UniversalGP: A basic generic implementation for Gaussian process models
The code was tested on Python 3.8.8 and Tensorflow 2.8.
Dependencies: Tensorflow, Tensorflow Probability, Tensorflow Datasets, SciPy, sklearn, matplotlib
After installing all dependencies clone the repository and do (inside the top directory):
pip install .
This will install a copy of the code as a package. If you want to install a package that links to the cloned code, run
pip install --editable .
This makes changes to the source files in the cloned directory immediately available to everything that imports the package.
Anywhere on the system you can then import the package:
import universalgp as ugp
To train the GP with one of the included datasets, run for example
python gaussian_process.py --data=mnist
This will train on the MNIST dataset. For other included datasets see
the files in universalgp/datasets/
By default, the code uses Variational Inference. In order to use a
different method, specify the --inf
parameter. For example
python gaussian_process.py --data=mnist --inf=Exact
uses Exact Inference (which can only be used for regression tasks).
Other allowed values for --inf
are Variational
and Loo
Other useful parameters:
: the number of training steps (default: 500)--plot
: if the result is supposed to be plotted after training, specify a plotting function here or leave empty for no plotting--tf_mode
: either "eager" to use Tensorflow in Eager Execution mode or "graph" to use Tensorflow in the normal mode based on computational graphs
To see all available parameters with explanations and default values, run
python gaussian_process.py --helpfull
In general, it is recommended to run the training in a standalone
process (i.e. executing python train_gp.py
from command line). But
occasionally it can be useful to call the training function from other
Python code.
In this case, all the parameters for the training function have to be given in a dictionary. The code would look something like this:
import universalgp as ugp
data = ...
gp = ugp.train_eager.train_gp(
{'inf': 'Variational', 'cov': 'SquaredExponential', 'plot': '',
'train_steps': 500, 'lr': 0.005, 'length_scale': 1.0,
... # many more...
A list of all necessary parameters can be seen by running python train_gp.py --helpfull
To add a new dataset, create a new python file in
. In this file, create a function which returns a
dataset according to the definition in
. The resulting file should look
something like this:
from .definition import Dataset
def my_dataset():
# ...
# read data from files
# ...
return Dataset(train=train_set,
The last step is to import the new function in
. If you named the file my_dataset
and the function also my_dataset()
then add the following line to
from .my_dataset import my_dataset
Now you can use this data by using the parameter --data=my_dataset
When you are done with training, you might want to used the trained model for something. Here is how to do that.
First, we need to make sure the trained model is saved. This is done by
specifying the --save_dir
parameter. This parameter expects the path
to a directory where the model can be saved. UniversalGP will create a
new directory in this directory with the name given by --model_name
(default name is "local"). If there is already a saved model in there,
UniversalGP will use this as the initial values and continue training
from there.
When training with these parameters, UniversalGP creates checkpoints in
. The frequency of checkpoint creation is
determined by --chkpnt_steps
. The name of the checkpoint file includes
the training step at which it was created. For example ckpt-500
for a
checkpoint created at step 500.
To use this trained model do:
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from universalgp import inf, cov, lik
gp = inf.Exact(dict(iso=False, cov='SquaredExponential'), 'LikelihoodGaussian', output_dim=1,
num_train=3756, inducing_inputs=2)
# restore all variables from checkpoint
chkpt = tf.train.Checkpoint(gp=gp)
prediction = gp.predicttion({'input': np.array([[3.2], [4.6]])})
print(gp.variables) # print the values of all train variables
Kehrenberg, Thomas, et al. "Interpretable Fairness via Target Labels in Gaussian Process Models." arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.05598 (2018).
Krauth, Karl, et al. "AutoGP: Exploring the capabilities and limitations of Gaussian Process models." arXiv preprint arXiv:1610.05392 (2016).
Bonilla, Edwin V., Karl Krauth, and Amir Dezfouli. "Generic Inference in Latent Gaussian Process Models." arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.00577 (2016).