An implementation of Guided Deep Dreaming using Caffe
DeepDream is a computer vision program created by Google which uses a Convolutional Neural Network to find and enhance patterns in images via algorithmic pareidolia, thus creating a dreamlike hallucinogenic appearance in the deliberately over-processed images.
This repo demonstrates 'Guided' Deep Dreaming. It is possible to guide the dreaming process by supplying a seed image. The seed image is used to guide and influence the output.
Thank you for the amazing tutorial Mr. Adrian Rosebrock!
Requires Caffe ( to be installed with Python 2.7.
Also requires bat-country package to be installed. To do so, type:
pip install bat-country
Open the terminal. cd to the directory containing the file.
Now, run the program by passing arguments to it:
python [-h] -b BASE_MODEL [-l LAYER] -i IMAGE -g GUIDE_IMAGE -o OUTPUT
[ ] means that the argument is optional.
-h means help
-b BASE_MODEL is the base model path (path to CNN model (.cafemodel file) on your machine)
-l LAYER is the layer of the CNN to be used. If GoogLeNet is used, inception_4c/output is the default. Try conv2/3x3 and inception_3b/5x5_reduce also!
-i IMAGE is the path to the input image that is to be modified
-g GUIDE_IMAGE is the path to the guide image that will be used while dreaming
-o OUTPUT is the path to the output image
Input Image:
Guide/Seed Image:
Output Image: