Solutions to all problem sets from CS50x 2024, the online version of Harvard University's Introduction to Computer Science course.
Test the codes on to use the CS50 library!
- Week 0 - Scratch:
- Starting From Scratch
- Week 1 - C:
- Hello, World
- Hello, It's Me
- Mario (Less)
- Mario (More)
- Cash
- Credit
- Week 2 - Arrays:
- Scrabble
- Readability
- Caesar
- Substitution
- Week 3 - Algorithms:
- Sort
- Plurality
- Runoff
- Tideman
- Week 4 - Memory:
- Volume
- Filter (Less)
- Filter (More)
- Recover
- Week 5 - Data Structures:
- Inheritance
- Speller
- Week 6 - Python:
- Hello
- Mario (Less)
- Mario (More)
- Cash
- Credit
- Readability
- Week 7 - SQL:
- Songs
- Movies
- Fiftyville
- Week 8 - HTML, CSS, JavaScript:
- Trivia
- Homepage
- Week 9 - Flask:
- Birthdays
- Finance
- Week 10 - Cybersecurity:
- Final Project