A collection of design tokens based on MetaMask's design system.
yarn add @metamask/design-tokens
npm install @metamask/design-tokens
Currently the metamask design tokens repo supports 2 formats, CSS-in-JS and CSS variables. These formats are based on its primary consumers metamask-mobile, metamask-extension and metamask-portfolio .
- Import the design tokens stylesheet into your CSS or SCSS.
Please note the file path will depend on where in your project you are importing it from.
@import '@metamask/design-tokens/styles';
- Use design token CSS variables in the code.
/* In CSS/SCSS */
.card {
--card-color-text: var(--color-text-default);
--card-color-background: var(--color-background-default);
--card-color-border: var(--color-border-muted);
background-color: var(--card-color-background);
color: var(--card-color-text);
border: 1px solid var(--card-color-border);
// They also work for inline styles in javascript
<div style={{ color: 'var(--color-error-default)' }}>This was is an error</div>
- Use design tokens in code by importing from library:
import { lightTheme, darkTheme } from '@metamask/design-tokens';
// Create provider that swaps theme (pseudo code)
<ThemeProvider theme={theme === 'default' ? lightTheme : darkTheme} />;
const createStyles = (theme) =>
modalContainer: {
backgroundColor: theme.colors.background.default,
borderColor: theme.colors.border.default,
To prevent color tech debt and ensure themability, accessibility, and consistency of the MetaMask brand, we recommend using @metamask/eslint-plugin-design-tokens. This ESLint plugin helps enforce the usage of design tokens in your codebase.
You'll first need to install ESLint:
$ npm install --save-dev eslint
# or
$ yarn add --dev eslint
Next, install @metamask/eslint-plugin-design-tokens
$ npm install --save-dev @metamask/eslint-plugin-design-tokens
# or
$ yarn add --dev @metamask/eslint-plugin-design-tokens
Add eslint-plugin-design-tokens
to your ESLint configuration:
"plugins": ["@metamask/design-tokens"],
"rules": {
"@metamask/design-tokens/color-no-hex": "warn"
This configuration will enforce the usage of design tokens instead of static hex color values, helping to maintain a consistent design system. See more supported rules
This package is part of a monorepo. Instructions for contributing can be found in the monorepo README.