public static void Main(string[] args)
var tag = new CompoundTag
["MyShort"] = new ShortTag(456),
["MyInt"] = new IntTag(4),
["MyDouble"] = new DoubleTag(57.5),
["MyCompound"] = new CompoundTag
["MyByte"] = new ByteTag(1),
["MyLong"] = new LongTag(48747),
["MyFloat"] = new FloatTag(49.84f)
["MyList"] = new ListTag
new StringTag("Named"),
new StringTag("Binary"),
new StringTag("Tag")
["MyByteArray"] = new ByteArrayTag { 1, 2, 3 },
["MyIntArray"] = new IntArrayTag { 1, 2, 3 },
["MyLongArray"] = new LongArrayTag { 1, 2, 3 }
var compressedBytes = NamedBinaryTagConverter.GetBytes(tag, true);
var compressed = NamedBinaryTagConverter.FromBytes(compressedBytes, true);
var uncompressedBytes = NamedBinaryTagConverter.GetBytes(tag);
var uncompressed = NamedBinaryTagConverter.FromBytes(uncompressedBytes);
var serialized = NamedBinaryTagConverter.GetString(tag);
public static void Main(string[] args)
var tag = new CompoundTag
["MyShort"] = new ShortTag(456),
["MyInt"] = new IntTag(4),
["MyDouble"] = new DoubleTag(57.5),
["MyCompound"] = new CompoundTag
["MyByte"] = new ByteTag(1),
["MyLong"] = new LongTag(48747),
["MyFloat"] = new FloatTag(49.84f)
["MyList"] = new ListTag
new StringTag("Named"),
new StringTag("Binary"),
new StringTag("Tag")
["MyByteArray"] = new ByteArrayTag { 1, 2, 3 },
["MyIntArray"] = new IntArrayTag { 1, 2, 3 },
["MyLongArray"] = new LongArrayTag { 1, 2, 3 }
// Without compression
using (var file = File.Create("example.nbt"))
using (var writer = new TagWriter(file))
// With compression
using (var file = File.Create("example.nbt"))
using (var writer = new CompressedTagWriter(file))
// Without compression
using (var file = File.OpenRead("example.nbt"))
using (var reader = new TagReader(file))
tag = reader.ReadTag();
// With compression
using (var file = File.OpenRead("example.nbt"))
using (var reader = new CompressedTagReader(file))
tag = reader.ReadTag();