A user authentication backend developed in a straightforward manner to gain practical knowledge of JWT-based authentication.
This project was developed to serve as a mini-reference for the technologies implemented throughout its development. Many of them were implemented in a simple way in the code and can be improved by contributors from the community.
Note: Do not use 100% of the logic from this project for larger applications. Evaluate whether the logic within this project aligns with what you seek to address, and always strive to improve and enhance everything within your reach, rather than simply copying and pasting.
Command to clone the project to your machine.
git clone https://github.com/Marlinsk/node-authentication-backend.git
After cloning the project, before installing the application's dependencies, create a .env file outside the src folder and add the following variables.
JWT_SECRET="your key"
Note: The value of the JWT_SECRET variable can be any, whether it's a hash or a set of characters.
Install the dependencies using the npm command.
npm i
To run the application locally in dev mode using the npm command, execute the following command.
npm run dev
If everything is fine, you will see the following message in the terminal: Server starting 🚀 http://localhost:5500.
Description of the functionality of each HTTP route in the backend.
GET List:
List all user accounts.
GET Get by ID:
Retrieve a user from the database using their ID. To make the request, include the user's ID in the URL of the request.
POST Create User:
Create a user account.
To create a user using Postman or another HTTP request tool, copy the example below and make the request to create the user.
Example request body:
"name": "Andre Haskell",
"username": "haskell",
"email": "andhaskell@gmail.com",
"password": "095wtjih0-o0r8tg9ubgj"
PUT Edit User:
Edit user account details.
To edit a user using Postman or another HTTP request tool, include the ID in the request body along with the modified data.
Example request body:
"id": "consulte no banco",
"name": "Andre Haskell",
"username": "haskell",
"email": "andhaskell@gmail.com",
"password": "095wtjih0-o0r8tg9ubgj"
DELETE Delete a User:
Delete a user record from the database. To make the request, include the user's ID in the request URL.
POST Login:
Perform user login by passing the email and password in the request body.
Example request body:
"email": "andhaskell@gmail.com",
"password": "095wtjih0-o0r8tg9ubgj"
The database can be accessed using any database management tool. Prisma makes the task of accessing the database to modify its data simple. Just type the following npm command to access it via the web.
npx prisma studio