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User Guide ‐ Main interface ‐ Others ‐ Scorebot

ElGuillermo edited this page Feb 22, 2025 · 37 revisions

🧭 You are here : Wiki home / User Guide / Main interface / Others / Scorebot


This feature has been replaced by Scoreboard in CRCON v11.4.0

Scorebot was a CRCON's plugin that displays game stats in a dedicated Discord channel.


CRCON doesn't need Scorebot to work.



If you want to enable it, there are 3 mandatory settings you have to configure :

In VISUAL mode


In CODE mode

  1. (optional) author_name_text :
    The title displayed on the Discord embed.

    "author_name_text": "Our server's current game stats",
  2. base_api_url :
    The URL you use to connect to CRCON's user (private) interface.
    If you only manage one game server (and didn't change the default ports values in the hll_rcon_tool/.env file),
    it should look like this :

    "base_api_url": "",  


If you're using a (sub)domain to access your CRCON,
ie : your private interface (https port 9010) is on https://crcon.domain.ext/, it should look like this :

"base_api_url": "https://crcon.domain.ext/",  
  1. base_scoreboard_url :
    Same as the previous one, but using the public port.
    If you only manage one game server (and didn't change the default ports values in the hll_rcon_tool/.env file),
    it should look like this :
    "base_scoreboard_url": "",


If you're using a (sub)domain to access your CRCON,
ie : your public interface (https port 7011) is on https://crcon-stats.domain.ext/, it should look like this :

"base_scoreboard_url": "https://crcon-stats.domain.ext/",
  1. webhook_urls :
    One (or several) Discord webhook(s) that will display the game stats.
    It should look like this :
      "webhook_urls": [


If you dont know how to create a Discord webhook, you can have a look at this video.

Increase refresh delay (optional)

You also can increase the refresh delay of the bot,
thus avoiding it to spam your Discord channel and trigger the Discord rate limit :

Increase the refresh_time_secs to something like 300 (5 minutes) :

"refresh_time_secs": 300,

Restart Scorebot service

The new parameters should be enabled as soon as Scorebot rereads its configuration.

That could take a minute or so. If you don't want to wait, just stop and restart Scorebot's service in Settings / Services.


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