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RTKLIB v2.4.3
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# # RTKLIB 2.4.3 Betas # DESCRIPTION The development branch for RTKLIB 2.4.3. UPDATE HISTORY 2014/09/07 2.4.3 b1 add 3-panel and veritical-panel modes for RTKNAVI add sky image overlay to skyplot for RTKPLOT fix invalid identification of obs type "C2" (#113) fix invalid format of saved image by RTKPLOT (#114) 2014/10/21 2.4.3 b2 add pos2-bdsarmode for beidou amb-res option add beidou amb-res option for rtknavi and rtkpost support stdin/stdout if -in/-out omitted in str2str strtok() -> strtok_r() in expath() for thread-safe fix problem on week rollover in rtcm 2 type 14 fix problem on reading "C2" in rinex 2.12 fix bug on clock error variance in peph2pos() fix bug on P0(a[3]) computation in tide_oload() fix bug on m2 computation in tide_pole() fix bug on receiver option -GL*,-RL*,-JL* for javad fix bug on receiver option -GL*,-RL*,-EL* for novatel 2014/10/24 2.4.3 b3 fix bug on beidou amb-res with pos2-bdsarmode=0 fix bug on return of var_uraeph() if ura<0||15<ura 2014/11/08 2.4.3 b4 fix getconfig error (87) with bluetooth device fix bug on ar-degradation by unhealthy satellites support qzss navigation subframes by decode_frame() add receiver option -RT_INP for rtcm3 support message RXM-RAWX and RXM-SFRBX for u-blox add option -a, -i and -o for str2str merge updates of src/rcv/rt17.c (pull-req #45) 2014/11/09 2.4.3 b5 support glonass, qzss and beidou for skytraq 2016/01/23 2.4.3 b6 merge 2.4.2 p11 bug fixes update ppp/ppp-ar features support septentrio 2016/01/26 2.4.3 b7 fix bugs #126,#127,#128,#129,#130,#131 2016/01/28 2.4.3 b8 support galileo navigation data in u-blox RXM-SFRBX 2016/05/10 2.4.3 b9 unsupport ppp-ar features 2016/05/25 2.4.3 b10 fix several bugs update data/TLE_GNSS_SATNO.txt repository for RTKLIB/bin is moved to new RTKLIB_bin to reduce repository size. septentrio.c is updated by Apr 6 ver by JensReimann. 2016/06/12 2.4.3 b11 fix several bugs support solution ground track pane in rtknavi support gpx conversion function to rtkpost and pos2kml support shapefile in rtkplot add data/ubx_m8p_ref_glo/bds_1hz.cmd 2016/06/21 2.4.3 b12 support GPX format as waypoints of RTKPLOT add menu Map Layer of RTKPLOT support solution status format as input of RTKPLOT support solution status format as output of RTKNAVI 2016/07/19 2.4.3 b13 support IRNSS support RINEX 3.03 add src/rcv/cmr.c add half-cycle vaild check for ublox ubx-trk-meas add leap second before 2017/1/1 00:00:00 support averaging single pos as base position 2016/07/22 2.4.3 b14 fix a fatal bug for baseline analysis 2016/07/29 2.4.3 b15 merge Qt port by JensReimann add output of received stream to tcp port for serial nename api compress() -> rtk_uncompress() nename api crc16() -> rtk_crc16() nename api crc24q() -> rtk_crc24q() nename api crc32() -> rtk_crc32() 2016/07/31 2.4.3 b16 fix several bugs improve draw speed of gis data in rtkplot add tcp output option of input stream from serial output add command of serial output add out-outsingle, out-maxsolstd options add commands for u-blox M8P 2016/08/20 2.4.3 b17 fix several bugs merge pull request #180 merge pull request #199 merge pull request #206 binary ap compiled by C++ builder 10.1 Berlin add ap rtkpost_win64, rtknavi_win64, rnx2rtkp_win64 add ap rtkpost_win64, rtknavi_win64, rnx2rtkp_win64 2016/08/20 2.4.3 b18 fix #134 (loss-of-lock not recognized in RTCM MSM 6 or 7) 2016/08/29 2.4.3 b19 add option -STD_SLIP for u-blox receiver driver fix on half-cyc valid for sbas in u-blox trkmeas update kelper terminate condition for alm2pos(),eph2pos() fix bug on week overflow in time2gpst(),gpst2time() fix bug on starting serial thread for windows fix bug on mark and path in Google Earth view of RTKPLOT add protocol analysis in input stream monitor of STRSVR add window size extension of RTKPOST and RTKCONV 2016/09/03 2.4.3 b20 add ntrip caster functions 2016/09/05 2.4.3 b21 fix several bugs 2016/09/06 2.4.3 b22 fix several bugs add app/str2str/ for ntrip caster control 2016/09/06 2.4.3 b23 fix several bugs add -sys option for rnx2rtkp add 4- and 5-panel modes for rtknavi 2016/09/19 2.4.3 b24 