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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/Nuget-Packages.md b/docs/Nuget-Packages.md
index c176db738..51e27f2e1 100644
--- a/docs/Nuget-Packages.md
+++ b/docs/Nuget-Packages.md
@@ -5,25 +5,30 @@ description: The Windows Community Toolkit is updated regularly with new control
keywords: windows 10, uwp, windows community toolkit, uwp community toolkit, uwp toolkit, nuget, visual studio
-# Windows Community Toolkit NuGet Packages
+# Community Toolkit NuGet Packages
NuGet is a standard package manager for .Net applications that is built into Visual Studio. From your open solution choose the *Tools* menu, *NuGet Package Manager*, *Manage NuGet packages for solution...* to open the UI. Enter one of the package names below to search for it online.
| NuGet Package Name | Description |
| --- | --- |
-| Microsoft.Toolkit | .NET Standard NuGet package containing common code |
-| Microsoft.Toolkit.HighPerformance | .NET Standard and .NET Core NuGet package with performance oriented helpers, extensions, etc. |
-| Microsoft.Toolkit.Parsers | .NET Standard NuGet package containing cross-platform parsers, such as Markdown and RSS |
-| Microsoft.Toolkit.Services | .NET Standard NuGet package containing cross-platform services |
-| Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp | Main NuGet package includes code only helpers such as Colors conversion tool, Storage file handling, a Stream helper class, etc. |
-| Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Notifications | Notifications Package - Generate tile, toast, and badge notifications for Windows 10 via code. Includes intellisense support to avoid having to use the XML syntax |
-| Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Notifications.Javascript | Notification Packages for JavaScript |
-| Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Services | Services Package - This NuGet package includes the service helpers for Facebook, LinkedIn, Microsoft Graph, Twitter and more |
+| CommunityToolkit.Common | .NET Standard NuGet package containing common code |
+| CommunityToolkit.Diagnostics | .NET Standard code helpers |
+| CommunityToolkit.HighPerformance | .NET Standard and .NET Core NuGet package with performance oriented helpers, extensions, etc. |
+| CommunityToolkit.Mvvm | [MVVM Toolkit](/dotnet/communitytoolkit/mvvm/) a modern, fast, and modular MVVM library for .NET Standard, platform and runtime agnostic |
+| CommunityToolkit.Maui | [MAUI Community Toolkit](/dotnet/communitytoolkit/maui) for .NET MAUI |
+| CommunityToolkit.WinUI.* | [WindowsAppSDK](/windows/apps/windows-app-sdk)/[WinUI 3](/windows/apps/winui/winui3) versions of the toolkit packages below. |
+| Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp | Includes code only helpers such as Colors conversion tool, Storage file handling, a Stream helper class, etc. |
| Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI | UI Packages - XAML converters, Visual tree extensions, and other extensions and helpers for your XAML UI |
| Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Animations | Animations and Composition behaviors such as Blur, Fade, Rotate, etc. |
-| Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls | XAML Controls such as RadialGauge, RangeSelector, etc. |
+| Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Behaviors | Extra behaviors built on top of the [XAML Behaviors](https://github.com/microsoft/XamlBehaviors/wiki) library. |
+| Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls | Wrapping package of all controls, for best disk footprint, use individual packages. |
+| Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls.Core | Common controls useful for a variety of applications. |
| Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls.DataGrid | XAML DataGrid control |
-| Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls.Layout | XAML layout controls such as WrapLayout, StaggeredLayout, etc. |
+| Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls.Input | Controls related to retrieving information or values. |
+| Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls.Layout | Controls for various application layout scenarios. |
+| Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls.Markdown | Markdown renderer control. |
+| Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls.Media | Controls that depend on Win2D. |
+| Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls.Primitives | Panels and simple layout controls without stlyes |
| Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Lottie | Library for rendering Adobe AfterEffects animations natively in Windows apps |
| Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Media | Brushes, Win2D/Composition effects, and helpers to create visual effects |
| Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Connectivity | API helpers such as BluetoothLEHelper and Networking |
@@ -37,7 +42,7 @@ Searching in Visual Studio package manager you should see a list similar to the
## Update NuGet Packages
-The Windows Community Toolkit is updated regularly with new controls, services, APIs, and more importantly, bug fixes. To make sure you are on the latest version, open your project in Visual Studio, choose the **Tools** menu, select **NuGet Package Manager** -> **Manage NuGet Packages for Solution...** and select the *Updates* tab. Select the package you want to update and click Instal to update to the latest version.
+The Windows Community Toolkit is updated regularly with new controls, services, APIs, and more importantly, bug fixes. To make sure you are on the latest version, open your project in Visual Studio, choose the **Tools** menu, select **NuGet Package Manager** -> **Manage NuGet Packages for Solution...** and select the *Updates* tab. Select the package you want to update and click Install to update to the latest version.
## Getting Started
diff --git a/docs/archive/graph/providers/InteractiveProviderBehavior.md b/docs/archive/graph/providers/InteractiveProviderBehavior.md
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--- a/docs/archive/graph/providers/InteractiveProviderBehavior.md
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-title: InteractiveProviderBehavior XAML Behavior
-author: michael-hawker
-description: The InteractiveProviderBehavior provides an easy way in XAML to connect to Microsoft Graph.
-keywords: windows 10, uwp, windows community toolkit, uwp community toolkit, uwp toolkit, graph, login, authentication, interactive, provider, identity, xaml islands
- - csharp
-# InteractiveProviderBehavior XAML Behavior
-> This API has been removed. For the latest guidance on using the Microsoft Graph in the Toolkit check out the [Windows Community Toolkit - Graph Helpers and Controls](../../../graph/overview.md).
-The [InteractiveProviderBehavior](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.graph.providers.interactiveproviderbehavior) provides a quick and easy way to connect to the Microsoft Identity platform and Microsoft Graph. It is built on top of the Graph SDK's authentication providers, but allows usage from XAML.
-Add this behavior to your application's main page. It only needs to be added to a single page to bootstrap all the other Graph enabled XAML controls.
-> Be sure to Register Client Id in Azure first following the guidance here: [Quickstart: Register an application with the Microsoft identity platform](/azure/active-directory/develop/quickstart-register-app)
-> After finishing the initial registration page, you will also need to add an additional redirect URI. Click on "Add a Redirect URI" and check the "https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/nativeclient" checkbox on that page. Then click "Save".
-## Syntax
-## WPF
-> This provider must be initialized in your WPF app when using the XAML Graph controls from [XAML Islands](/windows/apps/desktop/modernize/xaml-islands). The same syntax above is used; however, you must include the [Microsoft.Toolkit.Wpf.Graph.Providers](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Toolkit.Wpf.Graph.Providers) NuGet package instead.
-## Properties
-| Property | Type | Description |
-| -- | -- | -- |
-| ClientId | string | Client Id obtained from Azure registration. |
-| RedirectUri | string | Client's authentication uri redirect as configured in Azure. |
-| Scopes | ScopeSet | Comma-delimited list of scopes to pre-authorize from user during authentication. |
-## Requirements
-| Device family | Universal, MinVersion or higher |
-| -- | -- |
-| Namespace | Microsoft.Toolkit.Graph.Providers |
-| NuGet package | [Microsoft.Toolkit.Graph.Controls](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Toolkit.Graph.Controls) |
-## API
-* [InteractiveProviderBehavior source code](https://github.com/windows-toolkit/Graph-Controls/blob/rel/7.1.0/Microsoft.Toolkit.Graph.Controls/Providers/InteractiveProviderBehavior.cs)
-* [InteractiveProviderBehavior usage in XAML Islands Sample](https://github.com/windows-toolkit/Graph-Controls/blob/rel/7.1.0/Samples/XAML%20Islands/WPF-Core-GraphApp/MainWindow.xaml)
-## Related Topics
-* [Graph SDK Authentication Providers](https://github.com/microsoftgraph/msgraph-sdk-dotnet-auth)
-* [App Registration Quick-Start for Client Id](/azure/active-directory/develop/quickstart-register-app)
diff --git a/docs/archive/graph/providers/MockProviderBehavior.md b/docs/archive/graph/providers/MockProviderBehavior.md
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--- a/docs/archive/graph/providers/MockProviderBehavior.md
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-title: MockProviderBehavior XAML Behavior
-author: michael-hawker
-description: The MockProviderBehavior provides sample data from Microsoft Graph.
-keywords: windows 10, uwp, windows community toolkit, uwp community toolkit, uwp toolkit, graph, login, authentication, interactive, provider, identity, mock, sample
- - csharp
-# MockProviderBehavior XAML Behavior
-> This API has been removed. For the latest guidance on using the Microsoft Graph in the Toolkit check out the [Windows Community Toolkit - Graph Helpers and Controls](../../../graph/overview.md).
-The [MockProviderBehavior](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.graph.providers.mockproviderbehavior) provides sample data from the Microsoft Graph for demonstration and learning purposes only.
-Add this behavior to your application's main page. It only needs to be added to a single page to bootstrap all the other Graph enabled XAML controls.
-## Syntax
-## Properties
-| Property | Type | Description |
-| -- | -- | -- |
-| SignedIn | bool | Value to indicate if the provider should be in the signed-in state at initialization. |
-## Requirements
-| Device family | Universal, MinVersion or higher |
-| -- | -- |
-| Namespace | Microsoft.Toolkit.Graph.Providers |
-| NuGet package | [Microsoft.Toolkit.Graph.Controls](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Toolkit.Graph.Controls) |
-## API
-* [MockProviderBehavior source code](https://github.com/windows-toolkit/Graph-Controls/blob/rel/7.1.0/Microsoft.Toolkit.Graph.Controls/Providers/MockProviderBehavior.cs)
diff --git a/docs/brushes/TilesBrush.md b/docs/brushes/TilesBrush.md
index dd2e88d00..bf1b4efb6 100644
--- a/docs/brushes/TilesBrush.md
+++ b/docs/brushes/TilesBrush.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ keywords: windows 10, uwp, windows community toolkit, uwp community toolkit, uwp
# TilesBrush
-The [TilesBrush](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.uwp.ui.media.tilesbrush) is a [Brush](/uwp/api/windows.ui.xaml.media.brush) that that displays a tiled image.
+The [TilesBrush](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.uwp.ui.media.tilesbrush) is a [Brush](/uwp/api/windows.ui.xaml.media.brush) that displays a tiled image.
> [!div class="nextstepaction"]
> [Try it in the sample app](uwpct://Brushes?sample=TilesBrush)
diff --git a/docs/controls/HeaderedItemsControl.md b/docs/controls/HeaderedItemsControl.md
index e2664143b..1a5cacbe5 100644
--- a/docs/controls/HeaderedItemsControl.md
+++ b/docs/controls/HeaderedItemsControl.md
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ The [HeaderedItemsControl](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.uwp.ui.controls.headere
## Sample Output
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ The [HeaderedItemsControl](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.uwp.ui.controls.headere
- Used to control the look of the header. The default value for the `HeaderTemplate` will display the string representation of the `Header`. Set this property if you need to bind the `Header` to an object.
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ The [HeaderedItemsControl](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.uwp.ui.controls.headere
## Sample Project
diff --git a/docs/controls/datagrid_guidance/styling_formatting_options.md b/docs/controls/datagrid_guidance/styling_formatting_options.md
index 1662f7694..1177039c2 100644
--- a/docs/controls/datagrid_guidance/styling_formatting_options.md
+++ b/docs/controls/datagrid_guidance/styling_formatting_options.md
@@ -66,8 +66,10 @@ All individual parts of the DataGrid control are customizable through simple Sty
* *RowHeaderStyle* : style that is used when rendering the row headers. The DataGrid control does not have a default visual for the row header. To provide one you must provide a `ContentTemplate` for `Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls.Primitives.DataGridRowHeader`. For Example:
- xmlns:wctprimitives="using:Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls.Primitives"
+// This will display the column headers as one cell with the heading text
+// This will display the individual column headers if defined
Whether defined as an inline style or as a resource, the Style defines the appearance of cells/rows/columns/headers in the data grid, and should specify the appropriate TargetType (say, **DataGridCell** for CellStyle). You typically specify setters for individual properties, and might also use a setter for the Template property if you wanted to change the composition of elements.
diff --git a/docs/developer-tools/Guard.md b/docs/developer-tools/Guard.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 01cfb7a05..000000000
--- a/docs/developer-tools/Guard.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-title: Guard
-author: Sergio0694
-description: Helper methods to verify conditions when running code
-keywords: windows 10, uwp, windows community toolkit, uwp community toolkit, uwp toolkit, debug, net core, net standard
- - csharp
-# Guard
-The [Guard](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.diagnostics.guard) can be used to validate method arguments in a streamlined manner, which is also faster, less verbose, more expressive and less error prone than manually writing checks and throwing exceptions.
-## How it works
-These `Guard` APIs are built with three core principles in mind:
-- Being **fast**. To achieve that, all the APIs have been designed to produce as little code as possible in the caller, and each single Guard API will (almost always) be inlined. Furthermore, specialized methods are generated with T4 templates to achieve the most efficient assembly code possible when working with common types (eg. primitive numeric types).
-- Being **helpful**. Each `Guard` API produces a detailed exception message that clearly specifies what went wrong, along with additional info (eg. current variable values), when applicable.
-- Being **intuitive**. To achieve this, all the `Guard` APIs have expressive and self-explanatory names that make it immediately clear what each API is supposed to do. This shifts the burden of writing checks away from the developers, letting them express conditions using natural language.
-## Syntax
-Here is a sample method, with some checks being done with explicitly and with manual throw statements:
-public static void SampleMethod(int[] array, int index, Span span, string text)
- if (array is null)
- {
- throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(array), "The array must not be null");
- }
- if (array.Length >= 10)
- {
- throw new ArgumentException($"The array must have less than 10 items, had a size of {array.Length}", nameof(array));
- }
- if (index < 0 || index >= array.Length)
- {
- throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index), $"The index must be in the [0, {array.Length}) range, was {index}");
- }
- if (span.Length < array.Length)
- {
- throw new ArgumentException($"The target span is shorter than the input array, had a length of {span.Length}", nameof(span));
- }
- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
- {
- throw new ArgumentException("The input text can't be null or empty", nameof(text));
- }
-And here is the same method, but using the new `Guard.APIs` to validate the input arguments:
-public static void SampleMethod(int[] array, int index, Span span, string text)
- Guard.IsNotNull(array, nameof(array));
- Guard.HasSizeGreaterThanOrEqualTo(array, 10, nameof(array));
- Guard.IsInRangeFor(index, array, nameof(index));
- Guard.HasSizeLessThanOrEqualTo(array, span, nameof(span));
- Guard.IsNotNullOrEmpty(text, nameof(text));
-The `Guard` APIs will perform the required checks in the fastest way possible, and will throw the appropriate exception with a well formated message if they fail.
-## Methods
-There are dozens of different APIs and overloads in the `Guard` class, here are a few of them:
-### General
-| Methods | Return Type | Description |
-| -- | -- | -- |
-| IsNotNull<T>(T, string) | void | Asserts that the input value is not null |
-| IsOfType<T>(object, string) | void | Asserts that the input value is of a specific type |
-| IsAssignableToType<T>(object, string) | void | Asserts that the input value can be assigned to a specified type |
-| IsReferenceEqualTo<T>(T, T, string) | void | Asserts that the input value must be the same instance as the target value |
-| IsTrue(bool, string) | void | Asserts that the input value must be true |
-### Comparisons
-| Methods | Return Type | Description |
-| -- | -- | -- |
-| IsEqualTo<T>(T, T, string) | void | Asserts that the input value must be equal to a specified value |
-| IsBitwiseEqualTo<T>(T, T, string) | void | Asserts that the input value must be a bitwise match with a specified value |
-| IsLessThan<T>(T, T, string) | void | Asserts that the input value must be less than a specified value |
-| IsLessThanOrEqualTo<T>(T, T, string) | void | Asserts that the input value must be less than or equal to a specified value |
-| IsInRange<T>(T, T, T, string) | void | Asserts that the input value must be in the [minimum, maximum) range |
-| IsBetween<T>(T, T, T, string name) | void | Asserts that the input value must be in the (minimum, maximum) interval |
-| IsBetweenOrEqualTo<T>(T, T, T, string name) | void | Asserts that the input value must be in the [minimum, maximum] interval |
-### Strings
-| Methods | Return Type | Description |
-| -- | -- | -- |
-| IsNotNullOrEmpty(string, string) | void | Asserts that the input string instance must not be null or empty |
-| IsNotNullOrWhitespace(string, string) | void | Asserts that the input string instance must not be null or whitespace |
-### Collections
-| Methods | Return Type | Description |
-| -- | -- | -- |
-| IsNotEmpty<T>(T[], string) | void | Asserts that the input array instance must not be empty |
-| HasSizeEqualTo<T>(T[], int, string) | void | Asserts that the input array instance must have a size of a specified value |
-| HasSizeAtLeast<T>(T[], int, string) | void | Asserts that the input array must have a size of at least or equal to a specified value |
-| IsInRangeFor<T>(int, T[], string) | void | Asserts that the input index is valid for a given array |
-| HasSizeLessThanOrEqualTo<T>(T[], T[], string) | void | Asserts that the source array must have a size of less than or equal to that of the destination array |
-### Tasks
-| Methods | Return Type | Description |
-| -- | -- | -- |
-| IsCompleted(Task, string) | void | Asserts that the input task is in a completed state |
-| IsNotCanceled(Task, string) | void | Asserts that the input task is not canceled |
-## Sample Code
-You can find more examples in our [unit tests](https://github.com/windows-toolkit/WindowsCommunityToolkit/blob/rel/7.1.0/UnitTests/UnitTests.Shared/Diagnostics/Test_Guard.cs)
-## Requirements
-| Implementation | .NET Standard 2.0 |
-| --- | --- |
-| Namespace | Microsoft.Toolkit.Diagnostics |
-| NuGet package | [Microsoft.Toolkit](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Toolkit/) |
-The Guard class supports .NET Standard
-## API
-- [Guard source code](https://github.com/windows-toolkit/WindowsCommunityToolkit/blob/rel/7.1.0/Microsoft.Toolkit.Diagnostics)
diff --git a/docs/developer-tools/ThrowHelper.md b/docs/developer-tools/ThrowHelper.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 60d7c1a5b..000000000
--- a/docs/developer-tools/ThrowHelper.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-title: ThrowHelper
-author: Sergio0694
-description: Helper methods to efficiently throw exceptions
-keywords: windows 10, uwp, windows community toolkit, uwp community toolkit, uwp toolkit, debug, net core, net standard
- - csharp
-# ThrowHelper
-The [ThrowHelper](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.diagnostics.ThrowHelper) class is a helper type that can be used to efficiently throw exceptions. It is meant to support the [Guard](Guard.md) APIs, and it should primarily be used in situations where developers need fine-grained controls over the exception types being thrown, or over the exact exception message to include.
-## Syntax
-The `ThrowHelper` class exposes a series of `ThrowException` APIs that offer a 1:1 mapping to the constructors of all the available exception types. These methods are meant to be used in place of the classic `throw new Exception(...)` statement in code, as it will result in smaller and more efficient code. Put simply:
-// Replace this...
-throw new InvalidOperationException("Some custom message from my library");
-// ...with this
-ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException("Some custom message from my library");
-> [!NOTE]
-> This will also result in a slightly different stack trace, as the exception will be thrown by this helper method instead of directly by the original caller. The practical result is still the same as throwing an exception directly.
-The `Guard` APIs provide an easy to use abstraction over many common checks that might need to be performed, so it is recommended to first try to see if there is a `Guard` API that can be used, and only fallback on using `ThrowHelper` if that's not the case. As mentioned before, this might be if your library needs to throw a specific exception type not present in the `Guard` APIs, or if you need full control on the exact arguments being included in the exception being thrown.
-There are also generic overloads for all the available APIs, which can be used within expressions that require a return type of a specific type (eg. a switch expression). These overloads never return any value, but the return type is declared to allow the C# compiler to accept the usage of these APIs within expressions that wouldn't work with a method returning `void`. Consider the following example:
-int result = text switch
- "cat" => 0,
- "dog" => 1,
- _ => ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(nameof(text))
-Here we're using `ThrowHelper` within an expression that requires a return type of type `int`, so we can use the generic overload of `ThrowArgumentException` to make this possible. This also works with patterns such as ternary operators (`x ? a : b`), null-coalescing operators (`x = a ?? b`) null-coalescing assignment operators (`x ??= y`), and more.
-## Methods
-There are lots of different methods and overloads in the `ThrowHelper` class, providing access to the following exceptions (and mapping all their public constructors):
-- [ArrayTypeMismatchException](/dotnet/api/system.ArrayTypeMismatchException)
-- [ArgumentException](/dotnet/api/system.ArgumentException)
-- [ArgumentNullException](/dotnet/api/system.ArgumentNullException)
-- [ArgumentOutOfRangeException](/dotnet/api/system.ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
-- [COMException](/dotnet/api/system.runtime.interopservices.COMException)
-- [ExternalException](/dotnet/api/system.runtime.interopservices.ExternalException)
-- [FormatException](/dotnet/api/system.FormatException)
-- [InsufficientMemoryException](/dotnet/api/system.InsufficientMemoryException)
-- [InvalidDataException](/dotnet/api/system.io.InvalidDataException)
-- [InvalidOperationException](/dotnet/api/system.InvalidOperationException)
-- [LockRecursionException](/dotnet/api/system.threading.LockRecursionException)
-- [MissingFieldException](/dotnet/api/system.MissingFieldException)
-- [MissingMemberException](/dotnet/api/system.MissingMemberException)
-- [MissingMethodException](/dotnet/api/system.MissingMethodException)
-- [NotSupportedException](/dotnet/api/system.NotSupportedException)
-- [ObjectDisposedException](/dotnet/api/system.ObjectDisposedException)
-- [OperationCanceledException](/dotnet/api/system.OperationCanceledException)
-- [PlatformNotSupportedException](/dotnet/api/system.PlatformNotSupportedException)
-- [SynchronizationLockException](/dotnet/api/system.threading.SynchronizationLockException)
-- [TimeoutException](/dotnet/api/system.TimeoutException)
-- [UnauthorizedAccessException](/dotnet/api/system.UnauthorizedAccessException)
-- [Win32Exception](/dotnet/api/system.componentmodel.Win32Exception)
-You can see the available constructors for each of these exception types from the linked docs - the respective `ThrowHelper` APIs will simply offer a series of overloads corresponding to the existing constructors for that specified type. Each API is simply named "Throw" + the exception type.
-## Technical Details
-The following section describes the impact of switching to `ThrowHelper` APIs over the standard `throw new Expression` statements with respect to the codegen. As mentioned above, knowing these details is not necessary in order to use these APIs, but for developers familiar with how the runtime works or with how the JIT processes code during execution, this will provide a clearer explanation of why using the `ThrowHelper` pattern results in more compact and faster code. In order to do so, we will need to have a peek at the code that the JIT compiler is actually producing in these situations. We will use the code generated on .NET Core 3.1 x64 as a reference, but the same concept applies to other runtimes and architectures as well.
-Let's consider this simple type:
-public struct ExceptionTest
- private int number;
- public int GetValueIfNotZeroOrThrow()
- {
- if (number == 0)
- {
- throw new InvalidOperationException("The value must be != 0");
- }
- return number;
- }
-This type is only meant to showcase the use of `ThrowHelper` APIs. Here we're simply checking the value of the `number` field, and throwing if it's 0. Let's check the generated asm code:
- mov eax, [rcx] ; read number
- test eax, eax ; if (number != 0)
- je short L0011 ; jump to faulting path (if == 0)
- ret ; return (number is already in eax)
- mov rcx, 0x7ff95cbaca80 ; exception setup...
- call 0x00007ff9bc6178f0
- mov rsi, rax
- mov ecx, 1
- mov rdx, 0x7ff96590c080
- call 0x00007ff9bc7403e0
- mov rdx, rax
- mov rcx, rsi
- call System.InvalidOperationException..ctor(System.String)
- mov rcx, rsi
- call 0x00007ff9bc5db3a0
- int3 ; finally throw the exception
-We can see the code contains a lot of lines just dedicated to creating the exception being thrown. This can cause a large increase in the code size whenever we have many of these checks because it will reduce the efficiency of the instruction cache, etc. In general, we'd like the size of our methods to be as small as possible.
-The above snippet, rewritten using the `ThrowHelper` APIs, would like like this:
-public int GetValueIfNotZeroOrThrow()
- if (number == 0)
- {
- ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException("The value must be != 0");
- }
- return number;
-Which results in the following assembly:
- mov eax, [rcx] ; load number
- test eax, eax ; if (number != 0)
- je short L000f ; faulting path (if == 0)
- ret ; return number (already in eax)
- mov rcx, 0x23435d85b98 ; load the exception message
- mov rcx, [rcx]
- call ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(System.String) ; ThrowHelper call!
- int3 ; return with fault
-We can see that the resulting assembly is much smaller than before. We basically moved all the code to create the exception out of the method, which also means we can just always reuse the same code from the `ThrowHelper` APIs, with different arguments, instead of inlining the exception throw in every single one of our methods. Here we only have those two `mov` instructions to load the `string` with our exception type, and then we jump to the `ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException` method. The JIT compiler is able to see that that method will always throw, so it will never inline that call, and it will make sure to rewrite our conditional branches in the best way possible (specifically, knowing what is the branch that is supposed to be executed, without faulting).
