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Tariq Soliman edited this page Oct 2, 2019 · 5 revisions


Multi-Mission Geographical Information System is a configurable map and data viewer for the web.

Please see the first, as it's more likely to be up to date than this page.


Requirements/Tested With

  • Apache 2.2.27+
  • PHP 5.4.16+
  • SQLite3
  • GDAL 1.11.4 or 2+ with Python bindings
  • Python 2.75+


  1. Clone the repository on your server:
    git clone
  2. Because file permisions are not copied over you'll need to change some:
    From the home MMGIS directory:
    • To be able to add and edit missions:
      chmod 666 config/configconfig.json
      chmod 777 config/db
      chmod 666 config/db/config.sqlite3
      chmod 777 Missions
    • Optional If you'd like the sample Test mission fully to work:
      chmod 666 Missions/Test/config.json
      chmod 777 Missions/Test/Database/
      chmod 666 Missions/Test/Database/mmgis.sqlite3
      chmod 666 Missions/Test/Drawn/S1_speDrawings.geojson
      chmod 666 Missions/Test/Drawn/S2_speDrawings.geojson
  3. MMGIS can work with either Apache or Node:
    Within the root MMGIS directory:
    • Set the SERVER environment variable within .env to apache or node to switch between the two.
    • If you're using Node, be sure to install dependencies with npm install first (in both the root and API/ directories)and then run npm start.

And you're done!

Possible Problems:

  • Server is running SELinux and blocks writing: setenforce 0

Setting Up

MMGIS already comes with a simple sample mission called Test which is accessible in browser from [path]/MMGIS and then clicking on the Test mission.

In order to set up your own missions, navigate to [path]/MMGIS/configure and either modify Test or create a New Mission. For instructions on how to use the configuration page visit the Configure Wiki.

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