RCD is a fast and efficient sampling-based global path planner that given a binary occupancy grid, the target's and the robot's position produces a collision free path.
Get the repo:
git clone https://github.com/MichaelMarav/rcd_path_planner.git
Go to the rcd_path_planner/ folder
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
make -j8
In order to generate your own custom occupancy grid, install Pillow:
pip install Pillow
and then run the script "scripts/interactive_grid.py"
python3 interactive_grid.py
a set of instructions will guide you to easily design your experiment.
Modify the config file ("config/rcd_params.yaml") to specify which file you want to run RCD on.
Then go to the build folder and run RCD: