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What is Reactive Component Loader?

@wishtack/reactive-component-loader is an Angular module that allows:

  • declarative dynamic component insertion,
  • component lazy loading and not only with the router (even with AOT enabled),
  • passing @Inputs and @Outputs easily to the dynamically inserted component (using ng-dynamic-component).

Getting Started

1. Install

yarn add @wishtack/reactive-component-loader

or npm install --save @wishtack/reactive-component-loader

2. Setup

Add ReactiveComponentLoaderModule.forRoot() to the root module.

import { ReactiveComponentLoaderModule } from '@wishtack/reactive-component-loader';

    imports: [
export class AppModule {

3. Declare lazy loaded modules

    imports: [
            moduleId: 'todo-form-v1',
            loadChildren: './todo-form-v1/todo-form-v1.module#TodoFormV1Module'
            moduleId: 'todo-form-v2',
            loadChildren: './todo-form-v2/todo-form-v2.module#TodoFormV2Module'
export class TodoListModule {

4. Lazy load components

Using <wt-lazy>...

    template: `
        [inputs]="{keywords: keywords}
        [outputs]="{keywordsChange: onKeywordsChange}">
export class SomeFeatureComponent {
    todoFormComponentLocation = {
        moduleId: 'todo-form-v1',
        selector: 'wt-todo-form-v1'
    onKeywordsChange = (keywords: string) => {

... or ngComponentOutlet

    template: `
    <ng-container *ngIf="todoFormComponentRecipe$ | async as recipe">
        <ng-container *ngComponentOutlet="recipe.componentType; ngModuleFactory: recipe.ngModuleFactory"
export class SomeFeatureComponent {
    todoFormComponentRecipe$ = this._reactiveComponentLoader.getComponentRecipe({
        moduleId: 'todo-form-v1',
        selector: 'wt-todo-form-v1'
    constructor(private _reactiveComponentLoader: ReactiveComponentLoader) {