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Remote control

Luke edited this page Jul 19, 2013 · 28 revisions

Clients can easily remote control other clients. The first step is to make a call to /Sessions.

This will return a list of active sessions. This is testable via swagger and the properties returned should be self-explanatory, e.g. UserName, UserId, LastActivityDate, etc.

NowViewingContext is the section of the application currently being viewed. Possible values are:

  • movies
  • music
  • tv
  • games
  • (blank) for general and/or clients that are entirely folder-based.

###Sending a browse command

You can instruct a client to browse to something by posting to the following url:


The following values should be included within post data:

  • ItemId - The id of the item to browse to
  • ItemName - The name of the item to browse to
  • ItemType - The type of the item to browse to
  • Context (optional). movies, tv, music, games. Clients may choose to ignore this.

###Sending a play command

You can instruct a client to play something by posting to the following url:


The following values should be included within post data:

  • ItemIds - A comma-delimited list of item id's
  • StartPositionTicks - The starting position of the first item.
  • PlayCommand - PlayNow, PlayNext or PlayLast

Note: StartPositionTicks is ignored when PlayCommand is PlayNext or PlayLast.

###Sending a playstate command

The following commands are available:

  • /Sessions/{Id}/Stop
  • /Sessions/{Id}/Pause
  • /Sessions/{Id}/Unpause
  • /Sessions/{Id}/NextTrack
  • /Sessions/{Id}/PreviousTrack
  • /Sessions/{Id}/Seek?PositionTicks=xxx
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