-## Requirements
-| Implementation | .NET Standard 2.0 |
-| --- | --- |
-| Namespace | Microsoft.Toolkit.Diagnostics |
-| NuGet package | [Microsoft.Toolkit](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Toolkit/) |
-The ThrowHelper class supports .NET Standard
-## API
-- [ThrowHelper source code](https://github.com/windows-toolkit/WindowsCommunityToolkit/blob/rel/7.1.0/Microsoft.Toolkit.Diagnostics/ThrowHelper.cs)
-## Related Topics
-- [Guard](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.diagnostics.guard)
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-title: Introduction to the Diagnostics package
-author: Sergio0694
-description: An overview of how to get started with the Diagnostics package and to the APIs it contains
-keywords: windows 10, uwp, windows community toolkit, uwp community toolkit, uwp toolkit, get started, visual studio, diagnostics, exceptions, contract, net core, net standard
-# Introduction to the Diagnostics package
-The Diagnostics package contains APIs to efficiently validate method parameters and to throw exceptions in faulting code paths. It is meant to be used to help simplify all argument checks and to make them more expressive and easier to read, while at the same time improving codegen quality and performance.
-This package can be installed through NuGet, and it has the following multi-targets:
-- .NET Standard 1.4
-- .NET Standard 2.0
-- .NET Standard 2.1
-- .NET 5
-This means the package can be used on any available runtime (including .NET Framework, .NET Core, UWP, Unity, Xamarin, Uno, Blazor, etc.). The API surface is almost identical in all cases, while the internal implementation can be optimized when newer APIs are available. The Diagnostics package as a whole is meant to be self-contained and extremely small in scope and binary size.
-Follow these steps to install the Diagnostics package:
-1. Open an existing project in Visual studio, targeting any of the following:
- - UWP (>= 10.0)
- - .NET Standard (>= 1.4)
- - .NET Core (>= 1.0)
- - Any other framework supporting .NET Standard 1.4 and up
-2. In Solution Explorer panel, right click on your project name and select **Manage NuGet Packages**. Search for **Microsoft.Toolkit.Diagnostics** and install it.
- 
-3. Add a using directive in your C# files to use the new APIs:
- ```csharp
- using Microsoft.Toolkit.Diagnostics;
- ```
-4. If you want so see some code samples, you can either read through the other docs pages for the Diagnostics package, or have a look at the various [unit tests](https://github.com/windows-toolkit/WindowsCommunityToolkit/tree/rel/7.1.0/UnitTests/UnitTests.Shared/Diagnostics) for the project.
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-title: Custom authentication providers
-author: shweaver-MSFT
-description: IProvider interface defines the basic functions of an authentication provider in the Graph toolkit.
-keywords: uwp, wpf, netstandard, windows, community, toolkit, graph, login, authentication, provider, providers, identity
- - csharp
-# Custom authentication providers
-If you have existing authentication code in your application, you can create a custom provider to enable authentication and access to Microsoft Graph for the toolkit's Graph based controls and helpers. To bring your own authentication provider logic, start by extending `IProvider`.
-## IProvider
-`IProvider` is the base interface for creating authentication providers that work with the various controls and helpers in the toolkit. Handle authentication with one of our premade `IProvider` implementations or create your own.
-Available in the `CommunityToolkit.Authentication` package.
-using CommunityToolkit.Authentication;
-// Create an instance of your custom IProvider implementation.
-IProvider customProvider = new CustomProvider();
-// Set the global provider using the custom instance.
-ProviderManager.Instance.GlobalProvider = customProvider;
-### Properties
-| Property | Type | Description |
-| -- | -- | -- |
-| State | ProviderState | Gets the current authentication state of the provider. |
-### Events
-| Event | Type | Description |
-| -- | -- | -- |
-| StateChanged | EventHandler<ProviderStateChangedEventArgs> | An event that is called whenever the login state changes.
-### Methods
-| Method | Arguments | Returns | Description |
-| -- | -- | -- | -- |
-| AuthenticateRequestAsync | HttpRequestMessage | Task | Authenticate an outgoing request. |
-| GetTokenAsync | bool silentOnly = false | Task<string> | Retrieve a token for the authenticated user. |
-| SignInAsync | | Task | Sign in a user. |
-| SignOutAsync | | Task | Sign out the current user. |
-| TrySilentSignInAsync | | Task<bool> | Try signing in silently, without prompts. |
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-title: MsalProvider
-author: shweaver-MSFT
-description: Authentication provider based on the official Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL).
-keywords: uwp, wpf, netstandard, windows, community, toolkit, graph, login, authentication, provider, providers, identity, msal
- - csharp
-# MsalProvider
-The MsalProvider is an [IProvider](./custom.md) implementation built on the official Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL). It is NetStandard 2.0 so it works in both UWP and WPF apps.
-Available in the `CommunityToolkit.Authentication.Msal` package.
-using CommunityToolkit.Authentication;
-string clientId = "YOUR-CLIENT-ID-HERE";
-string[] scopes = new string[] { "User.Read" };
-ProviderManager.Instance.GlobalProvider = new MsalProvider(clientId, scopes);
-## Prerequisite Configure Client Id in Partner Center
-> To obtain a Client Id, first register your app in Azure following the guidance here: [Quickstart: Register an application with the Microsoft identity platform](/azure/active-directory/develop/quickstart-register-app)
-> After finishing the initial registration, you will also need to add an additional redirect URI. Click on "Authentication -> Add a Platform", select "Mobile and desktop applications", and check the "https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/nativeclient" checkbox on that page. Then click "Configure".
-## Constructor
-| Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
-| -- | -- | -- | -- |
-| clientId | string | | Registered client id. |
-| scopes | string[] | null | Listof scopes to initially request. |
-| redirectUri | string | `https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/nativeclient` | Redirect URI for authentication response. |
-| autoSignIn | bool | true | Determines whether the provider attempts to silently log in upon instantiation. |
-## Properties
-| Property | Type | Description |
-| -- | -- | -- |
-| State | ProviderState | Gets the current authentication state of the provider. |
-## Events
-| Event | Type | Description |
-| -- | -- | -- |
-| StateChanged | EventHandler<ProviderStateChangedEventArgs> | Event called when the provider state changes. |
-## Methods
-| Method | Arguments | Returns | Description |
-| -- | -- | -- | -- |
-| GetTokenAsync | bool silentOnly = false, string[] scopes = null | Task<string> | Retrieve a token for the authenticated user. |
-| AuthenticateRequestAsync | HttpRequestMessage | Task | Authenticate an outgoing request. |
-| SignInAsync | | Task | Sign in a user. |
-| SignOutAsync | | Task | Sign out the current user. |
-| TrySilentSignInAsync | | Task<bool> | Try signing in silently, without prompts. |
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-title: WindowsProvider
-author: shweaver-MSFT
-description: Lightweight IProvider implementation that enables authentication using native Windows Account Manager APIs (WAM).
-keywords: uwp, netstandard, windows, community, toolkit, graph, login, authentication, provider, providers, identity, wam, msa
- - csharp
-# WindowsProvider
-The WindowsProvider is an authentication provider for accessing locally configured accounts on Windows.
-It extends [IProvider](./custom.md) and uses the native Windows AccountManager (WAM) APIs and AccountsSettingsPane for sign in.
-Available in the `CommunityToolkit.Authentication.Uwp` package.
-## Prerequisite Windows Store Association in Visual Studio
-To get valid tokens and complete sign in, the app will need to be associated with the Microsoft Store. This will enable your app to authenticate consumer MSA accounts without any additional configuration.
-1. In Visual Studio Solution Explorer, right-click the UWP project, then select **Store -> Associate App with the Store...**
-2. In the wizard, click **Next**, sign in with your Windows developer account, type a name for your app in **Reserve a new app name**, then click **Reserve**.
-3. After completing the app registration, select the new app name, click **Next**, and then click **Associate**. This adds the required Windows Store registration information to the application manifest.
-> [!NOTE]
-> You must have a Windows Developer account to use the WindowsProvider in your UWP app. You can [register a Microsoft developer account](https://developer.microsoft.com/store/register) if you don't already have one.
-## Prerequisite Configure Client Id in Partner Center
-If your product integrates with Azure AD and calls APIs that request either application permissions or delegated permissions that require administrator consent, you will also need to enter your Azure AD Client ID in Partner Center:
-This lets administrators who acquire the app for their organization grant consent for your product to act on behalf of all users in the tenant.
-> [!NOTE]
-> You only need to specify the client id if you need admin consent for delegated permissions from your AAD app registration, or need to support more advanced authentication scenarios like SSO. Simple authentication for consumer MSA accounts does not require a client id or any additional configuration in Azure for basic access.
-> Make sure to Register Client Id in Azure first following the guidance here: [Quickstart: Register an application with the Microsoft identity platform](/azure/active-directory/develop/quickstart-register-app)
-> After finishing the initial registration page, you will also need to add an additional redirect URI. Click on "Add a Redirect URI" and add the value retrieved from running `WindowsProvider.RedirectUri` at runtime.
-> You'll also want to set the toggle to **true** for "Allow public client flows".
-> Then click "Save".
-## Syntax
-The WindowsProvider can be used in just one line of code:
-using CommunityToolkit.Authentication;
-// Easily create a new WindowsProvider instance and set the GlobalProvider.
-// Don't forget to associate your app with the Microsoft Store before attempting sign in.
-ProviderManager.Instance.GlobalProvider = new WindowsProvider(new string[] { "User.Read", "Tasks.ReadWrite" });
-The WindowsProvider can also be configured to disable auto-login or show custom content in the `AccountsSettingsPane`.
-Configuration for specifying supported account types (such as AAD) is available via the `WebAccountProviderConfig` object.
-using CommunityToolkit.Authentication;
-// Provider config
-string[] scopes = { "User.Read", "People.Read", "Calendars.Read", "Mail.Read" };
-// Additional parameters are also available,
-// such as custom settings commands for the AccountsSettingsPane.
-Guid settingsCommandId = Guid.NewGuid();
-void OnSettingsCommandInvoked(IUICommand command)
- System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("AccountsSettingsPane command invoked: " + command.Id);
-// Configure which types of accounts should be available to choose from. The default is MSA, but AAD is also supported.
-var webAccountProviderConfig = new WebAccountProviderConfig(WebAccountProviderType.Msa);
-// ClientId is only required for approving admin level consent in AAD tenants or for supporting advanced authentication scenarios like SSO.
-//var webAccountProviderConfig = new WebAccountProviderConfig(WebAccountProviderType.Aad, "YOUR_CLIENT_ID_HERE");
-// Configure details to present in the AccountsSettingsPane, such as custom header text and links.
-var accountsSettingsPaneConfig = new AccountsSettingsPaneConfig(
- headerText: "Custom header text",
- commands: new List()
- {
- new SettingsCommand(settingsCommandId: settingsCommandId, label: "Click me!", handler: OnSettingsCommandInvoked)
- });
-// Determine it the provider should automatically sign in or not. Default is true.
-// Set to false to delay silent sign in until SignInAsync or TrySilentSignInAsync is called.
-bool autoSignIn = false;
-// Set the GlobalProvider with the extra configuration
-ProviderManager.Instance.GlobalProvider = new WindowsProvider(scopes, accountsSettingsPaneConfig, webAccountProviderConfig, autoSignIn);
-## Constructor
-| Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
-| -- | -- | -- | -- |
-| scopes | string[] | null | List of scopes to initially request. |
-| webAccountProviderConfig | WebAccountProviderConfig? | null | Configuration value for determining the available web account providers. |
-| accountsSettingsPaneConfig | AccountsSettingsPaneConfig? | null | Configuration values for the AccountsSettingsPane. |
-| autoSignIn | bool | true | Determines whether the provider attempts to silently log in upon instantiation. |
-## Properties
-| Property | Type | Description |
-| -- | -- | -- |
-| State | ProviderState | Gets the current authentication state of the provider. |
-| Scopes | string[] | List of scopes to pre-authorize on the user during authentication. |
-| WebAccountsProviderConfig | WebAccountProviderConfig | configuration values for determining the available web account providers. |
-| AccountsSettingsPaneConfig | AccountsSettingsPaneConfig | Configuration values for the AccountsSettingsPane, shown during authentication. |
-| RedirectUri | string | Static getter for retrieving a customized redirect uri to put in the Azure app registration. |
-## Events
-| Event | Type | Description |
-| -- | -- | -- |
-| StateChanged | EventHandler<ProviderStateChangedEventArgs> | Event called when the provider state changes. |
-## Methods
-| Method | Arguments | Returns | Description |
-| -- | -- | -- | -- |
-| AuthenticateRequestAsync | HttpRequestMessage | Task | Authenticate an outgoing request. |
-| GetTokenAsync | bool silentOnly = true, string[] scopes = null | Task<string> | Retrieve a token for the authenticated user. |
-| SignInAsync | | Task | Sign in a user. |
-| SignOutAsync | | Task | Sign out the current user. |
-| TrySilentSignInAsync | | Task<bool> | Try signing in silently, without prompts. |
-## AccountsSettingsPaneConfig Object
-| Property | Type | Description |
-| -- | -- | -- |
-| HeaderText | string | Gets or sets the header text for the accounts settings pane. |
-| Commands | IList<SettingsCommand> | Gets or sets the SettingsCommand collection for the account settings pane. |
-## WebAccountProviderConfig Object
-| Property | Type | Description |
-| -- | -- | -- |
-| ClientId | string | Client Id obtained from Azure registration. |
-| WebAccountProviderType | WebAccountProviderType | The types of accounts providers that should be available to the user. |
-### WebAccountProviderType Enum
-| Name | Description |
-| -- | -- |
-| All | Enable authentication of all available account types. |
-| MSA | Enable authentication of public/consumer MSA accounts. |
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-title: Introduction to the High Performance package
-author: Sergio0694
-description: An overview of how to get started with the High Performance package and to the APIs it contains
-keywords: windows 10, uwp, windows community toolkit, uwp community toolkit, uwp toolkit, get started, visual studio, high performance, net core, net standard
-# Introduction to the High Performance package
-This package can be installed through NuGet, and it has the following multi-targets:
-- .NET Standard 1.4
-- .NET Standard 2.0
-- .NET Standard 2.1
-- .NET Core 2.1
-- .NET Core 3.1
-- .NET 5
-This means that you can use it from anything from UWP or legacy .NET Framework applications, games written in Unity, cross-platform mobile applications using Xamarin, to .NET Standard libraries and modern .NET Core 2.1 or .NET Core 3.1 applications. The API surface is almost identical in all cases, and lots of work has been put into backporting as many features as possible to older targets like .NET Standard 1.4 and .NET Standard 2.0. Except for some minor differences, you can expect the same APIs to be available on all target frameworks.
