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Detailed Specifications

Chelsea Myers-Colet edited this page Oct 3, 2019 · 20 revisions

The tutoring system shall allow the user to securely login when the appropriate username and password is provided for the user within 5 seconds.



A student or tutor will be able to login to the system using the username and password created when they registered for the system. The system will verify these credentials. Once logged in securely, they will be able to access the services offered by the system.

Main Success Scenario

  1. The student enters the username and password they created when registering.
  2. The tutoring system (TS) retrieves a list of registered usernames.
  3. The TS finds a matching username in the database.
  4. The TS verifies that the password in the database matches the one entered by the user.
  5. The TS checks that the username is registered as a student.
  6. The TS displays the student view of the application.
  7. The student can now use the tutoring services.

Alternative Flow 1: Tutor Login

  1. The tutor enters the username and password they created when registering.
  2. The TS retrieves a list of registered usernames.
  3. The TS finds a matching username in the database.
  4. The TS verifies that the password in the database matches the one entered by the user.
  5. The TS checks that the username is registered as a tutor.
  6. The TS displays the tutor perspective of the application to be prepared by another team.
  7. The student can now use the tutoring services.

Alternative Flow 2: Incorrect Username

    3.a The TS does not find a matching username in the database.
      3.a.1 The tutoring system displays an error message: "Incorrect Username".

Alternative Flow 3: Incorrect Password

    4.a The tutoring system cannot match the password in the database to the entered password by the user.
       4.a.1 The tutoring system displays an error message: "Incorrect username/password combination".