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Getting Started ‐ Requirements

ElGuillermo edited this page Jan 14, 2025 · 75 revisions

🧭 You are here : Wiki home / Getting Started / Requirements


Minimum skills

"I don't know anything about VPS, Linux, console commands, coding and such..."

Relax :

  • You'll only need very limited shell skills. Every step is explained in detail, with examples.
  • A lot of usual CRCON related questions have already found an answer on the CRCON's Discord.
  • Most usual Linux commands/error messages can be Googled.

Install it on a VPS, not on your home PC

CRCON is designed to run permanently (24/7) as a website, being accessible on the Internet for your players (to access public stats) and game server admins (to manage the games).

Why is it designed this way :

  • Your users only need a web browser to access CRCON ;
  • You don't have to give access to the game server's provider services or RCON password
    (you should never give these, as any admin action taken outside CRCON won't be logged) ;
  • It provides a centralized database for game server data (logs, etc.) ;
  • It allows to keep a record/log of all admin actions.

So, we strongly suggest you rent a (cheap) VPS to host your CRCON !

If you still decide to install it on a home computer, keep in mind you'll have to :

  • run your computer 24/7
    Think about noisy fans, hardware maintenance and electricity bills.
    Sum it up : renting a low-end VPS will be cheaper
  • open your home internet access and let people connect to your computer.
    This requires real network management knowledge and could lead to security risks.

Hardware requirements

Game servers
to manage
CPU (threads) RAM (GB) Storage (GB)
1 min : 2
reco : 4
min : 6
reco : 8
min : 50
2 min : 4
reco : 6
min : 8
reco : 10
min : 90
3 min : 6
reco : 8
min : 10
reco : 12
min : 130
4 min : 8
reco : 10
min : 12
reco : 14
min : 170
5 min : 10
reco : 12
min : 14
reco : 16
min : 210
+1 +2 +2 +40

These values are a bit on the high side : "Better safe than sorry" ;)

Regarding CPU :

CRCON mainly uses Python, that is known for not being multithreaded.
To circumvent this, we use several Python instances to parallelize some processes.
Some features (searches in logs, automoderation tools) are pretty CPU hungry and can degrade user experience, or even delay some commands results, if there's not enough CPU power to feed them.

Regarding RAM :

A CRCON that manages only one game server can run (with some features limitations) on a VPS having only 4GB RAM.
But as VPS plans aren't always upgradable, you'll be forced to migrate to another (beefier) one if you intend to manage another game server or to use third-party custom CRCON plugins.

Regarding storage :

The CRCON database of a game server where 95+ players connect for 10 hours per day may grow up to 20 GB in a year.
There is a way to shrink it, but it implies losing some data (server logs).
So aim for some large (150+ GB) storage, as this isn't the most costly option in VPS plans.
If you have the choice between "HDD" and "SSD" drives, prefer "SSD".
Slower HDDs drives should now only be used for very large storage needs (TBs).


  • Some VPS providers rent plans that suit a one-game-server needs for ~$8-15/month.
  • If you're unfamiliar with Linux, pick a VPS plan using a popular distribution, like Debian (prefered) or Ubuntu server.
  • Some VPS providers offer free installation of linux distributions in which Docker is already activated.

Software requirements

You can install CRCON on any operating system/architecture that is able to run Docker engine and Docker Compose plugin.

Unless you have a really good reason not to do so, you should use Linux.
This will ensure better tech support when you'll search for help on Google, as Docker and CRCON userbases are very scarce on Windows.
If you really need to run it on Windows and have no other option, try using Windows Subsystem for Linux.


We provide pre-built Docker images for linux/amd64 and linux/arm64.
If you use a different operating system or architecture, you will need to build your own images.

0. Login to your VPS server via SSH

See this guide to get into a SSH terminal prompt.

1. git

(optional but highly recommended)
Website :


If you don't use git :

You can check if git is installed by entering this command :

git version

You should get a reply like git version 2.34.1

If not : install git by entering this command :

apt install git-all

2. Docker Engine

(Community edition) :


You can also try to use Docker Desktop, but you may encounter issues with nested virtualization, depending on your computer/server/VPS.

You can check if Docker engine is installed by entering this command :

docker version

You should get a (multiline) reply like Client: Docker Engine - Community - Version 26.1.0...

If not : install Docker following the instructions on :

3. Compose plugin for Docker

Source :


This is not the same as the standalone tool named docker-compose.
docker-compose has been deprecated in july 2023.
Errors WILL occur if you try to use it.

You can check if Docker Compose plugin is installed by entering this command :

docker compose version

You should get a reply like Docker Compose version v2.26.1

If not : install the Docker Compose plugin by entering this command :

apt install docker-compose-plugin

4. Any text editor that supports syntax highlighting

(optional but highly recommended)

The instructions given in the Installation guide use nano, which is a tiny shell based editor that can be difficult to work with.

You (really) should try Visual Studio Code :

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