Utility for loading Vicar file data formats as described here.
const loader = new VicarLoader();
loader.load( './path/to/file.vicar' ).then( texture => {
// ... vicar file contents as data texture ...
} );
labels : Array<{ isLabelGroup : Boolean, name : String, value : any }>
The set of header labels in the file. This includes both the header and EOL extension labels if present.
data : TypedArray
The data of the file in a typed array of the type defined by the labels.FORMAT
field with the binary prefix data stripped out.
The array is of length width * height * depth
. If complex is true then the length will be width * height * depth * 2
to account for the imaginary and real components of the values.
width : Number
The row stride of the image as defined by the labels.N1
height : Number
The height of the image as defined by the labels.N2
depth : Number
The depth of the image as defined by the labels.N3
prefixData : Uint8Array
The binary prefix data for each row defined at a Uint8Array
. The array is of length width * prefixWidth
prefixWidth : Number
The width of the binary prefix as defined by the labels.NBB
complex : Boolean
Whether the values are complex or not as dependent on the labels.FORMAT
field. This will be true
if labels.FORMAT
texture : DataTexture
The result of the Vicar content as a texture.
Three.js implementation of VicarLoaderBase.
extends VicarLoaderBase
manager : LoadingManager = DefaultLoadingManager
constructor( manager : LoadingManager = DefaultLoadingManager ) : void
load( url : String, texture : DataTexture = new DataTexture() ) : Promise<VicarTextureResult>
Loads and parses the Vicar file and returns a DataTexture. If a DataTexture is passed into the function the data is applied to it.
parse( buffer : Uint8Array | ArrayBuffer, texture : DataTexture = new DataTexture() ) : VicarTextureResult
Parses the contents of the given Vicar file and returns a texture with the contents. The content of the arrays is mapped to a 255 bit color value based on the max values.
Class for loading and parsing Vicar files.
fetchOptions : Object = { credentials: 'same-origin' }
Fetch options for loading the file.
load( url : String ) : Promise<VicarResult>
Loads and parses the Vicar file. The promise resolves with the returned data from the parse function.
parse( buffer : Uint8Array | ArrayBuffer ) : VicarResult
Parses the contents of the given Vicar file and returns an object describing the telemetry.