-The reason why multi-targeting has been used is to allow the package to leverage all the latest APIs on modern runtimes (like .NET 5) whenever possible, while still offering most of its functionalities to all target platforms. It also makes it possible for .NET Core 2.1 to use all the APIs that it has in common with .NET Standard 2.1, even though the runtime itself doesn't fully implement .NET Standard 2.1. All of this would not have been possible without multi-targeting to both .NET Standard as well as individual runtimes.
-Follow these steps to install the High Performance package:
-1. Open an existing project in Visual studio, targeting any of the following:
- - UWP (>= 10.0)
- - .NET Standard (>= 1.4)
- - .NET Core (>= 1.0)
- - Any other framework supporting .NET Standard 1.4 and up
-2. In Solution Explorer panel, right click on your project name and select **Manage NuGet Packages**. Search for **Microsoft.Toolkit.HighPerformance** and install it.
- 
-3. Add a using directive in your C# files to use the new APIs:
- ```csharp
- using Microsoft.Toolkit.HighPerformance;
- ```
-4. If you want so see some code samples, you can either read through the other docs pages for the High Performance package, or have a look at the various [unit tests](https://github.com/windows-toolkit/WindowsCommunityToolkit/tree/rel/7.1.0/UnitTests/UnitTests.HighPerformance.Shared) for the project.
-## When should I use this package?
-As the name suggests, the High Performance package contains a set of APIs that are heavily focused on optimization. All the new APIs have been carefully crafted to achieve the best possible performance when using them, either through reduced memory allocation, micro-optimizations at the assembly level, or by structuring the APIs in a way that facilitates writing performance oriented code in general.
-This package makes heavy use of APIs such as:
-- [`System.Span`](/dotnet/api/system.span-1)
-- [`System.Memory`](/dotnet/api/system.memory-1)
-- [`System.Buffers.ArrayPool`](/dotnet/api/system.buffers.arraypool-1)
-- [`System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe`](/dotnet/api/system.runtime.compilerservices.unsafe)
-- [`System.Runtime.InteropServices.MemoryMarshal`](/dotnet/api/system.runtime.interopservices.memorymarshal)
-- [`System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel`](/dotnet/api/system.threading.tasks.parallel)
-If you are already familiar with these APIs or even if you're just getting started with writing high performance code in C# and want a set of well tested helpers to use in your own projects, have a look at what's included in this package to see how you can use it in your own projects!
-## Where to start?
-Here are some APIs you could look at first, if you were already using one of those types mentioned above:
-- [`Span2D`](Span2D.md) and [`Memory2D`](Memory2D.md), for a `Span` and `Memory`-like abstraction over 2D memory
-- [`MemoryOwner`](MemoryOwner.md) and [`SpanOwner`](SpanOwner.md), if you were using `System.Buffers.ArrayPool`.
-- [`StringPool`](StringPool.md), for an `ArrayPool`-like type to cache `string` instances
-- [`ParallelHelper`](ParallelHelper.md), if you were using `System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel`.
diff --git a/docs/high-performance/Memory2D.md b/docs/high-performance/Memory2D.md
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-title: Memory2D<T> and ReadOnlyMemory2D<T>
-author: Sergio0694
-description: A value type that mirrors the behavior of Memory<T> and ReadOnlyMemory<T> with the addition of supporting arbitrary 2D memory locations
-keywords: windows 10, uwp, windows community toolkit, uwp community toolkit, uwp toolkit, parallel, high performance, net core, net standard
- - csharp
-# Memory2D<T>
-The [`Memory2D`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.highperformance.memory2d-1) is a type that mirrors the functionality of the [`Memory`](/dotnet/api/system.memory-1) type, with the difference being that it can be used to represent 2D memory locations. It is extremely flexible and is capable of wrapping a number of different types, including ND arrays (with explicit support for 1D, 2D, and 3D arrays) or `Memory` instances. This type is meant to be used together with the [`Span2D`](/dotnet/api/communitytoolkit.highperformance.span2d-1?view=win-comm-toolkit-dotnet-7.0) type, in the same way that `Memory` is used along with [`Span`](/dotnet/api/system.span-1). For more info on the key differences and use case scenarios of these two types, you can read [this docs page](/dotnet/standard/memory-and-spans/memory-t-usage-guidelines).
-> **Platform APIs:** [`Memory2D`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.highperformance.memory2d-1), [`Span2D`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.highperformance.span2d-1), [`ReadOnlyMemory2D`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.highperformance.readonlymemory2d-1)
-## How it works
-The `Memory2D` type internally tracks the mapped 2D memory area through a reference to the wrapped object, the height and width parameters, and a special pitch parameter. The height and width indicate the length of the rows and columns in the 2D memory area, while the pitch indicates the offset between the end of each row and the start of the following one.
-Here's a simple diagram that illustrates this configuration (the "XX" cells in the grid represent items belonging to the target 2D memory area):
-// _____________________stride_____...
-// reference__ /________width_________ ________...
-// \/ \/
-// | -- | -- | |- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |_
-// | -- | -- | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | -- | -- | |
-// | -- | -- | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | -- | -- | |
-// | -- | -- | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | -- | -- | |_height
-// | -- | -- | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | -- | -- |_|
-// | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |
-// | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |
-// ...__pitch__/
-// ...________/
-This configuration allows `Memory2D` to be extremely flexible in the way it maps existing buffers to 2D memory areas, as it makes it possible to also represent discontiguous buffers as a "virtual" 2D memory location. For instance, here's a few examples of buffer types that a `Memory2D` instance can map to:
-- A 1D `T[]` array which is mapped as a 2D memory area in row-major order.
-- A 2D `T[,]` array, mapped directly to a `Memory2D` instance.
-- A 3D `T[,,]` array, with a `Memory2D` instance representing a given depth slice (a layer).
-The `Memory` type also exposes a number of utility methods, including most of the same API surface that the standard `Memory` implements. For instance, it includes a `Slice(int, int)` method that makes it easy to do 2D slicing operations directly on the virtual 2D memory location, with the `Memory2D` instance automatically adjusting the necessary parameters internally to shift its mapping on the right memory area(s) corresponding to the requested result.
-## Syntax
-Here's how you can create a `Memory2D` instance from a 2D array:
-int[,] array =
- { 1, 2, 3 },
- { 4, 5, 6 },
- { 7, 8, 9 }
-Memory2D memory = array;
-// The memory directly maps the 2*3 array here
-Memory2D slice = memory.Slice(0, 1, 2, 2);
-// We create a slice from row 0 and column 1, of size 2*2
-int[,] copy = slice.ToArray();
-// { 2, 3 }
-// { 5, 6 }
-// If on a supported runtime, we can also slice using a range
-Memory2D test = memory[.., ..2];
-// { 1, 2 }
-// { 4, 5 }
-// { 7, 8 }
-Span2D span = memory.Span;
-// We can use the span to perform operations on the underlying
-// data for the memory instance. All the available APIs are
-// documented in the docs about the Span2D type.
-## ReadOnlyMemory2D<T>
-The [`ReadOnlyMemory2D`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.highperformance.readonlymemory2d-1) is to the `Memory2D` type what `ReadOnlyMemory` is to `Memory`. It exposes the same exact functionalities (minus the APIs that involve modifying the contents of the wrapped memory area) and provides a read-only view to arbitrary 2D memory locations. For more info on how this type works, you can refer to the paragraph on the `Memory2D` type above.
-## Examples
-You can find more examples in the [unit tests](https://github.com/windows-toolkit/WindowsCommunityToolkit/blob/rel/7.1.0/UnitTests/UnitTests.HighPerformance.Shared).
diff --git a/docs/high-performance/MemoryOwner.md b/docs/high-performance/MemoryOwner.md
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-title: MemoryOwner<T>
-author: Sergio0694
-description: A buffer type implementing `IMemoryOwner` that rents memory from a shared pool
-keywords: windows 10, uwp, windows community toolkit, uwp community toolkit, uwp toolkit, parallel, high performance, net core, net standard
- - csharp
-# MemoryOwner<T>
-The [`MemoryOwner`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.highperformance.buffers.memoryowner-1) is a buffer type implementing [`IMemoryOwner`](/dotnet/api/system.buffers.imemoryowner-1), an embedded length property and a series of performance oriented APIs. It is essentially a lightweight wrapper around the [`ArrayPool`](/dotnet/api/system.buffers.arraypool-1) type, with some additional helper utilities.
-> **Platform APIs:** [`MemoryOwner`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.highperformance.buffers.memoryowner-1), [`AllocationMode`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.highperformance.buffers.allocationmode)
-## How it works
-`MemoryOwner` has the following main features:
-- One of the main issues of arrays returned by the `ArrayPool` APIs and of the `IMemoryOwner` instances returned by the [`MemoryPool`](/dotnet/api/system.buffers.memorypool-1) APIs is that the size specified by the user is only being used as a _minimum_ size: the actual size of the returned buffers might actually be greater. `MemoryOwner` solves this by also storing the original requested size, so that [`Memory`](/dotnet/api/system.memory-1) and [`Span`](/dotnet/api/system.span-1) instances retrieved from it will never need to be manually sliced.
-- When using `IMemoryOwner`, getting a `Span` for the underlying buffer requires first to get a `Memory` instance, and then a `Span`. This is fairly expensive, and often unnecessary, as the intermediate `Memory` might actually not be needed at all. `MemoryOwner` instead has an additional `Span` property which is extremely lightweight, as it directly wraps the internal `T[]` array being rented from the pool.
-- Buffers rented from the pool are not cleared by default, which means that if they were not cleared when being previous returned to the pool, they might contain garbage data. Normally, users are required to clear these rented buffers manually, which can be verbose especially when done frequently. `MemoryOwner` has a more flexible approach to this, through the `Allocate(int, AllocationMode)` API. This method not only allocates a new instance of exactly the requested size, but can also be used to specify which allocation mode to use: either the same one as `ArrayPool`, or one that automatically clears the rented buffer.
-- There are cases where a buffer might be rented with a greater size than what is actually needed, and then resized afterwards. This would normally require users to rent a new buffer and copy the region of interest from the old buffer. Instead, `MemoryOwner` exposes a `Slice(int, int)` API that simply return a new instance wrapping the specified area of interest. This allows to skip renting a new buffer and copying the items entirely.
-## Syntax
-Here is an example of how to rent a buffer and retrieve a `Memory` instance:
-// Be sure to include this using at the top of the file:
-using Microsoft.Toolkit.HighPerformance.Buffers;
-using (MemoryOwner buffer = MemoryOwner.Allocate(42))
- // Both memory and span have exactly 42 items
- Memory memory = buffer.Memory;
- Span span = buffer.Span;
- // Writing to the span modifies the underlying buffer
- span[0] = 42;
-In this example, we used a `using` block to declare the `MemoryOwner` buffer: this is particularly useful as the underlying array will automatically be returned to the pool at the end of the block. If instead we don't have direct control over the lifetime of a `MemoryOwner` instance, the buffer will simply be returned to the pool when the object is finalized by the garbage collector. In both cases, rented buffers will always be correctly returned to the shared pool.
-## When should this be used?
-`MemoryOwner` can be used as a general purpose buffer type, which has the advantage of minimizing the number of allocations done over time, as it internally reuses the same arrays from a shared pool. A common use case is to replace `new T[]` array allocations, especially when doing repeated operations that either require a temporary buffer to work on, or that produce a buffer as a result.
