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MONEI Payments for Adobe Commerce (Magento 2)

Magento Marketplace Latest Version Minimum PHP Version License

Accept payments through MONEI in your Adobe Commerce (Magento 2) store with our official extension.

Table of Contents


MONEI Payments for Adobe Commerce (Magento 2) allows you to seamlessly integrate MONEI's payment processing capabilities into your Magento store. This official module provides a secure, reliable, and user-friendly payment experience for your customers.


  • Accept payments via credit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and more
  • Seamless checkout experience with embedded payment forms
  • Secure payment processing with full PCI compliance
  • Real-time payment notifications and order status updates
  • Detailed transaction reporting in your MONEI dashboard
  • Customizable payment experience to match your store's design



Via Composer (Recommended)

  1. Add the package to your Magento installation:
composer require monei/module-monei-payment
  1. Enable the module:
php magento/bin/magento module:enable Monei_MoneiPayment
  1. Run setup upgrade:
php magento/bin/magento setup:upgrade
  1. Flush cache:
php magento/bin/magento cache:flush

Manual Installation

Option 1: Via GitHub Releases

  1. Download the latest release from the GitHub repository
  2. Extract the contents to your app/code/Monei/MoneiPayment directory
  3. Follow steps 2-4 from the Composer installation instructions

Option 2: Direct Download from Main Branch

  1. Download the latest version from the main branch
  2. Create a directory called app/code/Monei/MoneiPayment inside your Magento 2 project
  3. Unzip the downloaded archive in this directory
  4. Go to your Adobe Commerce (Magento 2) root directory and run:
php bin/magento module:enable Monei_MoneiPayment
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento cache:clean

Before You Begin

When testing your integration:


  1. Log in to your Magento Admin Panel
  2. Navigate to Stores > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods
  3. Find and expand the MONEI Payments section
  4. Enter your MONEI API key and configure your preferred settings
  5. Save the configuration

For detailed configuration instructions, please refer to our official documentation.


Experience the module in action through our live demo store.


Docker Setup

This module includes a Docker setup for local development with PHP 8.3:

# Start the Docker containers
docker-compose up -d

# Execute commands in the PHP container
docker-compose exec php bash

For detailed Docker setup instructions, see the Docker README.

Code Quality Tools

This module includes several code quality tools to maintain high standards:


  • PHP 8.1 or higher
  • Composer 2

Setting up development environment

# Clone the repository
git clone
cd MONEI-AdobeCommerce-Magento2

# Install dependencies
composer install

Available Commands

# Run all code quality checks (errors-only mode by default)
composer lint

# Fix coding standards automatically
composer fix

# Run PHP-CS-Fixer check
composer cs-check

# Run PHP-CS-Fixer auto-fix
composer cs-fix

# Run PHP_CodeSniffer check
composer phpcs

# Run PHP_CodeSniffer auto-fix
composer phpcbf

# Check for critical security issues

The code quality tools check for:

  • PHP syntax errors
  • PSR-12 and Magento 2 coding standards
  • Code style and formatting
  • Potential security vulnerabilities
  • Critical issues and bugs
  • PHPDoc comments compliance

Environment Variables

Customize the linting and fixing scripts with these environment variables:

# Skip PHP-CS-Fixer checks when running the lint script
SKIP_CS_FIXER=1 composer lint

# Run fix script with only CS Fixer (skips PHP_CodeSniffer)
FIX_CS_ONLY=1 composer fix


If you encounter issues with the module:

  1. Ensure your Magento and PHP versions meet the requirements
  2. Check that the module is properly installed and enabled
  3. Verify your MONEI API credentials are correct
  4. Clear your Magento cache and run setup:upgrade again
  5. Check the Magento logs for any error messages

For more detailed troubleshooting, visit our developer documentation.


We welcome contributions to improve this module! Please:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a feature branch (git checkout -b feature/amazing-feature)
  3. Make your changes and commit (git commit -m 'Add amazing feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/amazing-feature)
  5. Open a Pull Request

Please ensure your code follows our coding standards and passes all tests.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


For questions or issues:

Code Validation

The MONEI Payment Module for Adobe Commerce (Magento 2) adheres to Magento Marketplace standards. We provide simple commands to validate and fix code:


# Run complete validation with all severity levels
composer lint

# Check only Marketplace critical issues (severity 10)
composer lint:marketplace

# Run PHP style validation
composer lint:style

# Run both marketplace and style validations
composer validate

# Generate detailed reports in reports/ directory
composer report

Fixing Code Issues

# Fix coding standards and style issues automatically
composer fix

For detailed information about Magento Marketplace validation, please see docs/