This API provides a simple way to generate personalized morning phrases based on user preferences.
- Generate a customized morning phrase using a person's name and preferences.
- RESTful API built with Spring Boot.
- Integration with Gemini API.
- Lightweight and easy to use.
➤ Request
- Method: POST
- URL: /morning-phrase/generate
- Content-Type: application/json
- Body:
"target": "John",
"preferences": ["coffee", "reading", "morning walks"]
✅ Response
- 200 OK
"Bom dia, John! Que seu café esteja forte, sua leitura inspiradora e sua caminhada matinal revigorante. Um dia lindo e cheio de conquistas para você! 😊"
- 400 Bad Request – Invalid input
- 500 Internal Server Error – Server-side issue
- Java 21
- Spring Boot 3
- Open Feign
- Maven
- Gemini API