Translation Support for Argonath RPG
The language_English.txt file contains lines which require translating. If a language file already exists for a translation you wish to support simply find the corresponding key within the translation file. If a language file doesn't already exist, copy the language_template.txt file. DO NOT RENAME IT.
You will need to fork your own copy of this repository in order to provide translations. This means you will need your own GitHub account. If a group of you want to work on translations, then one person needs to fork the repository and you can add collaborators that way. Once you have provided either fixes to translations, or new translations, you must submit a pull request back to our master branch. Once we have reviewed your changes the translation will be merged. We recommend you continue to keep your repository updated with ours so new translations can be reviewed for fixes.
Please be sure to include exact credit names in the extended description otherwise we will use your GitHub username as the credit for translation support in our help system and credits.