For a capture to be valid, the attacking piece's attack value must be greater than the defending piece's defence value.
Hierarchy of values: None < Basic < Powerful
Configuration parameter: max number of squares moved on first move (default 2).
If moving n spaces where n > 2, can be en passant captured as if it had moved anywhere from 1 to n-1 squares.
Otherwise, moves the same as standard chess.
Attack: Powerful
Defence: None
Moves the same as standard chess.
Attack: Basic
Defence: None
Moves the same as standard chess.
Special additional move: El Vaticano Two bishops of the same colour, two squares apart horizontally or vertically can capture a piece lying in between them.
Attack: Basic
Defence: None
Moves the same as standard chess.
Attack: Basic
Defence: None
Moves the same as standard chess.
Attack: Basic
Defence: None
Moves the same as standard chess.
Attack: Powerful
Can be checked by any piece with at least a Basic attack.
Moves as the combination of a Bishop and a Knight.
Attack: Basic
Defence: None
Moves as the combination of a Rook and a Knight.
Attack: Basic
Defence: None
Jumps 3 spaces in 1 direction and 1 space perpendicular to that.
Attack: Basic
Defence: None
Jumps 3 spaces in 1 direction and 2 spaces perpendicular to that.
Attack: Basic
Defence: None
Moves like a Queen, but only 1 space at a time.
Attack: Basic
Defence: None
Moves like a Knight, but can move multiple times in the same direction in a single move.
Attack: Basic
Defence: None
Moves like a Queen up to 2 spaces at a time, can jump.
Attack: Basic
Defence: None
Moves like a Mann or Knight.
Attack: Basic
Defence: None
Moves like a Queen or Knight.
Attack: Basic
Defence: None
Moves like a Mann.
Attack: Powerful
Defence: Basic
Can teleport to any square on the board.
Attack: None
Defence: None
Moves like an Obstacle.
Attack: None
Defence: Basic