Performs a multi-component Hydrogen bond propensity calculation for a given library of co-formers
Individual reports are generated for each coformer stored in indvidual folders. A summary multicomponent report with rankings is also generated.
Individual reports include:
- Predicted intermolecular hydrogen bond propensities
- Hydrogen bond coordination likelihood
Summary report includes:
- Chemical Diagram
- Table of ranked components
- Multi-component hydrogen-bond propensity chart
- docxtpl
- multi_component_hydrogen_bond_propensity_report.docx
- multi_component_pair_hbp_report.docx
- CSD-Materials
python HXACAN28
positional arguments:
input_structure Refcode or mol2 file of the component to be screened
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
the working directory for the calculation
the directory of the desired coformer library
The location where the failures file should be generated
Forces running the script on disordered entries. (NOT RECOMMENDED)
The default coformer library is the one supplied with your Mercury install
- for 2023.1 or later, in
<CSD Install Location>\ccdc-software\mercury\molecular_libraries\ccdc_coformers
- for 2022.3 or earlier, in
<CSD Install Location>\Mercury\molecular_libraries\ccdc_coformers
Ensure the input structure and coformers have the correct bond typing and any charges before running the script
If the calculation fails for any API-coformer combinations, they will be recorded with N/A in the summary report table
Andrew Maloney (CCDC) 2017
For feedback or to report any issues please contact