManager ✔️ - Chariz
Alpine ✔️ - Havoc
Always120 ✔️ - Havoc
Amber (not for iPhone 13 Pro and above) ✔️ - PoomSmart's Repo
AnyKeyTrackPad ✔️ - Havoc
App Hider ✔️ - BigBoss
App Library Disabler ✔️ - BigBoss
AppColorClose ✔️ - PoomSmart's Repo
AppData ✔️ - RootHide's Repo
AquaBoard XS ✔️ - Limneos Repo
ArtFull ✔️ - Havoc
Atria ✔️ - Chariz
AudioRecorder XS ✔️ - Limneos Repo
AutoBrightnessToggle (CCSupport) ✔️ - ichitaso repository
AutoUnlockX ✔️ - SparkDev
Axon Sends you to safe mode when clicking on notifications. Merona Repo
BackgrounderAction15 (CCSupport) ✔️ - Akusio repo
Badger ✔️ - Havoc
Barmoji ✔️ - Johnnyb186's Repo
Battery Health Enabler ✔️ - PoomSmart's Repo
BatteryBuddy ✔️ - GitHub
BetaAlertRemove ✔️ - .deb file in releases
betterAlarm ✔️ - Chariz
BetterCCXI ✔️ - atwiiks
BigSurCenter ✔️ - Havoc
BioProtect XS (roothide) ✔️ - Limneos Repo
BlurryAlerts ✔️ - alias20
BoldersReborn ✔️ - Chariz
ByeHomeBottomBarX ✔️ - BigBoss
CAHighFPS ✔️ - PoomSmart's Repo
CallSilent ✔️ - Havoc
CarBridge It shows in settings, however it doesnt work in CarPlay. Havoc
Cardculator ✔️ - Havoc
Cask3 ✔️ - Chariz
CC On & Off ✔️ - RootHide's Repo
CCAdsBeGone ✔️ - PoomSmart's Repo
CCCalc ✔️ - gilesgc Repo
CCMusicArtwork ✔️ - SparkDev
CCPowerMenu ✔️ - MTAC's Repo
CCSupport ✔️ - RootHide's Repo
CCVibration ✔️ - BigBoss
CCVPN ✔️ - BigBoss
ChargingAnimations ✔️ - JunesiPhone
Chhotabanner ✔️ - GitHub
Choicy ✔️ - opa334's Repo
CircleApps15 ✔️ - Havoc
CloseAll ✔️ - Havoc
Color3DIcons Sends you to safe mode when attempting to open colored 3D touch menu. BigBoss
ColorBar15 ✔️ - DTCalabro's Repo
ColorMyBattery ✔️ - RootHide's Repo
CoverflowM ✔️ - alias20
covertCK ✔️ - CreatureCoding
CozyBadges ✔️ - b4db1r3's r3p0
Cthulhu ✔️ - BigBoss
CustomizeCC ✔️ - Havoc
Data Logo Switcher ✔️ - BigBoss
DeleteCut ✔️ - BigBoss
DeleteForeverXS ✔️ - P2KDev's Repo
DenyPhotoAlbum ✔️ - BigBoss
Designer ✔️ - JunesiPhone
Diary Crashes settings when attempting to open its preferences. GitHub
Ding ✔️ - Chariz
DLEasy ✔️ - Havoc
DNDMyRecording ✔️ - Havoc
Dodo (use with caution, respring loops reported from some users + broken functionality) ✔️ - Ginsu Tweaks
DownloadBar13 ✔️ - alias20
Dynamic Stage After installing and respring it freezes and restarts the device. Havoc
DynamicPeninsula ✔️ - Limneos Repo
Ellekit ✔️ - RootHide's Repo
EmojiPort (iOS 12.0-17.3) ✔️ - PoomSmart's Repo
Eneko ✔️ - GitHub
Everest ✔️ - Havoc
EZSwipe ✔️ - RootHide's Repo
FakeSignalBar ✔️ - alias20
Favemoji ✔️ - iCraze's Repo
FingerLock ✔️ - Havoc
Five Icon Dock ✔️ - RootHide's Repo
FloatingDockXVI ✔️ - Havoc
FrendaCC ✔️ - Sugiuta's Repo
GameSeagull ✔️ - GitHub
Gestune ✔️ - Havoc
Glow ✔️ - Limneos Repo
Goodwifi ✔️ - alias20
HideDockBG ✔️ - JunesiPhone
HideSerialNumber ✔️ - ichitaso repository
HotspotQR ✔️ - BigBoss
hueBatteryBar ✔️ - BigBoss
iCleaner Pro No daemon injection yet on Bootstrap/Serotonin, use the CLI version instead on Nezuko's Repo BigBoss
iCleaner Pro CLI ✔️ - Nezuko's Repo
IconOrder ✔️ - Havoc
IconRotation ✔️ - ETHN's Repo
iKeywi 4 ⚠️ - Havoc
iKSettings ✔️ - iKarwan
iNstaKiller ✔️ - iKarwan
