Welcome to the Python Hackathon content for getting started with APIS!
In this course, we will show you to work with with API's levraging Python. You will learn how to intract from the command prompt, how to install and consume modules, how to build simple scripts, how to call/return data from an API (using https://swapi.co/ - the Star Wars API!), and much more!
Our primary goal of this training is to get you familiar with calling and interacting with REST API's via Python.
- Python 3 (brew install python3 on Mac or https://www.python.org/downloads/ on PC)
- An IDE (highly reccomend VS Code (https://code.visualstudio.com/) with the python extensions installed)
- Gumption
- Tolerancy of Australian's (Unless you are one, in which case, you're ahead of the game!)
PR it! We want to see this set of modules grow! Help us make it better by issuing PR's (Pull Requests in Git-lingo) against content when you find something that isn't working well or that can be improved! Let's make this a community effort!
- Grant Orchard (twitter: @grantorchard email: gorchard@vmware.com)
- Cody De Arkland (twitter: @codydearkland email: cdarkland@vmware.com)