-Suppose we have a dataset consisting of a series of binary files, and that we need to read all these files and process them in some way. To properly separate our code, we might end up writing a method that simply reads one binary file, which might look like this:
-public static byte[] GetBytesFromFile(string path)
- using Stream stream = File.OpenRead(path);
- byte[] buffer = new byte[(int)stream.Length];
- stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
- return buffer;
-Note that `new byte[]` expression. If we read a large number of files, we'll end up allocating a lot of new arrays, which will put a lot of pressure over the garbage collector. We might want to refactor this code using buffers rented from a pool, like so:
-public static (byte[] Buffer, int Length) GetBytesFromFile(string path)
- using Stream stream = File.OpenRead(path);
- byte[] buffer = ArrayPool.Shared.Rent((int)stream.Length);
- stream.Read(buffer, 0, (int)stream.Length);
- return (buffer, (int)stream.Length);
-Using this approach, buffers are now rented from a pool, which means that in most cases we're able to skip an allocation. Additionally, since rented buffers are not cleared by default, we can also save the time needed to fill them with zeros, which gives us another small performance improvement. In the example above, loading 1000 files would bring the total allocation size from around 1MB down to just 1024 bytes - just a single buffer would effectively be allocated, and then reused automatically.
-There are two main issues with the code above:
-- `ArrayPool` might return buffers that have a size greater than the requested one. To work around this issue, we need to return a tuple which also indicates the actual used size into our rented buffer.
-- By simply returning an array, we need to be extra careful to properly track its lifetime and to return it to the appropriate pool. We might work around this issue by using `MemoryPool` instead and by returning an `IMemoryOwner` instance, but we still have the problem of rented buffers having a greater size than what we need. Additionally, `IMemoryOwner` has some overhead when retrieving a `Span` to work on, due to it being an interface, and the fact that we always need to get a `Memory` instance first, and then a `Span`.
-To solve both these issues, we can refactor this code again by using `MemoryOwner`:
-public static MemoryOwner GetBytesFromFile(string path)
- using Stream stream = File.OpenRead(path);
- MemoryOwner buffer = MemoryOwner.Allocate((int)stream.Length);
- stream.Read(buffer.Span);
- return buffer;
-The returned `IMemoryOwner` instance will take care of disposing the underlying buffer and returning it to the pool when its [`IDisposable.Dispose`](/dotnet/api/system.idisposable.dispose) method is invoked. We can use it to get a `Memory` or `Span` instance to interact with the loaded data, and then dispose the instance when we no longer need it. Additionally, all the `MemoryOwner` properties (like `MemoryOwner.Span`) respect the initial requested size we used, so we no longer need to manually keep track of the effective size within the rented buffer.
-## Examples
-You can find more examples in the [unit tests](https://github.com/windows-toolkit/WindowsCommunityToolkit/blob/rel/7.1.0/UnitTests/UnitTests.HighPerformance.Shared/Buffers).
diff --git a/docs/high-performance/ParallelHelper.md b/docs/high-performance/ParallelHelper.md
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-title: ParallelHelper
-author: Sergio0694
-description: Helpers to work with parallel code in a highly optimized manner
-keywords: windows 10, uwp, windows community toolkit, uwp community toolkit, uwp toolkit, parallel, high performance, net core, net standard
- - csharp
-# ParallelHelper
-The [`ParallelHelper`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.highperformance.helpers.parallelhelper) contains high performance APIs to work with parallel code. It contains performance oriented methods that can be used to quickly setup and execute parallel operations over a given data set or iteration range or area.
-> **Platform APIs:** [`ParallelHelper`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.highperformance.helpers.parallelhelper), [`IAction`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.highperformance.helpers.IAction), [`IAction2D`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.highperformance.helpers.IAction2D), [`IRefAction`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.highperformance.helpers.IRefAction-1), [`IInAction`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.highperformance.helpers.IInAction-1)
-## How it works
-`ParallelHelper` type is built around three main concepts:
-- It performs automatic batching over the target iteration range. This means that it automatically schedules the right number of working units based on the number of available CPU cores. This is done to reduce the overhead of invoking the parallel callback once for every single parallel iteration.
-- It heavily leverages the way generic types are implemented in C#, and uses `struct` types implementing specific interfaces instead of delegates like [`Action`](/dotnet/api/system.action-1). This is done so that the JIT compiler will be able to "see" each individual callback type being used, which allows it to inline the callback entirely, when possible. This can greatly reduce the overhead of each parallel iteration, especially when using very small callbacks, which would have a trivial cost with respect to the delegate invocation alone. Additionally, using a `struct` type as callback requires developers to manually handle variables that are being captured in the closure, which prevents accidental captures of the `this` pointer from instance methods and other values that could considerably slowdown each callback invocation. This is the same approach that is used in other performance-oriented libraries such as [`ImageSharp`](https://github.com/SixLabors/ImageSharp).
-- It exposes 4 types of APIs that represent 4 different types of iterations: 1D and 2D loops, items iteration with side effect and items iteration without side effect. Each type of action has a corresponding `interface` type that needs to be applied to the `struct` callbacks being passed to the `ParallelHelper` APIs: these are [`IAction`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.highperformance.helpers.IAction), [`IAction2D`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.highperformance.helpers.IAction2D), [`IRefAction`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.highperformance.helpers.IRefAction-1) and [`IInAction`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.highperformance.helpers.IInAction-1). This helps developers to write code that is clearer regarding its intent, and allows the APIs to perform further optimizations internally.
-## Syntax
-Let's say we're interested in processing all the items in some `float[]` array, and to multiply each of them by `2`. In this case we don't need to capture any variables: we can just use the `IRefAction` `interface` and `ParallelHelper` will load each item to feed to our callback automatically. All that's needed is to define our callback, that will receive a `ref float` argument and perform the necessary operation:
-// Be sure to include this using at the top of the file:
-using Microsoft.Toolkit.HighPerformance.Helpers;
-// First declare the struct callback
-public readonly struct ByTwoMultiplier : IRefAction
- public void Invoke(ref float x) => x *= 2;
-// Create an array and run the callback
-float[] array = new float[10000];
-With the `ForEach` API, we don't need to specify the iteration ranges: `ParallelHelper` will batch the collection and process each input item automatically. Furthermore, in this specific example we didn't even have to pass our `struct` as an argument: since it didn't contain any fields we needed to initialize, we could just specify its type as a type argument when invoking `ParallelHelper.ForEach`: that API will then create a new instance of that `struct` on its own, and use that to process the various items.
-To introduce the concept of closures, suppose we want to multiply the array elements by a value that is specified at runtime. To do so, we need to "capture" that value in our callback `struct` type. We can do that like so:
-public readonly struct ItemsMultiplier : IRefAction
- private readonly float factor;
- public ItemsMultiplier(float factor)
- {
- this.factor = factor;
- }
- public void Invoke(ref float x) => x *= this.factor;
-// ...
-ParallelHelper.ForEach(array, new ItemsMultiplier(3.14f));
-We can see that the `struct` now contains a field that represents the factor we want to use to multiply elements, instead of using a constant. And when invoking `ForEach`, we're explicitly creating an instance of our callback type, with the factor we're interested in. Furthermore, in this case the C# compiler is also able to automatically recognize the type arguments we're using, so we can omit them together from the method invocation.
-This approach of creating fields for values we need to access from a callback lets us explicitly declare what values we want to capture, which helps makes the code more expressive. This is exactly the same thing that the C# compiler does behind the scenes when we declare a lambda function or local function that accesses some local variable as well.
-Here is another example, this time using the `For` API to initialize all the items of an array in parallel. Note how this time we're capturing the target array directly, and we're using the `IAction` `interface` for our callback, which gives our method the current parallel iteration index as argument:
-public readonly struct ArrayInitializer : IAction
- private readonly int[] array;
- public ArrayInitializer(int[] array)
- {
- this.array = array;
- }
- public void Invoke(int i)
- {
- this.array[i] = i;
- }
-// ...
-ParallelHelper.For(0, array.Length, new ArrayInitializer(array));
-> [!NOTE]
-> Since the callback types are `struct`-s, they're passed _by copy_ to each thread running parallel, not by reference. This means that value types being stored as fields in a callback types will be copied as well. A good practice to remember that detail and avoid errors is to mark the callback `struct` as `readonly`, so that the C# compiler will not let us modify the values of its fields. This only applies to _instance_ fields of a value type: if a callback `struct` has a `static` field of any type, or a reference field, then that value will correctly be shared between parallel threads.
-## Methods
-These are the 4 main APIs exposed by `ParallelHelper`, corresponding to the `IAction`, `IAction2D`, `IRefAction` and `IInAction` interfaces. The `ParallelHelper` type also exposes a number of overloads for these methods, that offer a number of ways to specify the iteration range(s), or the type of input callback. `For` and `For2D` work on `IAction` and `IAction2D` instances, and they are meant to be used when some parallel work needs to be done that doesn't necessary map to an underlying collection that can be directly accessed with the indices of each parallel iteration. The `ForEach` overloads instead wotk on `IRefAction` and `IInAction` instances, and they can be used when the parallel iterations directly map to items in a collection that can be indexed directly. In this case they also abstract away the indexing logic, so that each parallel invocation only has to worry on the input item to work on, and not on how to retrieve that item as well.
-## Examples
-You can find more examples in the [unit tests](https://github.com/windows-toolkit/WindowsCommunityToolkit/blob/rel/7.1.0/UnitTests/UnitTests.HighPerformance.Shared/Helpers).
diff --git a/docs/high-performance/Ref.md b/docs/high-performance/Ref.md
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-title: Ref<T> and ReadOnlyRef<T>
-author: Sergio0694
-description: Two stack-only types that can store a reference to a value of a specified type
-keywords: windows 10, uwp, windows community toolkit, uwp community toolkit, uwp toolkit, parallel, high performance, net core, net standard
- - csharp
-# Ref<T> and ReadOnlyRef<T>
-## Ref<T>
-The [`Ref&`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.highperformance.ref-1) is a stack-only type that can store a reference to a value of a specified type. It is semantically equivalent to a `ref T` value, with the difference that it can also be used as a type of field in another stack-only `struct` type. It can be used in place of proper `ref T` fields, which are currently not supported in C#.
-> **Platform APIs:** [`Ref&`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.highperformance.ref-1), [`ReadOnlyRef`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.highperformance.readonlyref-1)
-### How it works
-> [!NOTE]
-> Due to how it's implemented on different .NET Standard contracts, the `Ref` has some minor differences on .NET Standard 1.4 and .NET Standard 2.1 (and equivalent .NET Core runtimes). In particular, on .NET Standard 1.4 it can only be used to reference fields _within an object_, instead of arbitrary values pointed by a managed reference. This is because the underlying APIs being used on .NET Standard 1.4 don't have built-in support for the `Span` type.
-#### `Ref` on .NET Standard 1.4
-As mentioned before, on .NET Standard 1.4, `Ref` can only point to locations within a given `object`. Consider the following code:
-// Be sure to include this using at the top of the file:
-using Microsoft.Toolkit.HighPerformance;
-// Define a sample model
-class MyModel
- public int Number = 42;
-var model = new MyModel();
-// Create a Ref pointing to the MyModel.Number field
-Ref byRef = new Ref(model, ref model.Number);
-// Modify the field indirectly
-Console.WriteLine(model.Number); // Prints 43!
-> The `Ref` constructor doesn't validate the input arguments, meaning that it is your responsibility to pass a valid `object` and a reference to a field within that object. Failing to do so might cause the `Ref.Value` property to return an invalid reference.
-#### `Ref` on .NET Standard 2.1
-On .NET Standard 2.1, `Ref` can point to any `ref T` value:
-int number = 42;
-// Create a Ref pointing to 'number'
-Ref byRef1 = new Ref(ref number);
-// Modify 'number'
-Console.WriteLine(number); // Prints 43!
-> This type comes with a few caveats and should be used carefully, as it can lead to runtime crashes if a `Ref` instance is created with an invalid reference. In particular, you should only create a `Ref` instance pointing to values that have a lifetime that is greater than that of the `Ref` in use. Consider the following snippet:
-public static ref int GetDummyReference()
- int number = 42;
- Ref byRef = new Ref(ref number);
- return ref byRef.Value;
-This will compile and run fine, but the returned `ref int` will be invalid (as in, it will not point to a valid location) and could cause crashes if it's dereferenced. It is your responsibility to track the lifetime of values being referenced by new `Ref` values.
-> [!NOTE]
-> Although it is possible to create a `Ref` value wrapping a `null` reference, by using the `default(Ref)` expression, the `Ref` type is not designed to be used with nullable references and does not include proper features to validate the internal reference. If you need to return a reference that can be set to `null`, use the `NullableRef` and `NullableReadOnlyRef` types.
-## ReadOnlyRef<T>
-The [`ReadOnlyRef`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.highperformance.readonlyref-1) is a stack-only type that mirrors `Ref`, with the exception that its constructor takes an `in T` parameter (a readonly reference), instead of a `ref T` one. Similarly, its `Value` property has a `ref readonly T` return type instead of `ref T`.
