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Marusoftware edited this page May 2, 2021 · 1 revision


Welcome to the tkmedia wiki!

This is an document for using this library.

This library make possible to play video and audio on tkinter.

And, this library is multi-platform. (But, I check this on Linux 64bit. If you use on other platform, please report us (using issue)!)

In our repository, "tkmedia" and "tkmedia2" exists.

But this is old. We are out-supported this repository.


  1. Download libav and portaudio.
  2. Install tkmedia using pip. For Example...
#On Windows:
py -m pip install tkmedia
#if you want to select python version:
py -3.8 -m pip install tkmedia
#On linux and OSX:
python3 -m pip install tkmedia
#if you want to select python version:
python3.8 -m pip install tkmedia

But it is stable release. If you want use the latest, please use below:

Using tkmedia

Coming soon....

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