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September 24, 2019

Yoan Poulmarc'k edited this page Sep 26, 2019 · 3 revisions

Date: 24/09/2019
Meeting minutes:
- Go over requirements as a group
- Rough draft of domain model
- Divide tasks and plan for the coming 2 weeks

Key Decisions:
- Yoan and Alex will set up persistence layer by Monday
- Taylor and Chelsea will be responsible for the project report in the form of the GitHub wiki and setup

Tasks for upcoming meetings:
Friday meeting at 9am Trottier:
- Everybody writes 10 use cases individually
- Compare and choose the 15 most important requirements
- Separate into use cases for diagrams; everybody will be responsible for one digram
- Review and finalize domain model

Meeting on Monday:
- Go over use case diagrams
- Assign each person one of the most important ones to describe in detail
- Turn use cases into issues on GitHub (Taylor/Chelsea)

Meeting on Thursday:
- Persistence should be done
- Make sure Travis CI and Gradle set up on everybody’s GitHub

Over weekend of due date for Deliverable 1:
- Generate code for Domain Model
- Report, wiki and issues on GitHub (Chelsea and Taylor)
- Project Backlog