-### Examples
-You can find more examples in the [unit tests](https://github.com/windows-toolkit/WindowsCommunityToolkit/blob/rel/7.1.0/UnitTests/UnitTests.HighPerformance.Shared).
diff --git a/docs/high-performance/Span2D.md b/docs/high-performance/Span2D.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 760a5ff4e..000000000
--- a/docs/high-performance/Span2D.md
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-title: Span2D<T> and ReadOnlySpan2D<T>
-author: Sergio0694
-description: A stack-only type that mirrors the behavior of Span<T> and ReadOnlySpan<T>, but supporting arbitrary 2D memory locations
-keywords: windows 10, uwp, windows community toolkit, uwp community toolkit, uwp toolkit, parallel, high performance, net core, net standard
- - csharp
-# Span2D<T>
-The [`Span2D`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.highperformance.span2d-1) is a type that mirrors the functionality of the [`Span`](/dotnet/api/system.span-1) type, but it supports 2D memory regions. Just like [`Memory2D`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.highperformance.memory2d-1), it is extremely flexible and can wrap a number of different objects, as well as native pointers or GC references.
-The internal layout is similar to that used by the [`Memory2D`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.highperformance.Memory2D-1) type, including a pitch parameter that is used to enable support for discontiguous memory buffers. You can read more info on this in the `Memory2D` docs.
-> **Platform APIs:** [`Span2D`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.highperformance.span2d-1), [`Memory2D`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.highperformance.Memory2D-1), [`ReadOnlySpan2D`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.highperformance.readonlyspan2d-1)
-## Syntax
-Here's how you can create a `Span2D` instance from a 2D array:
-int[,] array =
- { 1, 2, 3 },
- { 4, 5, 6 }
-Span2D span = array;
-// The memory directly maps the 2*3 array here
-span[0, 0] = 10;
-span[2, 1] = 20;
-// The array is now:
-// { 10, 2, 3 },
-// { 4, 20, 6 }
-// We can also use indices, on supported runtimes
-int x = span[0, ^1];
-// We can also get references to items, like with arrays
-ref int reference = ref span[1, 1];
-Span2D slice = span.Slice(0, 1, 2, 2);
-// Or alternatively, on supported runtimes
-slice = span[.., 1..];
-int[,] copy = slice.ToArray();
-// The resulting array is:
-// { 2, 3 },
-// { 20, 6 }
-We can also directly create a 2D view over native memory:
-int* p = stackalloc int[9];
-Span2D span = new Span2D(p, 3, 3);
-The `Span2D` type also includes custom enumerator types to easily traverse a given row, column or the entire memory area using the standard `foreach` syntax in C#, as well as performing bulk operations in a single call:
-int[,] array =
- { 1, 2, 3 },
- { 4, 5, 6 },
- { 7, 8, 9 }
-Span2D span = array;
-foreach (int i in span.GetColumn(1))
- // 2, 5, 8
-// We can also iterate by reference
-foreach (ref int i in span.GetRow(2))
- // 7, 8, 9
-foreach (int i in span)
- // 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...
-// Set all items in a column to 0
-// Set the value of all items in a row
-Span copy = stackalloc int[3];
-// Copy all items from a column
-// Get a copy of a row as an array
-int[] array = span.GetRow(1).ToArray();
-## ReadOnlySpan2D<T>
-The [`ReadOnlySpan2D`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.highperformance.readonlyspan2d-1) is to the `Span2D` type what `ReadOnlySpan` is to `Span`. It exposes a similar set of APIs but provides no way to directly modify the contents of the underlying memory area.
-## Sample Code
-You can find more examples in the [unit tests](https://github.com/windows-toolkit/WindowsCommunityToolkit/blob/rel/7.1.0/UnitTests/UnitTests.HighPerformance.Shared).
diff --git a/docs/high-performance/SpanOwner.md b/docs/high-performance/SpanOwner.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 848c7891c..000000000
--- a/docs/high-performance/SpanOwner.md
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@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-title: SpanOwner<T>
-author: Sergio0694
-description: A stack-only buffer type renting memory from a shared pool
-keywords: windows 10, uwp, windows community toolkit, uwp community toolkit, uwp toolkit, parallel, high performance, net core, net standard
- - csharp
-# SpanOwner<T>
-The [`SpanOwner`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.highperformance.buffers.spanowner-1) is a stack-only buffer type that rents buffers from a shared memory pool. It essentially mirrors the functionality of [`MemoryOwner`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.highperformance.buffers.memoryowner-1), but as a `ref struct` type. This is particularly useful for short-lived buffers that are only used in synchronous code (that don't require [`Memory`](/dotnet/api/system.memory-1) instances), as well as code running in a tight loop, as creating `SpanOwner` values will not require memory allocations at all.
-> **Platform APIs:** [`SpanOwner`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.highperformance.buffers.spanowner-1), [`MemoryOwner`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.highperformance.buffers.memoryowner-1)
-## Syntax
-The same core features of `MemoryOwner` apply to this type as well, with the exception of it being a stack-only `struct`, and the fact that it lacks the [`IMemoryOwner`](/dotnet/api/system.buffers.imemoryowner-1) `interface` implementation, as well as the `Memory` property. The syntax is virtually identical to that used with `MemoryOwner` as well, except for the differences mentioned above.
-As an example, suppose we have a method where we need to allocate a temporary buffer of a specified size (let's call this value `length`), and then use it to perform some work. A first, inefficient version might look like this:
-byte[] buffer = new byte[length];
-// Use buffer here
-This is not ideal, as we're allocating a new buffer every time this code is used, and then throwing it away immediately (as mentioned in the `MemoryOwner` docs as well), which puts more pressure on the garbage collector. We can optimize the code above by using [`ArrayPool`](/dotnet/api/system.buffers.arraypool-1):
-// Using directive to access the ArrayPool type
-using System.Buffers;
-int[] buffer = ArrayPool.Shared.Rent(length);
- // Slice the span, as it might be larger than the requested size
- Span span = buffer.AsSpan(0, length);
- // Use the span here
- ArrayPool.Shared.Return(buffer);
-The code above rents a buffer from an array pool, but it's more verbose and error-prone: we need to be careful with the `try/finally` block to make sure to always return the rented buffer to the pool. We can rewrite it by using the `SpanOwner` type, like so:
-// Be sure to include this using at the top of the file:
-using Microsoft.Toolkit.HighPerformance.Buffers;
-using SpanOwner buffer = SpanOwner.Allocate(length);
-Span span = buffer.Span;
-// Use the span here, no slicing necessary
-The `SpanOwner` instance will internally rent an array, and will take care of returning it to the pool when it goes out of scope. We no longer need to use a `try/finally` block either, as the C# compiler will add that automatically when expanding that `using` statement. As such, the `SpanOwner` type can be seen as a lightweight wrapper around the `ArrayPool` APIs, which makes them both more compact and easier to use, reducing the amount of code that needs to be written to properly rent and dispose short lived buffers. You can see how using `SpanOwner` makes the code much shorter and more straightforward.
-> [!NOTE]
-> As this is a stack-only type, it relies on the duck-typed `IDisposable` pattern introduced with C# 8. That is shown in the sample above: the `SpanOwner` type is being used within a `using` block despite the fact that the type doesn't implement the `IDisposable` interface at all, and it's also never boxed. The functionality is just the same: as soon as the buffer goes out of scope, it is automatically disposed. The APIs in `SpanOwner{T}` rely on this pattern for extra performance: they assume that the underlying buffer will never be disposed as long as the `SpanOwner` type is in scope, and they don't perform the additional checks that are done in `MemoryOwner` to ensure that the buffer is in fact still available before returning a `Memory` or `Span` instance from it. As such, this type should always be used with a `using` block or expression. Not doing so will cause the underlying buffer not to be returned to the shared pool. Technically the same can also be achieved by manually calling `Dispose` on the `SpanOwner` type (which doesn't require C# 8), but that is error prone and hence not recommended.
-## Examples
-You can find more examples in the [unit tests](https://github.com/windows-toolkit/WindowsCommunityToolkit/blob/rel/7.1.0/UnitTests/UnitTests.HighPerformance.Shared/Buffers).
diff --git a/docs/high-performance/StringPool.md b/docs/high-performance/StringPool.md
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@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-title: StringPool
-author: Sergio0694
-description: A type implementing a configurable pool for string instances
-keywords: windows 10, uwp, windows community toolkit, uwp community toolkit, uwp toolkit, parallel, high performance, net core, net standard
- - csharp
-# StringPool
-The [StringPool](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.highperformance.buffers.stringpool) type implements a configurable pool for `string` instances. This can be used to minimize allocations when creating multiple `string` instances from buffers of `char` or `byte` values. It provides a mechanism that is somewhat similar to [`string` interning](/dotnet/api/system.string.intern), with the main differences being that the pool is configurable, can be reset, is implemented with a best-effort policy and doesn't require to pre-instantiate `string` objects, so it can save the initial allocations as well when working on temporary buffers.
-> **Platform APIs:** [StringPool](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.highperformance.buffers.stringpool)
-## Syntax
-The main entry point for `StringPool` is its `GetOrAdd(ReadOnlySpan)` API, which returns a `string` instance matching the contents of the input [`ReadOnlySpan`](/dotnet/api/system.readonlyspan-1), possibly getting the returned object from the internal pool.
-As an example, imagine we have an input `string` representing the URL of a given web request, and we want to also retrieve a `string` with just the host name. If we get a large number of requests possibly for a small number of hosts, we might want to cache those `string` instances, we can do so by using the `StringPool` type as follows:
-public static string GetHost(string url)
- // We assume the input might start either with eg. https:// (or other prefix),
- // or directly with the host name. Furthermore, we also assume that the input
- // URL will always have a '/' character right after the host name.
- // For instance: "https://learn.microsoft.com/dotnet/api/system.string.intern".
- int
- prefixOffset = url.AsSpan().IndexOf(stackalloc char[] { ':', '/', '/' }),
- startIndex = prefixOffset == -1 ? 0 : prefixOffset + 3,
- endIndex = url.AsSpan(startIndex).IndexOf('/');
- // In this example, it would be "learn.microsoft.com"
- ReadOnlySpan span = url.AsSpan(startIndex, endIndex);
- return StringPool.Shared.GetOrAdd(span);
-The method above does no allocations at all if the requested `string` is already present in the cache, as the lookup is done with just a `ReadOnlySpan` as input, representing a view on the input URL `string`.
-The `StringPool` type can also be useful when parsing raw requests using a different encoding, for instance UTF8. There is a `GetOrAdd` overload that takes an input `ReadOnlySpan` and an [`Encoding`](/dotnet/api/system.text.encoding) instance, which uses a temporary buffer rented from the pool to retrieve a `ReadOnlySpan` value to use for the lookup. This again can greatly reduce the number of allocations depending on the specific use case scenario.
-## Examples
-You can find more examples in the [unit tests](https://github.com/windows-toolkit/WindowsCommunityToolkit/blob/rel/7.1.0/UnitTests/UnitTests.HighPerformance.Shared/Buffers).
diff --git a/docs/mvvm/AsyncRelayCommand.md b/docs/mvvm/AsyncRelayCommand.md
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index 365b4352b..000000000
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@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-title: AsyncRelayCommand
-author: Sergio0694
-description: An asynchronous command whose sole purpose is to relay its functionality to other objects by invoking delegates
-keywords: windows 10, uwp, windows community toolkit, uwp community toolkit, uwp toolkit, mvvm, componentmodel, property changed, notification, binding, command, delegate, net core, net standard
- - csharp
-# AsyncRelayCommand and AsyncRelayCommand<T>
-The [`AsyncRelayCommand`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.input.AsyncRelayCommand) and [`AsyncRelayCommand`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.input.AsyncRelayCommand-1) are `ICommand` implementations that extend the functionalities offered by [`RelayCommand`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.input.RelayCommand), with support for asynchronous operations.
-> **Platform APIs:** [`AsyncRelayCommand`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.input.AsyncRelayCommand), [`AsyncRelayCommand`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.input.AsyncRelayCommand-1), [`RelayCommand`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.input.RelayCommand), [`IAsyncRelayCommand`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.input.IAsyncRelayCommand), [`IAsyncRelayCommand`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.input.IAsyncRelayCommand-1)
-## How they work
-`AsyncRelayCommand` and `AsyncRelayCommand` have the following main features:
-- They extend the functionalities of the synchronous commands included in the library, with support for `Task`-returning delegates.
-- They can wrap asynchronous functions with an additional `CancellationToken` parameter to support cancelation, and they expose a `CanBeCanceled` and `IsCancellationRequested` properties, as well as a `Cancel` method.
-- They expose an `ExecutionTask` property that can be used to monitor the progress of a pending operation, and an `IsRunning` that can be used to check when an operation completes. This is particularly useful to bind a command to UI elements such as loading indicators.
-- They implement the [`IAsyncRelayCommand`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.input.IAsyncRelayCommand) and [`IAsyncRelayCommand`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.input.IAsyncRelayCommand-1) interfaces, which means that viewmodel can easily expose commands using these to reduce the tight coupling between types. For instance, this makes it easier to replace a command with a custom implementation exposing the same public API surface, if needed.
