- Side Project
- Starbucks Google Maps Review Sentiment and Customer Satisfaction Analysis using ChatGPT
- AAPL Stock Price Forecast using LSTM
2. Data Visualization Coursework * [Data Visualization of Airbnb Listing using Tableau](../#cwpage4)
3. Machine Learning Coursework * [Write a Code to Implement Nested-Loop Algorithm for Outlier Detection](https://github.com/MK-ek11/Outlier-Detection-using-Nested-Loop) * [Write a Code to Implement Fuzzy Clustering using EM Algorithm](https://github.com/MK-ek11/Fuzzy-Clustering-using-EM) * [Implementation of XAI and Adversarial Attack on Pre-Trained CNN Models](https://github.com/MK-ek11/Apply-XAI-on-ResNet50)