SIGNALS_lectures Session 1 (June 8th, 13h EDT) - Introduction - emission processes - line emissivities/intensities using PyNeb - energy balance in HII regions - atomic data Session 2 (June 11th, 13h EDT) - deredenning - physical properties of HII regions - plasma diagnostics Session 3 (June 12th, 13h EDT) - abundances by direct method (ionic abundances, ICFs) - strong line methods, calibrations (empirical, theoretical) Session 4 (June 15th, 13h EDT) - Cloudy and pyCloudy - simple model, grid of models. Comparing making N models and using grid from Cloudy. - model fitting observations and limits Session 5 (June 17th, 13h EDT) - grids of models (2) - Strong lines methods and BOND models (Natalia Vale-Asarie) - 3MdB and 3MdBs Session 6 (June 19th, 13h EDT) - combined models - Topologically equivalent models - 3D models, ionization structure.