| 1 | +# ======================================================================= |
| 2 | +# mock-service Service Properties |
| 3 | +# ======================================================================= |
| 4 | +build.number=20 |
| 5 | +build.date=Thu Aug 19 15:23:10 IST 2021 |
| 6 | +# ======================================================================= |
| 7 | +# Service Name & API Details - Version, Path |
| 8 | +# ======================================================================= |
| 9 | +service.name=Mock |
| 10 | +service.org=metamagic |
| 11 | +service.api.prefix=api |
| 12 | +service.api.version=v1 |
| 13 | +service.api.name=mock-service |
| 14 | +service.api.repository=https://github.com/MetaArivu/mock-${service.api.name} |
| 15 | +service.api.path=/${service.api.prefix}/${service.api.version}/${service.api.name} |
| 16 | +service.url=http://www.metarivu.com/ |
| 17 | +# ======================================================================= |
| 18 | +# Microservice Server Properties |
| 19 | +# ======================================================================= |
| 20 | +server.port=9090 |
| 21 | +server.version=0.1.0 |
| 22 | +server.restart=true |
| 23 | +#logging.level=INFO |
| 24 | +spring.codec.max-in-memory-size=3MB |
| 25 | +token.key=sigmaEpsilon6109871597 |
| 26 | +app.property.list=element1, element2, element3 |
| 27 | +app.property.map={key1:'val1', key2 : 'val2', key3 : 'val3'} |
| 28 | +# ======================================================================= |
| 29 | +# External Remote Server Properties |
| 30 | +# ======================================================================= |
| 31 | +payment.gateway.host= |
| 32 | +payment.gateway.port=8080 |
| 33 | +remote.host= |
| 34 | +remote.port=8080 |
| 35 | +remote.protocol=http |
| 36 | +# ======================================================================= |
| 37 | +# Open API Properties |
| 38 | +# For More Info: https://springdoc.org/#Introduction |
| 39 | +# ======================================================================= |
| 40 | +springdoc.api-docs.path=${service.api.path}/ |
| 41 | +springdoc.swagger-ui.path=${service.api.path}/swagger-ui.html |
| 42 | +# Disabling the /v3/api-docs enpoint |
| 43 | +springdoc.api-docs.enabled=true |
| 44 | +# Disabling the swagger-ui |
| 45 | +#springdoc.swagger-ui.enabled=true |
| 46 | +springdoc.swagger-ui.operationsSorter=method |
| 47 | +#For sorting tags alphabetically |
| 48 | +springdoc.swagger-ui.tagsSorter=alpha |
| 49 | +springdoc.show-actuator=true |
| 50 | + |
| 51 | +# Packages to include |
| 52 | +# springdoc.packagesToScan=io.fusion.water, io.fusion.fire |
| 53 | +# Paths to include |
| 54 | +# springdoc.pathsToMatch=/v1, /api/health/** |
| 55 | +# To expose the swagger-ui, on the management port |
| 56 | +#springdoc.use-management-port=true |
| 57 | +# This property enables the openapi and swaggerui endpoints to be exposed |
| 58 | +# beneath the actuator base path. |
| 59 | +# management.endpoints.web.exposure.include=openapi, swaggerui |
| 60 | +# ======================================================================= |
| 61 | +# Mongo Properties |
| 62 | +# ======================================================================= |
| 63 | +spring.data.mongodb.uri=mongodb://localhost:27017/orderdb |
| 64 | +# ======================================================================= |
| 65 | +# Mongock Properties |
| 66 | +# ======================================================================= |
| 67 | +mongock.change-logs-scan-package=io.fusion.water.order.adapters |
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