fix several bugs change api rtksvrstart() add minimized panel mode of rtklaunch add relay back message of output streams to strsvr add option -b to str2str support multiple remote console connections by rtkrcv add option -w to rtkrcv 2016/09/25 2.4.3 b25 fix several bugs add ap rtkvideo add ap rtkvplayer change build environment to C++ builder 10.1 Berlin 2016/10/01 2.4.3 b26 fix several bugs change api rtksvrstart(), strsvrstart() support udp server and client for stream types support periodic receiver commands by rtknavi, strsvr 2017/04/25 2.4.3 b27 fix several bugs 2017/05/26 2.4.3 b28 fix bug on decoding skytraq extended raw message add rcv/tersus.c to support tersus BX306 2017/09/02 2.4.3 b29 fix bugs 2018/10/10 2.4.3 b30 support u-blox zed-f9p support api-key for gmview of rtkplot improve galileo sisa, i/nav and f/nav hadling fix many bugs 2018/11/05 2.4.3 b31 update rtcm mt for beidou ephemeirs (1047->1042) fix bug on default stream playback speed (= 0) fix bug on stream file playback as slave mode fix bug on timeset() in gpst instead of utc fix problem on invalid time in message monitor for rtcm 3 fix problem on number of cell-mask overflow for rtcm msm (#143) fix problem on missing QZSS L2C signal for u-blox rxm-rawx 2019/05/10 2.4.3 b32 support beidou C36-37 (#145) fix bug on dropping message on tcp stream (#144) save galileo E5b data to obs index 2 in struct obs_t disable ambiguity resolution of gps-qzss for rel-positioning add test of i/nav word type 5 on reading galileo ephemeris support u-blox zed-f9p rxm-rawx, rxm-sfrbx 2019/08/19 2.4.3 b33 support galileo sisa index for reading rinex nav data support binex upgraded galileo ephemeris (0x01-14) support 460800 and 921600 bps for serial stream fix bug on return value of resamb_LAMBDA() error 2020/12/30 2.4.3 b34 GENERAL: NavIC (IRNSS) completely supported. RINEX 3.04 supported. BDS-3 and QZSS new signals added. RTCM 3.3 amendment-1 supported. MT1041/1131-7 (NavIC ephemeris/MSM) added. RTCM3 MT1230 (GLONASS code-phase biases) supported. RTCM3 MT4076 (IGS SSR) supported. GNSS singal ID changed: L1,L2,L5/3,L6,L7,L8,L9 -> L1,L2,L3,L4,L5. Only Windows 64bit APs supported. 32bit APs deleted. Windows scaled DPI APs supported for different DPI screens. Directories RTKLIB/app and RTKLIB/data reorganized. License clarified. See RTKLIB/LICENSE.txt. Bugs and problems fixed including GitHub Issues: #461,#477,#480,#514,#540,#547,#555,#560. LIBRARY API: The following APIs added: code2freq(),sat2freq(),code2idx(),timereset(),setseleph(),getseleph(), decode_gal_fnav(),decode_irn_nav() The following APIs modified: obs2code(),code2obs(),setcodepri(),getcodepri(),tickget(),traceb(), getbitu(),getbits(),setbitu(),getbits(),rtk_crc32(),rtk_crc24q(), rtk_crc16(),docode_word(),decode_frame(),test_glostr(),decode_glostr(), decode_bds_d1(),decode_bds_d2(),decode_gal_inav(),input_raw(),input_oem4(), input_oem3(),input_ubx(),input_ss2(),input_cres(),input_stq(),gen_ubx(), gen_stq(),gen_nvs(),input_rtcm2(),input_rtcm3(),gen_rtcm3(),inputsol(), outprcopts(),outsolheads(),outsols(),outsolexs(),outnmea_rmc(), out_nmea_gga(),outnmea_gsa(),outnmea_gsv(),sbsdecodemsg(),strread(), strwrite(),strsvrstart(),strsvrstat(),showmsg() The following APIs deleted: lam_carr[],satwavelen(),csmooth(),satseleph(),input_gw10(),input_cmr(), input_tersus(),input_lexr(),input_gw10f(),input_cmrf(),input_tersusf(), input_lexrf(),gen_lexr(),strgetsel(),strsetsel(),strsetsrctbl(), pppcorr_read(),pppcorr_free(),pppcorr_trop().pppcorr_stec(), stsvrsetsrctbl(),init_imu(),input_imu(),lexupdatecorr(),lexreadmsg(), lexoutmsg(),lexconvbin(),lexeph2pos(),lexioncorr() The following types modified: obsd_t,eph_t,nav_t,rtcm_t,rnxctr_t,prcopt_t,rnxopt_t,ssat_t,raw_t,strsvr_t The following types deleted: lexmsg_t,lex_t,lexeph_t,lexion_t,stec_t,trop_t,pppcorr_t,exterr_t, half_cyc_t,imud_t,imu_t RECEIVER SUPPORTS: BINEX NavIC/IRNSS in raw observation data (0x7f-05) supported. BINEX IRNSS decoded ephemeris (0x01-07) supported. BINEX station info in site metadata (0x00) supported. NovAtel OEM7 supported including the following messages: RANGEB(43),RANGECMPB(140),RAWEPHEM(41),IONUTCB(8),RAWWAASFRAMEB(287), RAWSBASFRAMEB(973),GLOEPHEMERISB(723),GALEPHEMERISB(1122),GALIONOB(1127), GALCLOCKB(1121),QZSSRAWEPHEMB(1331),QZSSRAWSUBFRAMEB(1330),QZSSIONUTCB(1347), BDSEPHEMERISB(1696),NAVICEPHEMERISB(2123) Codes for Septentrio SBF re-written to support Mosaic-X5. Septentrio SBF supported including the following messages: MEAESPOCH(4027),GPSRAWCA(4017),GLORAWCA(4026),GALRAWFNAV(4022), GALRAWINAV(4023),GEORAWL1(4020),BDSRAW(4047),QZSRAWL1CA(4066), NAVICRAW(4093) u-blox UBX-CFG-VALDEL,VALGET,VALSET messages supported. u-blox UBX-RXM-RAWX half-cycle phase shift for BDS GEO satellites added. u-blox UBX-RXM-RAWX QZSS L1S supported. RTKPLOT: Leaflet and standard map tiles (OpenSteetMap etc.) supported in Map View. Initial loaded shape files supported. Residuals to elevation (Resid-EL) Plot added to solution plots. Positions files (.pos) supported by menu Open Waypoint. Sliderbar for solution animation widely expanded. Line and Fill colors supported in Map Layer dialog. TEQC no longer supported for observation data QC. Menu Obs Data QC deleted. GE (Google Earth) view, menus and button deleted. RTKCONV: RINEX 3.04 output supported. RINEX NAV BDSA/B and IRNA/B IONOS CORR output supported. RINEX NAV GLUT, GAUT, QZUT, BDUT and IRUT TIME SYS CORR output supported. RINEX NAV DT_LSF, WN_LSF and DN for LEAP SEC output supported. RINEX version check added to exclude unsupported systems and signals. Always two-pass processing. Option Scan Obs Types deleted. Option Phase Shift added to align carrier phases to refernece signals. Option GLONASS FCN added for receiver logs without FCN info like RTCM3 MSM4. Default receiver log time obtained from the time-tag file if it exists. Recursive new directory generation supported. High resolution (16bit) C/N0 suppored. Switch of reference stations supported in a RTCM3 log file. Format GW10, CMR/CMR+ and TERSUS for receiver logs no longer supported. RINEX 2.12 QZS extension no longer supported. LEX log output no longer supported. STRSVR: Maximum 6 output streams supported. Input Log and Output Return Log supported. MT1131-7,1041 and 1230 supported for RTCM3 conversion. Galileo I/NAV and F/NAV are separately handled in RTCM3 conversion. Protocol HTTP/1.1 accepted by NTRIP caster mode. Button Get Mountp added in NTRIP Client Options dialog. Button Mountp Options added in NTRIP Caster Options dialog. RTKPOST: TGD and BGD handling improved for Galileo and BDS. Always L1-L2 (E1-E5b for Galileo, B1-B2 for BDS) used for Iono-Free LC. Always I/NAV used for Galileo orbits and clocks. SP3-d format for precise ephemerides supported. CPU usage much improved in SD to DD conversion for ambiguity resolution. OpenBLAS linked instead of Intel MKL for fast-matrix computation. Option QZSS LEX and Input STEC for ionos-correction no longer supported. Option Input ZTD for troposphere correction no longer supported. AP RTKPOST_WIN64 and RTKPOST_MKL deleted. SRCTBLBROWS: Leaflet and OpenStreetMap used instead of Google Maps in Stream Map. RTKNAVI: NMEA talker ID GQ and GI (NMEA 0183 4.11) for QZSS and NavIC supported. NMEA GQ/GB/GI-GSA/GSV sentences supported. Option Panel Font added. Menus reorganized in RTK Monitor. Menu Station Info added to RTK Monitor. Satellite positions in Skyplot by TLE data no longer supported. Menu LEX and Iono Correction deleted from RTK Monitor. AP RTKNAVI_WIN64 deleted. RTKGET: Data source URL https://... and ftps://... supported. Wild-card (*) in file path of data source URL supported. Compressed RINEX files with extension .crx or .CRX supported. CONVBIN: Option -scan forced. Option -noscan deleted. Most of new features for RTKCONV involved but not completed. RNX2RTKP: Most of new features for RTKPOST involved but not completed. RTKRCV: Most of new features for RTKNAVI involved but not completed. STR2STR: Most of new features for STRSVR involved but not completed. RTKVIDEO and RTKVPLALER: APs deleted. DATA: TLE_GNSS_SATNO.txt, URL_LIST.txt and ant/igs14.atx updated. LIMITATIONS: QT ported APs are just moved to RTKLIB/app/qtapp but not maintained. Documents in RTKLIB/doc are not updated.
RTKLIB v2.4.3
Packages 0
No packages published
- C 47.1%
- Pascal 19.7%
- C++ 18.0%
- MATLAB 5.9%
- Objective-C 5.6%
- Fortran 2.6%
- Other 1.1%