Hi there, I'm Michał
- 👨🏻💻 Software Engineer at Cyfronet.
- 🔭 Currently working on:
- EOSC Marketplace: A global, open science portal designed to empower scientists around the world.
- EOSC Recommender System: Recommender System that uses Deep Reinforcement Learning to recommend relevant scientific services to appropriate researchers on the EOSC Marketplace portal.
- EOSC Transform Service: The service provides data for the EOSC Marketplace portal. Its responsibilities include various data-related techniques.
- 🤖 Machine learning and data science enthusiast.
- 🚘 Passionate about Autonomous Vehicles.
- 🤝 Member of the AVForce - team that works on AV (autonomous vehicle) related projects.
- 🌱 Constantly learning.