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Specific server providers setups ‐ Digital Ocean
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Quick start guide to host the HLL RCON tool on Digital Ocean.
Go to digitalocean.com/registration and create a new account if you don't already have one. Do create a virtual machine you need to deposit your credit card.
A virtual machine is called a Droplet on Digital Ocean. Let's create one. To do this simply create a new project and click on the green "Create" button in the top navigation bar and select Droplet.
- Choose an image => Marketplace => Docker
- Choose a plan => Basic => $10/month
- Choose a datacenter region => select your region
- Select additional options (optional) => Monitoring
- Authentication => select Password (Not recommended, only for testing purposes. I highly recommend SSH keys. If you can follow the instructions to create a key, do it. Here is a good blog post how to keep your Droplet secure with SSH and firwall protection)
- Add backups (optional) => yes/no
- Here is an exaple how it could look like.
- Click on the green "Create Droplet" button.
- Now you have to wait two minutes.
Hover over the IP from the newly created Droplet and copy it. Open your Shell to connect via SSH to it. SHH should be installed on newer Windows systems, so you can start PowerShell.
With SSH key:
ssh root@ -i /path/to/ssh/key
Without SSH key:
ssh root@
If you connect to it the first time, you will be prompted with the following warning:
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:bUanIdnWoKWKsroqxsfKNnROJKvimV0V3fzMTMwmzPU.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
Write yes
and press enter.
If everything worked it should look like this:
Welcome to Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.4.0-52-generic x86_64)
* Documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com
* Management: https://landscape.canonical.com
* Support: https://ubuntu.com/advantage
System information as of Sun May 9 18:09:36 UTC 2021
System load: 0.01 Users logged in: 0
Usage of /: 6.3% of 48.29GB IPv4 address for docker0:
Memory usage: 14% IPv4 address for eth0:
Swap usage: 0% IPv4 address for eth0:
Processes: 108 IPv4 address for eth1:
141 updates can be installed immediately.
60 of these updates are security updates.
To see these additional updates run: apt list --upgradable
Welcome to DigitalOcean's 1-Click Docker Droplet.
To keep this Droplet secure, the UFW firewall is enabled.
All ports are BLOCKED except 22 (SSH), 2375 (Docker) and 2376 (Docker).
* The Docker 1-Click Quickstart guide is available at:
* You can SSH to this Droplet in a terminal as root: ssh root@
* Docker is installed and configured per Docker's recommendations:
* Docker Compose is installed and configured per Docker's recommendations:
For help and more information, visit https://do.co/3j6j3po
To delete this message of the day: rm -rf /etc/update-motd.d/99-one-click
Last login: Sun May 9 18:02:39 2021 from
Write apt update
and press enter. Write apt upgrade -y
and press enter. If you get ask if you want to update your packages to the maintainer version, select no.
Write cd ~/ && git clone https://github.com/MarechJ/hll_rcon_tool.git && cd hll_rcon_tool
and press enter.
Write pwd
to print the current working directory. You have to be in the /root/hll_rcon_tool
directory, otherwise the Docker commands will not work.
root@docker-ubuntu-s-1vcpu-2gb-fra1-01:~/hll_rcon_tool# pwd
If you don't know how to navigate in this directory, watch a basic Linux commands video on YouTube or ask me on Discord: shargeforce#6702
Edit the .env file your your server credentials, Discord webhooks and Steam API key if you have one. For more information visit github.com/MarechJ/hll_rcon_tool
Make changes to your .env file with nano .env
and enter. If you don't know how to use nano, watch a basic Linux commands video on YouTube or ask me again on Discord: shargeforce#6702
Write docker-compose up -d
and press enter. Make sure your current working directory is /root/hll_rcon_tool
. Double check with pwd
. Now you have to wait a few seconds.
If everything worked it should look like this:
Creating hll_rcon_tool_postgres_1 ... done
Creating hll_rcon_tool_redis_1 ... done
Creating hll_rcon_tool_supervisor_1_1 ... done
Creating hll_rcon_tool_backend_1_1 ... done
Creating hll_rcon_tool_frontend_1_1 ... done
Creating hll_rcon_tool_supervisor_2_1 ... done
Creating hll_rcon_tool_backend_2_1 ... done
Creating hll_rcon_tool_frontend_2_1 ... done
Creating hll_rcon_tool_supervisor_3_1 ... done
Creating hll_rcon_tool_backend_3_1 ... done
Creating hll_rcon_tool_frontend_3_1 ... done
Now you can head over to your browser and go to: http://droplet_IP:8010/
Hell Let Loose (HLL) Community RCON (CRCON) Wiki - Back to Home
- Admin panel (needs update)
- Migrate CRCON to another VPS
- Replace the game server managed in CRCON
- Adding a game server to manage in CRCON
- Overview Project Structure
- Development environment
- Building your own Docker images
- Streaming Logs
- Remotely connect to the PostgreSQL database
- Miscellaneous (needs update)
- HLL RCON Commands (needs update)
- Please look at this first
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