-## Working with asynchronous commands
-Let's imagine a scenario similar to the one described in the `RelayCommand` sample, but a command executing an asynchronous operation:
-public class MyViewModel : ObservableObject
- public MyViewModel()
- {
- DownloadTextCommand = new AsyncRelayCommand(DownloadText);
- }
- public IAsyncRelayCommand DownloadTextCommand { get; }
- private Task DownloadText()
- {
- return WebService.LoadMyTextAsync();
- }
-With the related UI code:
-Upon clicking the `Button`, the command is invoked, and the `ExecutionTask` updated. When the operation completes, the property raises a notification which is reflected in the UI. In this case, both the task status and the current result of the task are displayed. Note that to show the result of the task, it is necessary to use the `TaskExtensions.GetResultOrDefault` method - this provides access to the result of a task that has not yet completed without blocking the thread (and possibly causing a deadlock).
-## Examples
-- Check out the [sample app](https://github.com/windows-toolkit/MVVM-Samples) (for multiple UI frameworks) to see the MVVM Toolkit in action.
-- You can also find more examples in the [unit tests](https://github.com/windows-toolkit/WindowsCommunityToolkit/blob/rel/7.1.0/UnitTests/UnitTests.Shared/Mvvm).
diff --git a/docs/mvvm/Introduction.md b/docs/mvvm/Introduction.md
deleted file mode 100644
index e4b7c5da3..000000000
--- a/docs/mvvm/Introduction.md
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@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-title: Introduction to the MVVM Toolkit
-author: Sergio0694
-description: An overview of how to get started with the MVVM Toolkit and to the APIs it contains
-keywords: windows 10, uwp, windows community toolkit, uwp community toolkit, uwp toolkit, get started, visual studio, MVVM, net core, net standard
- - csharp
- - vb
-# Introduction to the MVVM Toolkit
-The `Microsoft.Toolkit.Mvvm` package (aka MVVM Toolkit) is a modern, fast, and modular MVVM library. It is part of the Windows Community Toolkit and is built around the following principles:
-- **Platform and Runtime Independent** - **.NET Standard 2.0** and **.NET 5** 🚀 (UI Framework Agnostic)
-- **Simple to pick-up and use** - No strict requirements on Application structure or coding-paradigms (outside of 'MVVM'ness), i.e., flexible usage.
-- **À la carte** - Freedom to choose which components to use.
-- **Reference Implementation** - Lean and performant, providing implementations for interfaces that are included in the Base Class Library, but lack concrete types to use them directly.
-This package targets **.NET Standard** so it can be used on any app platform: UWP, WinForms, WPF, Xamarin, Uno, and more; and on any runtime: .NET Native, .NET Core, .NET Framework, or Mono. It runs on all of them. The API surface is identical in all cases, making it perfect for building shared libraries.
-Additionally, the MVVM Toolkit also has a **.NET 5** target, which is used to enable more internal optimizations when running in on the .NET 5 runtime. The public API surface is identical in both cases, so NuGet will always resolve the best possible version of the package without consumers having to worry about which APIs will be available on their platform.
-To install the package from within Visual Studio:
-1. In Solution Explorer, right-click on the project and select **Manage NuGet Packages**. Search for **Microsoft.Toolkit.Mvvm** and install it.
- 
-2. Add a using or Imports directive to use the new APIs:
- ```c#
- using Microsoft.Toolkit.Mvvm;
- ```
- ```vb
- Imports Microsoft.Toolkit.Mvvm
- ```
-3. Code samples are available in the other docs pages for the MVVM Toolkit, and in the [unit tests](https://github.com/windows-toolkit/WindowsCommunityToolkit/tree/rel/7.1.0/UnitTests/UnitTests.Shared/Mvvm) for the project.
-## When should I use this package?
-Use this package for access to a collection of standard, self-contained, lightweight types that provide a starting implementation for building modern apps using the MVVM pattern. These types alone are usually enough for many users to build apps without needing additional external references.
-The included types are:
-- **Microsoft.Toolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel**
- - [`ObservableObject`](ObservableObject.md)
- - [`ObservableRecipient`](ObservableRecipient.md)
- - [`ObservableValidator`](ObservableValidator.md)
-- **Microsoft.Toolkit.Mvvm.DependencyInjection**
- - [`Ioc`](Ioc.md)
-- **Microsoft.Toolkit.Mvvm.Input**
- - [`RelayCommand`](RelayCommand.md)
- - [`RelayCommand`](RelayCommand.md)
- - [`AsyncRelayCommand`](AsyncRelayCommand.md)
- - [`AsyncRelayCommand`](AsyncRelayCommand.md)
- - [`IRelayCommand`](RelayCommand.md)
- - [`IRelayCommand`](RelayCommand.md)
- - [`IAsyncRelayCommand`](AsyncRelayCommand.md)
- - [`IAsyncRelayCommand`](AsyncRelayCommand.md)
-- **Microsoft.Toolkit.Mvvm.Messaging**
- - [`IMessenger`](Messenger.md)
- - [`WeakReferenceMessenger`](Messenger.md)
- - [`StrongReferenceMessenger`](Messenger.md)
- - [`IRecipient`](Messenger.md)
- - [`MessageHandler`](Messenger.md)
-- **Microsoft.Toolkit.Mvvm.Messaging.Messages**
- - [`PropertyChangedMessage`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.Messaging.Messages.PropertyChangedMessage-1)
- - [`RequestMessage`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.Messaging.Messages.RequestMessage-1)
- - [`AsyncRequestMessage`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.Messaging.Messages.AsyncRequestMessage-1)
- - [`CollectionRequestMessage`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.Messaging.Messages.CollectionRequestMessage-1)
- - [`AsyncCollectionRequestMessage`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.Messaging.Messages.AsyncCollectionRequestMessage-1)
- - [`ValueChangedMessage`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.Messaging.Messages.ValueChangedMessage-1)
-This package aims to offer as much flexibility as possible, so developers are free to choose which components to use. All types are loosely-coupled, so that it's only necessary to include what you use. There is no requirement to go "all-in" with a specific series of all-encompassing APIs, nor is there a set of mandatory patterns that need to be followed when building apps using these helpers. Combine these building blocks in a way that best fits your needs.
-## Additional resources
-- Check out the [sample app](https://github.com/windows-toolkit/MVVM-Samples) (for multiple UI frameworks) to see the MVVM Toolkit in action.
-- You can also find more examples in the [unit tests](https://github.com/windows-toolkit/WindowsCommunityToolkit/blob/rel/7.1.0/UnitTests/UnitTests.Shared/Mvvm).
diff --git a/docs/mvvm/Ioc.md b/docs/mvvm/Ioc.md
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@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-title: Ioc
-author: Sergio0694
-description: An introduction to the use of the IServiceProvider type through the Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection APIs
-keywords: windows 10, uwp, windows community toolkit, uwp community toolkit, uwp toolkit, mvvm, service, dependency injection, net core, net standard
- - csharp
-# Ioc ([Inversion of control](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inversion_of_control))
-A common pattern that can be used to increase modularity in the codebase of an application using the MVVM pattern is to use some form of inversion of control. One of the most common solution in particular is to use dependency injection, which consists in creating a number of services that are injected into backend classes (ie. passed as parameters to the viewmodel constructors) - this allows code using these services not to rely on implementation details of these services, and it also makes it easy to swap the concrete implementations of these services. This pattern also makes it easy to make platform-specific features available to backend code, by abstracting them through a service which is then injected where needed.
-The MVVM Toolkit doesn't provide built-in APIs to facilitate the usage of this pattern, as there already exist dedicated libraries specifically for this such as the `Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection` package, which provides a fully featured and powerful DI set of APIs, and acts as an easy to setup and use `IServiceProvider`. The following guide will refer to this library and provide a series of examples of how to integrate it into applications using the MVVM pattern.
-> **Platform APIs:** [`Ioc`](/dotnet/api/Microsoft.Toolkit.Mvvm.DependencyInjection.Ioc)
-## Configure and resolve services
-The first step is to declare an `IServiceProvider` instance, and to initialize all the necessary services, usually at startup. For instance, on UWP (but a similar setup can be used on other frameworks too):
-public sealed partial class App : Application
- public App()
- {
- Services = ConfigureServices();
- this.InitializeComponent();
- }
- ///
- /// Gets the current instance in use
- ///
- public new static App Current => (App)Application.Current;
- ///
- /// Gets the instance to resolve application services.
- ///
- public IServiceProvider Services { get; }
- ///
- /// Configures the services for the application.
- ///
- private static IServiceProvider ConfigureServices()
- {
- var services = new ServiceCollection();
- services.AddSingleton();
- services.AddSingleton();
- services.AddSingleton();
- services.AddSingleton();
- services.AddSingleton();
- return services.BuildServiceProvider();
- }
-Here the `Services` property is initialized at startup, and all the application services and viewmodels are registered. There is also a new `Current` property that can be used to easily access the `Services` property from other views in the application. For instance:
-IFilesService filesService = App.Current.Services.GetService();
-// Use the files service here...
-The key aspect here is that each service may very well be using platform-specific APIs, but since those are all abstracted away through the interface our code is using, we don't need to worry about them whenever we're just resolving an instance and using it to perform operations.
-## Constructor injection
-One powerful feature that is available is "constructor injection", which means that the DI service provider is able to automatically resolve indirect dependencies between registered services when creating instances of the type being requested. Consider the following service:
-public class FileLogger : IFileLogger
- private readonly IFilesService FileService;
- private readonly IConsoleService ConsoleService;
- public FileLogger(
- IFilesService fileService,
- IConsoleService consoleService)
- {
- FileService = fileService;
- ConsoleService = consoleService;
- }
- // Methods for the IFileLogger interface here...
-Here we have a `FileLogger` type implementing the `IFileLogger` interface, and requiring `IFilesService` and `IConsoleService` instances. Constructor injection means the DI service provider will automatically gather all the necessary services, like so:
-/// Configures the services for the application.
-private static IServiceProvider ConfigureServices()
- var services = new ServiceCollection();
- services.AddSingleton();
- services.AddSingleton();
- services.AddSingleton();
- return services.BuildServiceProvider();
-// Retrieve a logger service with constructor injection
-IFileLogger fileLogger = App.Current.Services.GetService();
-The DI service provider will automatically check whether all the necessary services are registered, then it will retrieve them and invoke the constructor for the registered `IFileLogger` concrete type, to get the instance to return.
-## What about viewmodels?
-A service provider has "service" in its name, but it can actually be used to resolve instances of any class, including viewmodels! The same concepts explained above still apply, including constructor injection. Imagine we had a `ContactsViewModel` type, using an `IContactsService` and an `IPhoneService` instance through its constructor. We could have a `ConfigureServices` method like this:
-/// Configures the services for the application.
-private static IServiceProvider ConfigureServices()
- var services = new ServiceCollection();
- // Services
- services.AddSingleton();
- services.AddSingleton();
- // Viewmodels
- services.AddTransient();
- return services.BuildServiceProvider();
-And then in our `ContactsView`, we would assign the data context as follows:
-public ContactsView()
- this.InitializeComponent();
- this.DataContext = App.Current.Services.GetService();
-## More docs
-For more info about `Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection`, see [here](/aspnet/core/fundamentals/dependency-injection).
-## Examples
-- Check out the [sample app](https://github.com/windows-toolkit/MVVM-Samples) (for multiple UI frameworks) to see the MVVM Toolkit in action.
-- You can also find more examples in the [unit tests](https://github.com/windows-toolkit/WindowsCommunityToolkit/blob/rel/7.1.0/UnitTests/UnitTests.Shared/Mvvm).
diff --git a/docs/mvvm/Messenger.md b/docs/mvvm/Messenger.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 78f69d989..000000000
--- a/docs/mvvm/Messenger.md
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@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-title: Messenger
-author: Sergio0694
-description: A type that can be used to exchange messages between different objects
-keywords: windows 10, uwp, windows community toolkit, uwp community toolkit, uwp toolkit, mvvm, service, messenger, messaging, net core, net standard
- - csharp
-# Messenger
-The [`IMessenger`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.Messaging.IMessenger) interface is a contract for types that can be used to exchange messages between different objects. This can be useful to decouple different modules of an application without having to keep strong references to types being referenced. It is also possible to send messages to specific channels, uniquely identified by a token, and to have different messengers in different sections of an application. The MVVM Toolkit provides two implementations out of the box: [`WeakReferenceMessenger`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.Messaging.WeakReferenceMessenger) and [`StrongReferenceMessenger`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.Messaging.StrongReferenceMessenger): the former uses weak references internally, offering automatic memory management for recipients, while the latter uses strong references and requires developers to manually unsubscribe their recipients when they're no longer needed (more details about how to unregister message handlers can be found below), but in exchange for that offers better performance and far less memory usage.
-> **Platform APIs:** [`IMessenger`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.Messaging.IMessenger), [`WeakReferenceMessenger`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.Messaging.WeakReferenceMessenger), [`StrongReferenceMessenger`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.Messaging.StrongReferenceMessenger), [`IRecipient`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.Messaging.irecipient-1), [`MessageHandler`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.Messaging.messagehandler-2), [`ObservableRecipient`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.ComponentModel.ObservableRecipient), [`RequestMessage`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.Messaging.Messages.RequestMessage-1), [`AsyncRequestMessage`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.Messaging.Messages.AsyncRequestMessage-1), [`CollectionRequestMessage`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.Messaging.Messages.CollectionRequestMessage-1), [`AsyncCollectionRequestMessage`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.Messaging.Messages.AsyncCollectionRequestMessage-1).
