- Restructured distribution files position from root folder to /dist folder
- Added more tests around the functionalities of the plugin.
- Fixed issues around the alwaysShow option
- Added new custom events: maxlength.reposition, maxlength.shown, maxlength.hidden. Thanks to dr-nick.
- Buped up required jQuery to 1.9.x
- Added option
for custom placement handler. Thanks to Kreegr - Extended
option. Now it can also be optionally a function. Thanks to Vincent Pizzo
- Fixed issue with bower
- Added over maxlength functionality with customMaxAttribute
- Added twoCharLinebreak option
- Implemented input event rather than keydown to improve usability
- Fixed jshint, jscs errors
- When an input with associated maxlength element is removed, maxlength is also removed.
- Fixed #40, error on resize event.
- Fixed #44 (pasted text in can cause it to go over the max length)
- Added self protection of multiple focus events
- Added back detection of window resizing
- Removed window.resize event
- Maxlength is created and destroyed each time
- Fixed Doesn't update the limit after input's maxlength attribute was changed #31
- Added Gruntfile
- Added qunit unit tests
- Fixed issue with counting when the user moves with shift+tab keyboard shortcut.
- Replaced the warningClass limitReachedClass options to use labels rather than badges for Bootstrap 3.0 better compatibility.
- Added support for TAB key when the maxlength is reached.