Beebay is a crowdfunding website connecting people who have potential beehive locations, beekeepers and community sponsors to increase the number of bees in Queensland.
Github repo:
Deployed app:
Admin site can be accessed by superuser:
MVP features:
- Ability to create a user account
- User can create a project to be funded
- User can “pledge” to a project
- Suitable update/delete functionality
- Suitable permissions
- Return the relevant status codes for both successful and unsuccessful requests to the API
- Handle failed requests gracefully
- Use Token Authentication
Added features:
- Ability for a user to 'beefriend' a project
- 'Suburb' choice list added to project model
- 'Number of beehives' field added to project model
- 'Pledge goal' property added to project model. Calculates the funding goal based on number of beehives * the cost of one beehive ($300).
- 'Status' property added to project model. Shows how much of the pledge goal has been reached. When target has been reached, status shows as "closed".
Added permissions Added permissions to get/post/put/delete methods. This is work in progress - some are not logical and need changing!
Post a project:
Request body to create a new project:
"title": "This field is required.",
"description": "This field is required.",
"suburbs": "This field is required.",
"beehives": "This field is required.",
"image": "This field is required.",
"is_open": "This field is required.",
"date_created": "This field is required."
Register a new user:
"username": "This field is required.",
"email": "This field is required.",
"password": "This field is required."
Issue - password not being encrypted.