This repository contains software and ancillary materials used to translate and modernize imaging data and metadata from the Viking Orbiter 1 and 2 Visual Imaging Subsystems. The primary bundle documentation provides the best introduction to the purpose of the project and the contents of the resulting PDS4 bundle.
The PDS Imaging Node hosts the completed bundle. This repo is not a complete mirror of that bundle, which is too large to distribute via GitHub. It is intended principally as an extension of the documentation provided in the bundle.
Browse collection label and inventory.
Data collection label and inventory.
The PDS4 data dictionaries we validated the bundle against.
Full contents of document collection.
A 'frozen' fork of pdr slightly
modified from v0.7.2, recording the specific version of pdr
we used to
generate the bundle.
Software and metadata files used in the conversion process. The Notebooks are the top-level handlers. See comments / docstrings in individual files for more details. Note that the pcdcomp.exe file in this directory is a decompression utility from the PDS3 EDR data set.
Label templates (marked-up XML, not syntactically valid until processed) used by the conversion pipeline.
PDS3 .fmt files required to read the engineering and line header tables embedded in the PDS3 versions of the EDRs.
If you wish to execute the code in this repository, you may use the
environment.yml file to construct a conda
environment. Versions are pinned
in this file to record the specific package versions available at the time
of creation. Up-to-date versions will probably work, but we cannot guarantee
that upstream changes will not substantively change some result of the
conversion process.
You must then install the 'frozen' fork of pdr
in this repository into
that environment (trunk pdr
will not work).
If you would like to use the
script to decompress source EDRs,
you will also need to install DOSBox and ensure that
it is executable from your PATH.
NOTE: This code is not compatible with Windows.