Hosted by @orbeckst
- [introduction to MDAnalysis (PDF)]({{ site.file }}/01_IntroToMDAnalysis/presentation/intro-mdanalysis.pdf)
- introductory notebook [presentation.ipynb]({{ site.file }}/01_IntroToMDAnalysis/notebooks/presentation.ipynb) (executes the commands that are shown in the presentation)
Examples of how to use MDAnalysis to analyze trajectories from MD simulations of a protein.
You can load the notebooks to follow along but note that we will discuss many of the uses in more detail during the following tutorials.
- [introduction_MDAnalysis.ipynb]({{ site.file }}/01_IntroToMDAnalysis/notebooks/introduction_MDAnalysis.ipynb)
- [trajectory_magic.ipynb]({{ site.file }}/01_IntroToMDAnalysis/notebooks/trajectory_magic.ipynb)