Mission Model Canary #7368
8 errors and 1 notice
Test (e2e):
1) [e2e tests] › tests/model.test.ts:143:3 › Model › Should successfully save the model changes ──
Error: Timed out 5000ms waiting for expect(locator).toBeVisible()
Locator: getByRole('treegrid').getByRole('row', { name: 'zany_ivory_loon' })
Expected: visible
Received: <element(s) not found>
Call log:
- expect.toBeVisible with timeout 5000ms
- waiting for getByRole('treegrid').getByRole('row', { name: 'zany_ivory_loon' })
at fixtures/Models.ts:110
108 | await filterIcon.click();
109 | await this.page.locator('.ag-popup').getByRole('textbox', { name: 'Filter Value' }).first().fill(modelName);
> 110 | await expect(this.table.getByRole('row', { name: modelName })).toBeVisible();
| ^
111 | await this.page.keyboard.press('Escape');
112 | }
113 |
at Models.filterTable (/home/runner/work/aerie-ui/aerie-ui/e2e-tests/fixtures/Models.ts:110:68)
at Models.deleteModel (/home/runner/work/aerie-ui/aerie-ui/e2e-tests/fixtures/Models.ts:57:5)
at /home/runner/work/aerie-ui/aerie-ui/e2e-tests/tests/model.test.ts:62:3
Test (e2e):
2) [e2e tests] › tests/plan-activity-presets.test.ts:73:3 › Plan Activity Presets › Setting a preset to a directive should update the parameter values
"beforeAll" hook timeout of 30000ms exceeded.
16 | let schedulingGoals: SchedulingGoals;
17 |
> 18 | test.beforeAll(async ({ baseURL, browser }) => {
| ^
19 | context = await browser.newContext();
20 | page = await context.newPage();
21 |
at /home/runner/work/aerie-ui/aerie-ui/e2e-tests/tests/plan-activity-presets.test.ts:18:6
Test (e2e):
2) [e2e tests] › tests/plan-activity-presets.test.ts:73:3 › Plan Activity Presets › Setting a preset to a directive should update the parameter values
Error: locator.click: Target page, context or browser has been closed
Call log:
- waiting for locator('[data-component-name="ActivityFormPanel"]').getByRole('combobox', { name: 'None' })
at fixtures/Plan.ts:252
250 |
251 | async fillActivityPresetName(presetName: string) {
> 252 | await this.panelActivityForm.getByRole('combobox', { name: 'None' }).click();
| ^
253 | await this.panelActivityForm.locator('.dropdown-header').waitFor({ state: 'attached' });
254 | await this.panelActivityForm.getByPlaceholder('Enter preset name').click();
255 | await this.panelActivityForm.getByPlaceholder('Enter preset name').fill(presetName);
at Plan.fillActivityPresetName (/home/runner/work/aerie-ui/aerie-ui/e2e-tests/fixtures/Plan.ts:252:74)
at /home/runner/work/aerie-ui/aerie-ui/e2e-tests/tests/plan-activity-presets.test.ts:49:14
Test (e2e):
2) [e2e tests] › tests/plan-activity-presets.test.ts:73:3 › Plan Activity Presets › Setting a preset to a directive should update the parameter values
Retry #1 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
"beforeAll" hook timeout of 30000ms exceeded.
16 | let schedulingGoals: SchedulingGoals;
17 |
> 18 | test.beforeAll(async ({ baseURL, browser }) => {
| ^
19 | context = await browser.newContext();
20 | page = await context.newPage();
21 |
at /home/runner/work/aerie-ui/aerie-ui/e2e-tests/tests/plan-activity-presets.test.ts:18:6
Test (e2e):
2) [e2e tests] › tests/plan-activity-presets.test.ts:73:3 › Plan Activity Presets › Setting a preset to a directive should update the parameter values
Retry #1 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Error: locator.click: Target page, context or browser has been closed
Call log:
- waiting for locator('[data-component-name="ActivityFormPanel"]').getByRole('combobox', { name: 'None' })
at fixtures/Plan.ts:252
250 |
251 | async fillActivityPresetName(presetName: string) {
> 252 | await this.panelActivityForm.getByRole('combobox', { name: 'None' }).click();
| ^
253 | await this.panelActivityForm.locator('.dropdown-header').waitFor({ state: 'attached' });
254 | await this.panelActivityForm.getByPlaceholder('Enter preset name').click();
255 | await this.panelActivityForm.getByPlaceholder('Enter preset name').fill(presetName);
at Plan.fillActivityPresetName (/home/runner/work/aerie-ui/aerie-ui/e2e-tests/fixtures/Plan.ts:252:74)
at /home/runner/work/aerie-ui/aerie-ui/e2e-tests/tests/plan-activity-presets.test.ts:49:14
Test (e2e):
3) [e2e tests] › tests/plan-external-source.test.ts:144:3 › Plan External Sources › Cards should be shown when a new external source is uploaded
Retry #1 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Error: Timed out 5000ms waiting for expect(locator).toBeVisible()
Locator: getByText('New files matching source types and derivation groups in the current plan')
Expected: visible
Received: <element(s) not found>
Call log:
- expect.toBeVisible with timeout 5000ms
- waiting for getByText('New files matching source types and derivation groups in the current plan')
170 | await expect(
171 | page.getByText('New files matching source types and derivation groups in the current plan'),
> 172 | ).toBeVisible();
| ^
173 |
174 | await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Dismiss' }).click();
175 |
at /home/runner/work/aerie-ui/aerie-ui/e2e-tests/tests/plan-external-source.test.ts:172:7
Test (e2e):
4) [e2e tests] › tests/plan-external-source.test.ts:190:3 › Plan External Sources › Linked derivation groups should be expandable in panel
Test timeout of 30000ms exceeded.
Test (e2e):
4) [e2e tests] › tests/plan-external-source.test.ts:190:3 › Plan External Sources › Linked derivation groups should be expandable in panel
Error: locator.click: Target page, context or browser has been closed
Call log:
- waiting for getByRole('button', { name: 'ExampleExternalSource:example-external-source.json' })
205 | // Expand all collapse buttons and validate fields appear
206 | await page.getByRole('button', { name: `Derivation group ${externalSources.exampleDerivationGroup}` }).click();
> 207 | await page.getByRole('button', { name: `ExampleExternalSource:${externalSources.externalSourceFileName}` }).click();
| ^
208 | // TODO: Event types shown underneath derivation groups is work to-be-implemented!
209 | //await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'View Contained Event Types' }).click();
210 |
at /home/runner/work/aerie-ui/aerie-ui/e2e-tests/tests/plan-external-source.test.ts:207:113
Test (e2e)
4 flaky
[e2e tests] › tests/model.test.ts:143:3 › Model › Should successfully save the model changes ───
[e2e tests] › tests/plan-activity-presets.test.ts:73:3 › Plan Activity Presets › Setting a preset to a directive should update the parameter values
[e2e tests] › tests/plan-external-source.test.ts:144:3 › Plan External Sources › Cards should be shown when a new external source is uploaded
[e2e tests] › tests/plan-external-source.test.ts:190:3 › Plan External Sources › Linked derivation groups should be expandable in panel
185 passed (8.3m)