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File metadata and controls

169 lines (107 loc) · 2.59 KB

SGI Loader

A class in the same form as the three.js loaders for loading and parsing SGI images.

Note Note that RLE parsing for 2 byte per channel images is untested.


const loader = new SGILoader();
    .load( 'path/to/file.rgb' )
    .then( texture => {

        // ... loaded three.js texture ...

    } );




name : String

The image name embedded in the file.


rle : Boolean

Whether the file is run length encoded or not.


dimension : Number

The number of dimensions to the stored data.


width : Number

The width of the sgi file in pixels.


height : Number

The height of the sgi file in pixels.


channels : Number

The number of color channels stored in the image.


minValue : Number

The minimum channel value in the file.


maxValue : Number

The maximum channel value in the file.


bytesPerChannel : Number

The amount of bytes used to represent a single color channel.


data : Uint16Array | Uint8Array

The SGI laid out in an array in row major order where each row has a stride of width * channels * bytesPerChannel.


Class for loading Silicon Graphics Image files


fetchOptions : Object = { credentials: 'same-origin' }

Fetch options for loading the file.


load( url : String ) : Promise<SGIResult>

Loads and parses the SGI file. The promise resolves with the returned data from the parse function.


parse( buffer : ArrayBuffer | Uint8Array ) : SGIResult

Parses the contents of the given SGI contents and returns an object describing the telemetry.


A three.js implementation of SGILoader that returns a data texture rather than raw results.

extends SGILoaderBase


manager : LoadingManager = DefaultLoadingManager


constructor( manager : LoadingManager = DefaultLoadingManager ) : void


load( url : String, texture : DataTexture = new DataTexture() ) : DataTexture

Loads and parses the SGI file and returns a DataTexture. If a DataTexture is passed into the function the data is applied to it.


parse( buffer : ArrayBuffer | Uint8Array, texture : DataTexture = new DataTexture() ) : DataTexture

Parses the contents of the given SGI contents and returns a texture.