developed by Maximilian Alexander Beeskow
GebPy is an open-source, Python-based tool for the synthetic generation of geological data with focus on minerals, rocks and stratigraphy. The main assumption of GepPy is that all rock properties are determined by the mineral assemblage besides structural features. GebPy can be used for educational purposes, for example by the generation of mineralogical data that could be then further investigated in specific diagrams or in well log analysis courses after creating different stratigraphic sequences.
GebPy is a one-man project and can still contain some technical bugs or some wrong assumptions, but it is driven by a huge motivation and has the goal to improve the knowledge and understanding of different geological aspects that are (actually) focused on mineralogy, rocks and stratigraphy.
Actually, GebPy can only be installed by cloning this repository. An alternative solution will be found in the future.
Coming soon ...
Coming soon ...
Coming soon ...
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Coming soon ...
Coming soon ...