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User Guide ‐ Main interface ‐ Others ‐ Seeder VIP Reward

ElGuillermo edited this page Jan 14, 2025 · 30 revisions

🧭 You are here : Wiki home / User Guide / Main interface / Others / Seeder VIP Reward


This allows to reward the people who play during server's seed time with VIP.

Parameters (CODE view)


Enables or disables the whole automod.

Default (disabled) :

  "enabled": false,

To enable :

  "enabled": true,


If this is set to true, it turns the code into a "simulation" mode and only reports to the Discord log webhook.

Default (enabled) :

  "dry_run": true,

To disable :

  "dry_run": false,


Entering a language identifier will allow to have the dates and times displayed in your locale format.

  • Any one of these language codes should work :
    ar_JO, ar_DZ, de_DE, ru_RU, sv_SE, uk_UA, ar_EG, ar_MA, ja_JP, sk_SK, ar_BH, fr_FR, iw_IL, sl_SI, bn_BD, eu_ES, ar_AE, id_ID, ar_KW, ca_ES, ar_LY, it_IT, ar_SD, ar_SY, es_ES, ar_SA, pt_PT, zh_HK, da_DK, tlh_QS, ar_IQ, ko_KR, pl_PL, vi_VN, nl_NL, ar_OM, fa_IR, ar_TN, ar_LB, tr_TR, fi_FI, ar_QA, hu_HU, ar_YE, in_ID, nb_NO, zh_CN, el_GR, he_IL, pt_BR
  • ⚠️ Note there is no us_US, nor en_US or en_EN :
    you should define a null value if you want to select english (and derivatives) language.

Default : null (english)

  "language": null,

ie : French (France)

  "language": "fr_FR",


Discord webhook URL(s) where audit logs should be sent.


If you dont know how to create a Discord webhook, you can have a look at this video.

Default : [] (no hook)

  "hooks": [],

With a webhook :

  "hooks": [
      "url": ""

Players Announce Thresholds

Having these number of players on the server will trigger a message in Discord. image

You can disable them using a blank list []

  "player_announce_thresholds": [

Poll Time Seeding

How frequently to check (in seconds) when the server is below the seeding cut off.
Default : 60

  "poll_time_seeding": 60,

Poll Time Seeded

How frequently to check (in seconds) when the server is above the seeding cut off.
Default : 300

  "poll_time_seeded": 300,

Nice Time Delta

Uses human style dates/times when enabled ("in X days, hours", etc style messages).
Can either be false (disabled) or true (enabled).
Default : true

  "nice_time_delta": true,

Nice Expiration Date

Uses human style dates/times when enabled ("in X days, hours", etc style messages).
Can either be false (disabled) or true (enabled).
Default : true

  "nice_expiration_date": true,



How long, after the server has seeded, to check.
This prevents message/VIP spamming if you hover near your seed limit.
Note : all lines add up. So setting "minutes": 10 and "hours": 1 means "70 minutes".

  "buffer": {
    "seconds": 0,
    "minutes": 10,
    "hours": 0

"min_allies", "min_axis", "max_allies" and "max_axis"

The minimum/maximum players numbers that triggers a seed time.

    "min_allies": 0,
    "min_axis": 0,
    "max_allies": 20,
    "max_axis": 20,

Online When Seeded

true : only the players connected when the seeding time ends will get a VIP. Those who've been there before and left won't.
false : gives a VIP to any player that has been playing long enough (as set below) while the server was seeding.

    "online_when_seeded": true,

Minimum Play Time

The minimum amount of time a player has to be connected during seeding to be rewarded.
Note : all lines add up. So setting "minutes": 10 and "hours": 1 means "70 minutes".

  "minimum_play_time": {
    "seconds": 0,
    "minutes": 10,
    "hours": 0

Player Messages


    "seeding_in_progress_message": "Server has reached {player_count} players",


    "seeding_complete_message": "Server is live !",


    "player_count_message": "{num_allied_players} - {num_axis_players}",


The message sent to connected players when they are granted a VIP.

    "reward_player_message": "Thank you for helping us seed !\nYou've been granted {vip_reward} of VIP."


The message sent to a connected player when they did not earn a VIP.

    "reward_player_message_no_vip": "Thank you for helping us seed !\nThe server is now live and the regular rules apply."



Whether to send the VIP command to the other connected game servers hosted in the same CRCON.

    "forward": false,


The description when adding VIP to a player who does not have VIP.

    "player_name_format_not_current_vip": "{player_name} - CRCON Seed VIP",


true : VIP reward will be added to the existing VIP time if any.
false : ⚠️ If the player already has a VIP, it will be overwritten !

    "cumulative": true,


The VIP time that will be given to the seeder.
Note : all lines add up. So setting "minutes": 10 and "hours": 1 means "70 minutes".

    "timeframe": {
      "minutes": 0,
      "hours": 0,
      "days": 1,
      "weeks": 0

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