InstaLauncher 2 ✔️ - Havoc
InstantCamera ✔️ - Havoc
Jade ✔️ - Chariz
Juice It seems that after you link your Patreon account, the license doesn't take effect. SparkDev
Kayoko (app tweak injection) ✔️ - GitHub
KBApp ✔️ - Dcsyhi1998's Repo
KeepMyJB ✔️ - iCraze's Repo
KeySwipe ✔️ - GitHub
KillBackground13 ✔️ - Havoc
Kiyoharu ✔️ - Chariz
KrashKop ✔️ - Havoc
Laetus ✔️ - SparkDev
LocationService (CCSupport) ✔️ - ichitaso repository
LS Contacts After installing the tweak it appears on the lock screen and settings tweak list. You can make any custom settings with contacts list, color etc., but when you press and hold any contact you can feel haptic but it does not call the number. Havoc
Lynx 2 ✔️ - Havoc
MilkyWay4 ✔️ - Akusio repo
MobileGoose ✔️ - b4db1r3's r3p0
MoreLinesNotifications ✔️ - BigBoss
MusicArtworkSave ✔️ - ETHN's Repo
NewTerm 3 Beta ✔️ - RootHide's Repo
Nexus Sends you to safe mode. Havoc
NiceBarX (bootstrap) ✔️ - NiceiOS
NiceCaller (bootstrap) ✔️ - NiceiOS
NiceLogX (bootstrap) ✔️ - NiceiOS
NoBetaExpiredAlert ✔️ - Limneos Repo
NoDockGround ✔️ - RootHide's Repo
NoMoreDisabled ✔️ - BigBoss
NotiCopy15 ✔️ - iCraze's Repo
NotRecording ✔️ - RootHide's Repo
NowPlayingIconXVI ✔️ - Havoc
OLED Dark Mode ✔️ - b4db1r3's r3p0
OTADisabler ✔️ - ichitaso repository
PanCake ✔️ - AnthoPak's Repo
PauseOnMute ✔️ - BigBoss
PinAnim ✔️ - Havoc
PowerSelector ✔️ - ichitaso repository
Prysm Sends you to safe mode. Use Jade instead. Havoc
QuickActionCalc ✔️ - P2KDev's Repo
QuickActions ✔️ - Chariz
ReachPlayer ✔️ - ETHN's Repo
RealCC ✔️ - BigBoss
Record'n'Torch ✔️ - PoomSmart's Repo
RecordPause ✔️ - PoomSmart's Repo
RemoveConfidential ✔️ - GitHub
RespringAlert ✔️ - YouRepo
RingerToggle ✔️ - ichitaso repository
Rune Opening Rune menu sends you to safemode. Developer recommends waiting until Serotonin supports a non-roothide bootstrap, or Dopamine 2.0 releases. Havoc
SafariFastType ✔️ - P2KDev's Repo
SafeModeMuteToggle Doesn't safe-mode you when toggling mute switch. ETHN's Repo
Senri ✔️ - Chariz
ShowTouch ✔️ - RootHide's Repo
Shuffle ✔️ - CreatureCoding
SkinnySettings ✔️ - BigBoss
SmartBattery iOS 15-16 ✔️ - Havoc
SmartNetwork iOS 15-16 ✔️ - Havoc
Snapper 3 ✔️ - Havoc
SnowBoard ✔️ - SparkDev
Sonitus ⚠️ - Chariz
Spectrum ✔️ - alias20
Speedster ✔️ - Havoc
SquidGesture ✔️ - Havoc
StatusFolder ✔️ - BigBoss
Stella ✔️ - Havoc
Textyle 3 ✔️ - Havoc
Trim (saw for rootless) ✔️ - iGerman
TrollLEDs ✔️ - PoomSmart's Repo
TweakSettings ✔️ - CreatureCoding
TwitchAdBlock ✔️ - level3tjg's Repo
UnderDock ✔️ - RootHide's Repo
Uptime ✔️ - RootHide's Repo
Ve ✔️ - GitHub
Velvet 2 ✔️ - Chariz
Violet Pro ✔️ - Havoc
VolSkip11 ✔️ - rob311's beta repo
VolVibes Doesn't work and crashes settings when attempting to open its preferences. Havoc
Waqt ✔️ - P2KDev's Repo
WifiQR ✔️ - BigBoss
YellowPages 2 Not activating with TrueCaller. MiRO's Repo
YouTubeKiller ✔️ - iKarwan
Zetsu ✔️ - Dcsyhi1998's Repo


Name Status Repo
Ambre ✔️ JunesiPhone
Elysian ✔️ Havoc
Felicity Pro ✔️ Havoc
Junipero ✔️ Havoc
Lollipop ✔️ Havoc
Mi5Theme ✔️ Havoc
Moxy ✔️ Havoc
Viola ✔️ Havoc