-## How it works
-Types implementing `IMessenger` are responsible for maintaining links between recipients (receivers of messages) and their registered message types, with relative message handlers. Any object can be registered as a recipient for a given message type using a message handler, which will be invoked whenever the `IMessenger` instance is used to send a message of that type. It is also possible to send messages through specific communication channels (each identified by a unique token), so that multiple modules can exchange messages of the same type without causing conflicts. Messages sent without a token use the default shared channel.
-There are two ways to perform message registration: either through the [`IRecipient`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.Messaging.irecipient-1) interface, or using a [`MessageHandler`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.Messaging.messagehandler-2) delegate acting as message handler. The first lets you register all the handlers with a single call to the `RegisterAll` extension, which automatically registers the recipients of all the declared message handlers, while the latter is useful when you need more flexibility or when you want to use a simple lambda expression as a message handler.
-Both `WeakReferenceMessenger` and `StrongReferenceMessenger` also expose a `Default` property that offers a thread-safe implementation built-in into the package. It is also possible to create multiple messenger instances if needed, for instance if a different one is injected with a DI service provider into a different module of the app (for instance, multiple windows running in the same process).
-> [!NOTE]
-> Since the `WeakReferenceMessenger` type is simpler to use and matches the behavior of the messenger type from the `MvvmLight` library, it is the default type being used by the [`ObservableRecipient`](ObservableRecipient.md) type in the MVVM Toolkit. The `StrongReferenceType` can still be used, by passing an instance to the constructor of that class.
-## Sending and receiving messages
-Consider the following:
-// Create a message
-public class LoggedInUserChangedMessage : ValueChangedMessage
- public LoggedInUserChangedMessage(User user) : base(user)
- {
- }
-// Register a message in some module
-WeakReferenceMessenger.Default.Register(this, (r, m) =>
- // Handle the message here, with r being the recipient and m being the
- // input message. Using the recipient passed as input makes it so that
- // the lambda expression doesn't capture "this", improving performance.
-// Send a message from some other module
-WeakReferenceMessenger.Default.Send(new LoggedInUserChangedMessage(user));
-Let's imagine this message type being used in a simple messaging application, which displays a header with the user name and profile image of the currently logged user, a panel with a list of conversations, and another panel with messages from the current conversation, if one is selected. Let's say these three sections are supported by the `HeaderViewModel`, `ConversationsListViewModel` and `ConversationViewModel` types respectively. In this scenario, the `LoggedInUserChangedMessage` message might be sent by the `HeaderViewModel` after a login operation has completed, and both those other viewmodels might register handlers for it. For instance, `ConversationsListViewModel` will load the list of conversations for the new user, and `ConversationViewModel` will just close the current conversation, if one is present.
-The `IMessenger` instance takes care of delivering messages to all the registered recipients. Note that a recipient can subscribe to messages of a specific type. Note that inherited message types are not registered in the default `IMessenger` implementations provided by the MVVM Toolkit.
-When a recipient is not needed anymore, you should unregister it so that it will stop receiving messages. You can unregister either by message type, by registration token, or by recipient:
-// Unregisters the recipient from a message type
-// Unregisters the recipient from a message type in a specified channel
-WeakReferenceMessenger.Default.Unregister(this, 42);
-// Unregister the recipient from all messages, across all channels
-> As mentioned before, this is not strictly necessary when using the `WeakReferenceMessenger` type, as it uses weak references to track recipients, meaning that unused recipients will still be eligible for garbage collection even though they still have active message handlers. It is still good practice to unsubscribe them though, to improve performances. On the other hand, the `StrongReferenceMessenger` implementation uses strong references to track the registered recipients. This is done for performance reasons, and it means that each registered recipient should manually be unregistered to avoid memory leaks. That is, as long as a recipient is registered, the `StrongReferenceMessenger` instance in use will keep an active reference to it, which will prevent the garbage collector from being able to collect that instance. You can either handle this manually, or you can inherit from `ObservableRecipient`, which by default automatically takes care of removing all the message registrations for recipient when it is deactivated (see docs on `ObservableRecipient` for more info about this).
-It is also possible to use the `IRecipient` interface to register message handlers. In this case, each recipient will need to implement the interface for a given message type, and provide a `Receive(TMessage)` method that will be invoke when receiving messages, like so:
-// Create a message
-public class MyRecipient : IRecipient
- public void Receive(LoggedInUserChangedMessage message)
- {
- // Handle the message here...
- }
-// Register that specific message...
-// ...or alternatively, register all declared handlers
-// Send a message from some other module
-WeakReferenceMessenger.Default.Send(new LoggedInUserChangedMessage(user));
-## Using request messages
-Another useful feature of messenger instances is that they can also be used to request values from a module to another. In order to do so, the package includes a base [`RequestMessage`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.Messaging.Messages.RequestMessage-1) class, which can be used like so:
-// Create a message
-public class LoggedInUserRequestMessage : RequestMessage
-// Register the receiver in a module
-WeakReferenceMessenger.Default.Register(this, (r, m) =>
- // Assume that "CurrentUser" is a private member in our viewmodel.
- // As before, we're accessing it through the recipient passed as
- // input to the handler, to avoid capturing "this" in the delegate.
- m.Reply(r.CurrentUser);
-// Request the value from another module
-User user = WeakReferenceMessenger.Default.Send();
-The `RequestMessage` class includes an implicit converter that makes the conversion from a `LoggedInUserRequestMessage` to its contained `User` object possible. This will also check that a response has been received for the message, and throw an exception if that's not the case. It is also possible to send request messages without this mandatory response guarantee: just store the returned message in a local variable, and then manually check whether a response value is available or not. Doing so will not trigger the automatic exception if a response is not received when the `Send` method returns.
-The same namespace also includes base requests message for other scenarios: [`AsyncRequestMessage`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.Messaging.Messages.AsyncRequestMessage-1), [`CollectionRequestMessage`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.Messaging.Messages.CollectionRequestMessage-1) and [`AsyncCollectionRequestMessage`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.Messaging.Messages.AsyncCollectionRequestMessage-1).
-Here's how you can use an async request message:
-// Create a message
-public class LoggedInUserRequestMessage : AsyncRequestMessage
-// Register the receiver in a module
-WeakReferenceMessenger.Default.Register(this, (r, m) =>
- m.Reply(r.GetCurrentUserAsync()); // We're replying with a Task
-// Request the value from another module (we can directly await on the request)
-User user = await WeakReferenceMessenger.Default.Send();
-## Examples
-- Check out the [sample app](https://github.com/windows-toolkit/MVVM-Samples) (for multiple UI frameworks) to see the MVVM Toolkit in action.
-- You can also find more examples in the [unit tests](https://github.com/windows-toolkit/WindowsCommunityToolkit/blob/rel/7.1.0/UnitTests/UnitTests.Shared/Mvvm).
diff --git a/docs/mvvm/MigratingFromMvvmBasic.md b/docs/mvvm/MigratingFromMvvmBasic.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 5dc45f9e5..000000000
--- a/docs/mvvm/MigratingFromMvvmBasic.md
+++ /dev/null
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-title: Migrating from MVVM Basic
-author: mrlacey
-description: This article describes how to migrate MvvmLight solutions to the Windows Community Toolkit MVVM framework.
-keywords: windows 10, uwp, windows community toolkit, uwp community toolkit, uwp toolkit, mvvm, mvvmbasic, MVVM Basic, net core, net standard, Windows Template Studio, WinTS
- - csharp
- - vb
-# Migrating from MVVM Basic
-This article explains how to migrate apps built with the [MVVM](https://github.com/microsoft/WindowsTemplateStudio/blob/dev/docs/UWP/frameworks/mvvmbasic.md) Basic option in [Windows Template Studio](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=WASTeamAccount.WindowsTemplateStudio) to use the Toolkit MVVM library instead. It applies to both UWP and WPF apps created with Windows Template Studio.
-> **Platform APIs:** [`ObservableObject`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.componentmodel.ObservableObject), [`RelayCommand`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.input.RelayCommand)
-This article focuses exclusively on migration and does not cover how to use the additional functionality that the library provides.
-## Installing the WCT MVVM Toolkit
-To use the Windows Community Toolkit MVVM framework, you must install the NuGet package into your existing application.
-### Install via .NET CLI
-dotnet add package Microsoft.Toolkit.Mvvm --version 7.0.0
-### Install via PackageReference
-## Updating a project
-There are four steps to migrate the code generated by Windows Template Studio.
-1. Delete old files.
-2. Replace use of `Observable`.
-3. Add new namespace references.
-4. Update methods with different names.
-### 1. Delete old files
-MVVM Basic is comprised of two files
-Delete both of these files.
-If you try and build the project at this point you will see lots of errors. These can be useful for identifying files that require changes.
-### 2. Replace use of `Observable`
-The `Observable` class was used as a base class for ViewModels. The MVVM Toolkit contains a similar class with additional functionality that is called [`ObservableObject`](ObservableObject.md).
-Change all classes that previously inherited from `Observable` to inherit from `ObservableObject`.
-For example
- public class MainViewModel : Observable
- Public Class MainViewModel
- Inherits Observable
-will become
- public class MainViewModel : ObservableObject
- Public Class MainViewModel
- Inherits ObservableObject
-### 3. Add new namespace references
-Add a reference to the `Microsoft.Toolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel` namespace in all files where there is a reference to `ObservableObject`.
-You can either add the appropriate directive manually, of move the cursor to the `ObservableObject` and press `Ctrl+.` to access the Quick Action menu to add this for you.
-using Microsoft.Toolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel;
-Imports Microsoft.Toolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel
-Add a reference to the `Microsoft.Toolkit.Mvvm.Input` namespace in all files where there is a reference to [`RelayCommand`](RelayCommand.md).
-You can either add the appropriate directive manually, of move the cursor to the `RelayCommand` and press `Ctrl+.` to access the Quick Action menu to add this for you.
-using Microsoft.Toolkit.Mvvm.Input;
-Imports Microsoft.Toolkit.Mvvm.Input
-### 4. Update methods with different names
-There are two methods that must be updated to allow for different names for the same functionality.
-All calls to `Observable.Set` must be replaced with calls to `ObservableObject.SetProperty`.
- set { Set(ref _elementTheme, value); }
- Set
- [Set](_elementTheme, Value)
- End Set
-will become
- set { SetProperty(ref _elementTheme, value); }
- Set
- SetProperty(_elementTheme, Value)
- End Set
-All calls to `RelayCommand.OnCanExecuteChanged` must be replaced with calls to `RelayCommand.NotifyCanExecuteChanged`.
- (UndoCommand as RelayCommand)?.OnCanExecuteChanged();
- Dim undo = TryCast(UndoCommand, RelayCommand)
- undo?.OnCanExecuteChanged()
-will become
- (UndoCommand as RelayCommand)?.NotifyCanExecuteChanged();
- Dim undo = TryCast(UndoCommand, RelayCommand)
- undo?.NotifyCanExecuteChanged()
-The app should now work with the same functionality as before.
diff --git a/docs/mvvm/MigratingFromMvvmLight.md b/docs/mvvm/MigratingFromMvvmLight.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 007796623..000000000
--- a/docs/mvvm/MigratingFromMvvmLight.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,807 +0,0 @@
-title: Migrating from MvvmLight
-author: jamesmcroft
-description: This article describes how to migrate MvvmLight solutions to the Windows Community Toolkit MVVM Toolkit.
-keywords: windows 10, uwp, windows community toolkit, uwp community toolkit, uwp toolkit, mvvm, mvvmlight, net core, net standard
- - csharp
-# Migrating from MvvmLight
-This article outlines some of the key differences between the [MvvmLight Toolkit](https://github.com/lbugnion/mvvmlight) and the MVVM Toolkit to ease your migration.
-While this article specifically focuses on the migrations from MvvmLight to the MVVM Toolkit, note that there are additional improvements that have been made within the MVVM Toolkit, so it is highly recommend taking a look at the documentation for the individual new APIs.
-> **Platform APIs:** [`ObservableObject`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.componentmodel.ObservableObject), [`ObservableRecipient`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.componentmodel.ObservableRecipient), [`RelayCommand`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.input.RelayCommand), [`RelayCommand`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.input.RelayCommand-1), [`AsyncRelayCommand`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.input.AsyncRelayCommand), [`AsyncRelayCommand`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.input.AsyncRelayCommand-1), [`IMessenger`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.Messaging.IMessenger), [`WeakReferenceMessenger`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.Messaging.WeakReferenceMessenger), [`StrongReferenceMessenger`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.Messaging.StrongReferenceMessenger), [`IRecipient`](/dotnet/api/microsoft.toolkit.mvvm.Messaging.irecipient-1), [`MessageHandler